11/25/13 09:39AM
Man, how long have I been gone?

Alright so I'm almost done with my competitive team, as breeding them has kept me away for longer then I could remember. o.o

I'll add anyone whose joined in from the Hub as well! :) If you guys need anything, items, bred Pokemon for IVs/HiddenAbilities/etc, feel free to let me know! Me and a few partners have been breeding like crazy!

Also, I'm in favor of more Gardevoir :P
11/26/13 02:43PM
Okay, so I've just been mindlessly catching Dittos from my Ditto FS, literally paying zero attention to what's on the screen, and I just barely noticed I was facing a shiny Minccino in time to hit False Swipe instead of Night Slash. But it was so close I ended up wondering just how many other shinies I killed without even noticing...
(I think this is my 3rd captured shiny ever, BTW. Pretty happy because Mincinno is super cute, even though it's Relaxed and has Technician instead of Skill Link.)

e: lol, I read somewhere that the median number of Dittos you need to catch to get one of every nature is 90. Guess how many it took me to finally get my Timid one... exactly 90.
12/10/13 02:35AM
Soooo hey, anyone online atm? I need to evolve my Pumpkaboo via trade if anyone has a moment.
(Also, I've got a couple Sassy natured Dittos w/ Imposter, if anyone wants one)
12/10/13 08:28PM
Awright, why not...
Friend Code: 0130-1806-8218
12/10/13 09:52PM
Xudmud said:
Awright, why not...
Friend Code: 0130-1806-8218

Just added you.
I've still got a buncha Friend Safari Dittos, if anyone wants one. Aaaand I still need to trade my Pumpkaboo, if anyone's got a minute.
12/12/13 02:30PM
I can't believe how easy it is to breed 5IV flawless Pokemon now. I've never tried it before, and it probably took me four hours, starting from scratch, to end up with a 5IV Rotom. Unfortunately it's Modest, because I wasn't thinking my nature selection through very well, but oh well... I have about 50 spare Modest Rotoms, and probably 10 of them are 4 IV, maybe 15 are 3 IV. If anybody wants one let me know; I'll also probably end up making more in a few days to get a Bold one.
01/11/14 10:27PM
Picked myself up a copy of Y version. Late to the party as usual, that's me. Grabbed the psychic starter and was going to name him Rutsu after Master Rutsu from Phantasy Star Universe, but "he" turned out being a girl. Rutsuko and I have two gym badges and are working on the third. Are there any exclusive pokemon that I can attain that any of you can't? Barring legendaries, events, and other one-time-catch mons, I'm willing and eager to trade.
01/11/14 10:57PM
01/11/14 10:58PM
I need to get back to this game. I'm still working on getting the last Pokemon for my post game party. (Super jealous of those who have Ditto friend safaris.)
01/12/14 03:10AM
Haha, I was actually just thinking of posting in this thread. I'm now the proud owner of a shiny Girafarig. Named her Stimits (a palindrome of Stimpy. 'Cuz of the blue nose. :P)

Anyone up for a battle?
01/12/14 01:11PM
I should probably start playing it more too. The only time I've really played it has been on the few bus rides when i go back home for break.
01/12/14 08:04PM
I stopped playing Y a month ago or so.

To start playing White 2 for the first time OTZ

Picked up Y again recently though, and now I'm tearing my hair out breeding Jolly Dragon Dance Charmanders. I have a 4 IV female (with DD) and a 5 IV male in the daycare, which should have just under 10% of popping another 5IV, but 25 eggs later and I've had no luck D:

Also, has anyone managed to beat Super mode in the Battle Maison? I got to battle 41 in Super Singles with Dragonite, Mega Gengar, and Rotom-W, but it's so hard to cover everything with just 3 Pokemon... I can't even imagine getting 200 wins in a row for a Starf berry,
01/12/14 09:42PM
Vorp said:
Haha, I was actually just thinking of posting in this thread. I'm now the proud owner of a shiny Girafarig. Named her Stimits (a palindrome of Stimpy. 'Cuz of the blue nose. :P)

Anyone up for a battle?


He will
01/13/14 11:55PM
petal said:
Also, has anyone managed to beat Super mode in the Battle Maison? I got to battle 41 in Super Singles with Dragonite, Mega Gengar, and Rotom-W, but it's so hard to cover everything with just 3 Pokemon... I can't even imagine getting 200 wins in a row for a Starf berry,

I managed to get 50 wins in Super... after I copied someone's team who made it to 200 wins. I just suck at battling.

The team was
Greninja @ Life Orb
Timid Nature
EV's: 4 HP/252 SpA/252 Spe

Dark Pulse
Ice Beam
Grass Knot

Garchomp @ Leftovers
Jolly Nature
Rough Skin
EV's: 4 HP/252 Atk/252 Spe

Swords Dance
Dragon Claw
Stone Edge

Mawile @ Mawilite
Adamant Nature
EV's: 124 HP/252 Atk/132 Spe

Iron Head
Play Rough
Sucker Punch
01/14/14 05:36AM
Cradily said:
50 wins in Super

So, yeah. I just got that too, and it was kind of like shooting fish in a barrel. Mega Kanga is pretty much a broken piece of shit, and I mean that in the nicest way possible.

Kangaskhan @ Kangaskhanite
Early Bird (Scrappy is probably better but I didn't want to hatch more eggs)
4 HP/252 Atk/252 Spe

Power-up Punch
Sucker Punch


(you do need something to take Fighting moves though, and Gengar was shaky since a lot of Fighters just punch through his bad Def with their coverage moves. I hear SubDisable Gar is a good partner for Kanga, but mine doesn't have the egg move.)
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