04/04/14 06:37AM
TakyonH said:
Okay but why Swift? There are plenty of stronger moves with 100 accuracy and it's not RBY so they won't miss 1/512 of the time (I have lost RBY battles because of this, fucking Surflax missing.) If you're worried about Evasion boosters you could run Defog Mandibuzz instead and probably do a better job.

Swift, being Normal type, benefits from Pixielate. It's the only always-hit move I've found that Mega Gardevoir can get STAB with.
04/04/14 07:10AM
petal said:
Also you could consider using Abomasite over the Icy Rock to hit harder since the battle won't last very long in the first place, but maybe you want the hail to stick around so Rotom can always land its Blizzards, I don't know.

Mayhap I'll go with Abomasite. Mostly I just wanted to build a team around Rotom-F, who's kind of garbage outside of hail. Abomasnow seemed like the best option for setting the hail up.

petal said:
I'm assuming this is on Battle Spot so Kyurem-B is banned, M-Kanga/Blaze/M-Luke aren't, and there's an Item Clause in effect.

I'll never understand GameFreak's choices regarding what is and isn't banned. Latios and Latias are a-ok, but Phione is banned. Phione.

I've got a sick as hell rain team built around Phione, too. :(

petal said:
If you're okay with another type, you could try Rocky Helmet-Rough Skin Garchomp? Again, he'll wear down Kanga who eats you for breakfast otherwise, he outruns a lot even with no scarf, and if you run say Outrage/EQ/Fire Blast/Iron Head he can take care of Aegislash and other Steels fairly well. A Scarf would probably be better but you've got one on Rotom already and I think it needs it more.

That sounds really good, actually. I'll give that a go.
04/20/14 02:23PM
For everyone with my friend safari, I just hit post game, so a third mon should be appearing.
04/20/14 06:11PM
BML-20XX said:
For everyone with my friend safari, I just hit post game, so a third mon should be appearing.

We both have to be online for that to work right?
04/21/14 09:25PM
MrGerp said:
We both have to be online for that to work right?

Tested it last night, and apparently not.
I think the both online thing is to guarantee one perfect IV.
08/09/14 11:38PM
<<|Necroing this thread>>

Couple of things I wanna say. First, I accidentally my friend safari data, and now nobody is registered as post-game. Derp. Need to fix that.

Second, how would everyone feel about Mega Gardevoir x Mega Lopunny Femdom-Femsub?
08/10/14 08:02AM
BML-20XX said:
Second, how would everyone feel about Mega Gardevoir x Mega Lopunny Femdom-Femsub?

Yeeees pls
08/11/14 01:11AM
Sure, Wynaut? XD
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