02/05/14 10:45PM

I just got the most amazing Smeargle.

Check out this moveset:
Mean Look

You Spore your opponent to put them to sleep. Then you Mean Look them so they can't escape. Even if they do switch out, the next 'mon is stuck with you. After that, use Imprison, preventing them from using any of your moves. Use Transform, and all they can do is Struggle themselves to death. :D

I've given him a Focus Sash so that he can survive at least one hit, and even then, it's kind of a crapshoot. But goddamn is it fun when it works~
02/08/14 11:10AM
So about an hour ago I was doing some harmless wondertrading. You know, trade some level 1 bred pokemon when all of a sudden I see that I'm trading for a Meganium. Needless to say I was shocked and also multitasking so I didn't get a good glimpse of it. I went into my pc to check it out. Not only is it a Meganium, but it is also level 100 and shiny. Definitely hacked and showing no signs of messing up my game. I think I found a nice little addition to my collection.
02/08/14 02:34PM
Finally able to transfer forward my shiny Ralts from Diamond.
Right now, though, she is being babysat by an old man in Anistar.
02/11/14 12:11AM
So I'm a bit late with this but I've been loving X. I skipped Black and White for reasons I barely remember, but either way the game is awesome. My code is 3179-7191-8075
02/12/14 10:39PM
Don't forget my FC: 3153-4983-6386 I will add all of you to my friend list right now. And i forget to say that in-game I'm Arcolel.
02/22/14 03:32AM
REALLY sorry for falling asleep on this thread, guys. I think I've added everyone's friend codes to the first post now. Was there more information people wanted added? I forgot. Trying to get back to playing this game a bit.
03/12/14 12:46AM
0920 - 1363 - 5387.

Also the greatest thing is to have your friends' nickname for you be "Master"
03/12/14 12:52AM
Svennerson said:
Also the greatest thing is to have your friends' nickname for you be "Master"

*laughs* I bet!
03/12/14 07:39AM
Svennerson said:
0920 - 1363 - 5387.

Also the greatest thing is to have your friends' nickname for you be "Master"

Or they can call you sausage. That will turn a few heads
04/03/14 11:44PM
So I'm making a three-man hail-based team at the moment. So far, I've got...

Abomasnow w/ Icy Rock
Wood Hammer
Ice Shard
Rock Slide

Rotom (Fridge form) w/ Choice Scarf
Volt Switch

But now I need a third 'mon to round it out. Any suggestions?
04/04/14 12:01AM
Vorp said:
So I'm making a three-man hail-based team at the moment. So far, I've got...

Abomasnow w/ Icy Rock
Wood Hammer
Ice Shard
Rock Slide

Rotom (Fridge form) w/ Choice Scarf
Volt Switch

But now I need a third 'mon to round it out. Any suggestions?

Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm gardevior cause they are sexy
04/04/14 12:20AM
Nadiatheberzerker said:
Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm gardevior cause they are sexy

I came up with a moveset for a Mega Gardevoir, but haven't had a chance to try it out. (Chromia's still being babysat over in Anistar.) You'll need to transfer a Ralts around your older games to do it, but Hypnosis (obviously), Dream Eater, Swift, and Telekinesis. If you don't mind setting up your moves in low-accuracy scenarios Swift can probably be swapped out for something else, like Hyper Beam.
04/04/14 04:41AM
Vorp said:
So I'm making a three-man hail-based team at the moment.

Three-man hail is insanely hard to pull off and pretty ballsy IMO. I have two suggestions, don't know how good either of them are though. I'm assuming this is on Battle Spot so Kyurem-B is banned, M-Kanga/Blaze/M-Luke aren't, and there's an Item Clause in effect.

If you want to go mono-ice, I don't think Sturdy Avalugg with a Rocky Helmet is a bad idea. You definitely want Sturdy over ice body since the battle isn't going to last long enough for Ice Body to matter. He can actually stop M-Kanga and Blaziken if they haven't set up all the way, he can revenge Talonflame with Rock Slide or Avalanche, and he can kill a special attacker with Mirror Coat.

If you're okay with another type, you could try Rocky Helmet-Rough Skin Garchomp? Again, he'll wear down Kanga who eats you for breakfast otherwise, he outruns a lot even with no scarf, and if you run say Outrage/EQ/Fire Blast/Iron Head he can take care of Aegislash and other Steels fairly well. A Scarf would probably be better but you've got one on Rotom already and I think it needs it more.

Also you could consider using Abomasite over the Icy Rock to hit harder since the battle won't last very long in the first place, but maybe you want the hail to stick around so Rotom can always land its Blizzards, I don't know.

BML-20XX said:
I came up with a moveset for a Mega Gardevoir, but haven't had a chance to try it out. (Chromia's still being babysat over in Anistar.) You'll need to transfer a Ralts around your older games to do it, but Hypnosis (obviously), Dream Eater, Swift, and Telekinesis. If you don't mind setting up your moves in low-accuracy scenarios Swift can probably be swapped out for something else, like Hyper Beam.

Since you're already transferring up, is there a reason for using Swift instead of Hyper Voice? Telekinesis is going to give you effectively perfect accuracy anyways.
04/04/14 04:56AM
petal said:

Since you're already transferring up, is there a reason for using Swift instead of Hyper Voice? Telekinesis is going to give you effectively perfect accuracy anyways.

Insurance move. I might not be able to set up a Telekinesis.
04/04/14 05:10AM
BML-20XX said:
Insurance move. I might not be able to set up a Telekinesis.

Okay but why Swift? There are plenty of stronger moves with 100 accuracy and it's not RBY so they won't miss 1/512 of the time (I have lost RBY battles because of this, fucking Surflax missing.) If you're worried about Evasion boosters you could run Defog Mandibuzz instead and probably do a better job.
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