10/16/13 10:25PM
Jabberwocky said:
Fairy-type's a liiiittle overpowered

Wait, how is it overpowered? I mean, I haven't encountered too many Fairy-types, but they're weak to Poison and Steel, which aren't at all uncommon types, and their only semi-unique strength is against Dragon-types. Not to mention, aren't there only 6 Fairy-type moves that actually do damage? And 1 of them is unique to the Pokemon X legendary.
10/17/13 12:42AM
I'm surprised nobody has mentioned Malamar yet, the series' most hypnotic pokemon (according to x's pokedex). It even has tentacles!
10/17/13 12:55AM
huxley said:
I'm surprised nobody has mentioned Malamar yet, the series' most hypnotic pokemon (according to x's pokedex). It even has tentacles!

Well, I did mention it... on Hypnobooru before the games came out (I also said I was expecting a lot of hypno-tentacle rape art, but nothing so far). I was actually looking forward to catching an Inkay to evolve into Malamar, but when I finally caught one, it seemed weaker than the Espurr I already had. And since no one has complete information (learned moves, base stats) on ANY of the Pokemon in these games so far, I've been sadly reluctant to take risks with the Gen 6 Pokemon.

Edit: Also, I just stumbled upon this Pokedex entry for Aegislash on Bulbapedia:

Pokemon X Pokedex said:
Generations of kings were attended by these Pokémon, which used their spectral power to manipulate and control people and Pokémon.
10/17/13 07:39AM
Gotta say I'm pretty disappointed there's apparently only 69 new pokemon this time around. If you count the mega evolutions then there's 99, which I guess would make sense (unless there's more than 28 megas? I don't know)

I don't think I need to tell anyone that Pangoro is basically the best Pokemon ever, though.
10/17/13 10:58AM
petal said:
Gotta say I'm pretty disappointed there's apparently only 69 new pokemon this time around.

I don't know, I'm actually rather grateful of that. There's already a ridiculous number of Pokemon. I used to be able to name them all and tell you their types, but I've reached the point where I can't anymore. There are still several Gen 5 Pokemon I can't name on sight. 69 is still a pretty high number, even if it's the lowest a new entry has had so far.

Anyway, FINALLY got my 2nd badge, lol. The only thing that sucks is all my battles have been ridiculously easy, since my Pokemon are all leveling up crazy fast thanks to the Exp. Share.
10/18/13 01:07AM
Since 3DS games can get patched through the internet (I think?) it would be cool if they roll out more Pokemon as time goes by. I guess 718 is a whole lot, though.
10/18/13 02:11AM
A Psychic in this game tells you that your Pokemon's power levels are "over 9000, for sure". *applause*

I hate that they made Mareep only appear in hordes. I was glad to finally get to where I can catch one, and they're all level 13, and my party is in the mid-30s. I had to just take the first one I didn't KO (Quirky nature; at least it's nothing detrimental).

Thinking ahead now: One of my favorite Pokemon of all time, Scizor, is obtainable in this game (with a Mega Evolution to boot), and since a couple of the folks here have been gracious enough to share their friend codes with me, I don't have to worry about not being able to evolve a Scyther. So... assuming I have to breed a Scyther (seeing as how they don't appear until late in the game, and are probably at high levels in the wild), is it better to evolve it at level 1, or should I level it up a bit as a Scyther before evolving it? And would it be better to focus the bulk of its Super Training in Attack and Defense, or should I think about upping its mediocre Speed?
10/18/13 03:54AM
If you want a Scizor, I would strongly recommend getting a Scyther with Technician and not Swarm, which is pretty useless. Technician is very awesome. Adamant or Jolly are probably the best natures.

Scyther learns no interesting moves by level up that Scizor doesn't learn too, so I don't see any reason to wait. Super Training is really really not necessary in the main game (assuming EVs still work the same as they did in previous generations) but it totally depends on what you want your Scizor to do. You should pretty much always max Attack, though. If you want survivability, go for HP over Defense, but since in-game trainers don't EV train their Pokemon (at least, they didn't in the past. If they do now just ignore me) buffing your Scizor's Speed could let you run circles around a lot of things. An absolute max Speed Scizor (31 IVs, +Nature, 252 EV) outruns a min speed Jolteon (0 IVs, -Nature, 0 EV), after all! If you're planning on using Technician+Bullet Punch+Swords Dance, which is very, very unfair, by the way, you probably won't need to worry about Speed that much, though. If it was me, I'd probably go Adamant with 252 Attack EVs and 252 Speed EVs, but hey.

...do I need to wear a NERD hat now? I haven't played "hardcore" Pokemon for years, I promise!
10/18/13 04:10AM
petal said:
If you want a Scizor, I would strongly recommend getting a Scyther with Technician and not Swarm, which is pretty useless. Technician is very awesome. Adamant or Jolly are probably the best natures.

Already planned on that.

Scyther learns no interesting moves by level up that Scizor doesn't learn too, so I don't see any reason to wait. Super Training is really really not necessary in the main game (assuming EVs still work the same as they did in previous generations) but it totally depends on what you want your Scizor to do. You should pretty much always max Attack, though. If you want survivability, go for HP over Defense, but since in-game trainers don't EV train their Pokemon (at least, they didn't in the past. If they do now just ignore me) buffing your Scizor's Speed could let you run circles around a lot of things. An absolute max Speed Scizor (31 IVs, +Nature, 252 EV) outruns a min speed Jolteon (0 IVs, -Nature, 0 EV), after all! If you're planning on using Technician+Bullet Punch+Swords Dance, which is very, very unfair, by the way, you probably won't need to worry about Speed that much, though. If it was me, I'd probably go Adamant with 252 Attack EVs and 252 Speed EVs, but hey.

Well, that answers one question and gives me something to think about. I'm still not a competitive battler, but who's to say I won't want to challenge some of the folks here once I'm finished with the main game? (Though I'll probably get my ass kicked. It took me until this game to figure out the basics of EVs, and I still don't understand IVs. When the fuck did Pokemon become complex?) And I really doubt EVs work the same in this game. I've maxed the EVs of several Pokemon so far in Super Training, and it always ends on an even number, never a 255. So, something's different.

I haven't played "hardcore" Pokemon for years, I promise!

What saddens me is I used to be one of the more knowledgeable battlers amongst my old group of friends, but now I'm a novice. Anytime I hear someone talk about IVs, EVs, advanced breeding techniques, and other competitive stuff, I start to curl into a ball and hide.
10/18/13 04:37AM
Loving the everloving dickens out of this game. :3
The battles look super-lively, a far cry from the static sprites we had just two games ago. Wish it was full 3D, though. Kinda jarring going from the flat overworld to the 3D battles. :\

My friend code is 4124-5077-2959, if anyone wants to add me.
10/18/13 04:54AM
Vorp said:
The battles look super-lively, a far cry from the static sprites we had just two games ago. Wish it was full 3D, though. Kinda jarring going from the flat overworld to the 3D battles. :\

Well, a few areas are in 3D. Horde battles also aren't in 3D, presumably because it would kill the framerate (it already drags a little, even without the 3D).

Anyway, YAY! Another friend! I need to remember to connect to the internet more in my game. Also, I think everyone I've friended so far has Pokemon X. So that's interesting (if boring).
10/18/13 05:19AM
I can't believe I just noticed this thread, I really am hating work right now ahahaorz;


I'm so glad and excited and really happy with how its turned out~ I love the trainer customization so much and Pokemon-Amie too, just... the whole game really...

I'm actually already on Victory Road at this point with Level 72 Pokemon, which is honestly the first time ever I've been so overleveled; Since usually in my runs I'm underleveled but apparently this is a new trend for me since White2. I should post my FC too because at this point, Pokemon is my life again.


Hope you guys don't mind me hoarding your FC's too. :'Dc
10/18/13 05:27AM
Ooh, I have Y! My FC is 4940-5522-9449.

Guess I'll add everybody who posted theirs here since I've got time now.

(I don't really know how friend codes work)
10/18/13 05:38AM
Zyii said:
I'm actually already on Victory Road at this point with Level 72 Pokemon

Gah! I feel so far behind everyone. Of course, that's my own fault for dicking around catching Pokemon I'll never train and pumping up Pokemon I'd probably replace if I was actually serious about battling.

petal said:
(I don't really know how friend codes work)

I didn't either, but you literally just add their codes and wait for them to add yours (no waiting involved if they've already added yours).
10/18/13 05:39AM
petal said:
Ooh, I have Y!

I never mentioned which i have BUT I have both and am playing Y atm before I mess around in X for the Pokemon and other exclusives~

petal said:
(I don't really know how friend codes work)

They're a wonderful and mysterious thing that work when you both add each other~ /o/
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