11/20/13 01:56AM
Vorp said:
Anyone up for a battle? I just finished training my post-game team.

I'd say yes but I'm not done with mine yet. ._.
11/20/13 01:57AM
Zyii said:
I'd say yes but I'm not done with mine yet. ._.

I'm in the same boat, unfortunately. I still don't have my final Pokemon bred yet. =/
11/20/13 01:06PM
I'm noticing that, in spite of seeming to be everyone on the internet's favorite psychic-type pokemon with hypnosis in its move pool, there is very little Gardevoirdom art out there. Should we, the artists and manippers, correct this? I've got a full plate at the moment, but I'm willing to throw something together if the answer is yes.

(Note: I am aware of Hypno.)
11/21/13 02:45AM
BML-20XX said:
I'm noticing that, in spite of seeming to be everyone on the internet's favorite psychic-type pokemon with hypnosis in its move pool, there is very little Gardevoirdom art out there. Should we, the artists and manippers, correct this? I've got a full plate at the moment, but I'm willing to throw something together if the answer is yes.

(Note: I am aware of Hypno.)

Hells yes! I'd be down for making some Gardevoirdom manips.
11/21/13 04:24AM
Oh wow an X/Y thread. I've been missing out here. Goes to show I should check the forum more often. I can toss my friend code out there if anyone's interested in breeding rejects. I've just started getting really back into my breeding experiments like I remember doing back during Diamond and Pearl. I've also started gathering a collection of hidden ability pokemon that I can try to breed for people that need/want when I have time. Currently in the process of making a Sun Team. So freaking jealous of Rain teams, they have way more versatility when it comes to types.

And BML: God yes that would be awesome. Always needs more Gardevoir. Though blasphemy aside I don't think I've ever seen any Gardevoir sub pictures.

Anyway, friend code's : 0688-5251-2413 and my friend safari is:

Not terribly exciting I know but eh. Friend Guard Vivillon is nice... I think. :/

Edit: Wow ok so I apparently missed the first Gardevoir thing posted here was sub. Whoops. Scratch that then.
11/21/13 04:42AM
Chibideath said:

Anyway, friend code's : 0688-5251-2413 and my friend safari is:

Not terribly exciting I know but eh. Friend Guard Vivillon is nice... I think. :/

Consider yourself added. My FC is 0061-0543-5828
I don't have the game yet, but I'm told I have a lovely rock garden, so you can help yourself to any mollusks you find in it.
11/21/13 05:58AM
Chibideath said:
Anyway, friend code's : 0688-5251-2413

I added you to the first post. I'll add you to my friends list soon. Sorry for taking so long.
11/21/13 06:05AM
Mindwipe said:
I added you to the first post. I'll add you to my friends list soon. Sorry for taking so long.

Oh, no pressure. I figure I'll add people that want to add me. And anyone with a Snorunt or Piloswine Friend Safari. I kinda need those. <_<
11/21/13 06:42AM
Chibideath said:
Anyway, friend code's : 0688-5251-2413 and my friend safari is:

Added you!
11/21/13 09:55AM
Got the draft finished. Took a long time because reasons.
If I got anything wrong or specific changes are wanted please tell me now.
And yes, it's POV femdom again.

Edit: Done.
post #10823
11/22/13 03:12AM
Btw, just added Lunakiri, Astral, Mr. Gerp, Hypster, and Chibideath.
11/22/13 03:34AM
Added y'all back. Once I'm done this latest batch of breeding experiments I'll put up a list if y'all want of the rejects that I can pass out to those that want them. Like, for example I have Vulpixes with Drought, Ralts' with Telepathy (two friggin' boxes worth...) and a few Eevees with Anticipation. More info later for anyone interested.

Edit: Oh, Mindwipe. For easier identification in-game for those of us who've added one another it may be a good idea to add our in-game names to the main post after our friend codes. Like, for example, my character name is Shad. Just a thought.
11/22/13 04:54AM
Gardevoirdom GET! :D (warning: futa)
11/23/13 05:20AM
AdiZonato2.0 said:
P.S.: Mindwipe, could you please add the 2.0 to my name in the first post.

Okey dokey. As for the character names, that's no a bad idea. I'll get around to it.
11/23/13 05:27PM
The friend safari names you based not on your IGN, but your Mii's name. So I think both should be placed if we're ID'ing people's FCs and such.
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