10/18/13 09:06AM
petal said:
Ooh, I have Y! My FC is 4940-5522-9449.

Guess I'll add everybody who posted theirs here since I've got time now.

(I don't really know how friend codes work)

I'll be grabbing everybody else too then! WOOOO Trading Party!
10/18/13 03:34PM
I feel awfully silly getting an Inkay just so I can have a Malamar on my team. Though I just plain really like octopi, they're my favourite animals, it being hypnotic is just a bonus. I'm also desperate to get a Noibat, I simply must have one.

If you can't tell, yeah, I'm not terribly competitive at these games, I just go with what I like regardless of stuff like their natures and such. So long as I have a good spread of types over my team.
10/18/13 06:45PM
Mr.H said:
I feel awfully silly getting an Inkay just so I can have a Malamar on my team. Though I just plain really like octopi, they're my favourite animals, it being hypnotic is just a bonus. I'm also desperate to get a Noibat, I simply must have one.

The only reason why I don't have an Inkay or Malamar yet is because I have a Delphox so I didn't want too many of the same types on my team;;

I'm pretty sure when I play X I'll definitely have one though. :3c

Mr.H said:
If you can't tell, yeah, I'm not terribly competitive at these games, I just go with what I like regardless of stuff like their natures and such. So long as I have a good spread of types over my team.

That's why I love Pokemon so much, since you could play either way~ I do have a bit of competitiveness since I dislike seeing my team lose, but its more of a 'I don't wanna see my babies get hurt' than a 'GONNA TAKE YOU PUNKS DOWN' sorta thing you know?

Can I also mention how disappointed I am that not many people spend time on their PR Videos? I thought it was really neat and ended up spending about like... 30-45 mins on mine I think with my friend ahaha;
10/18/13 10:20PM
After looking up Malamar's stats on Serebii, I gotta say... it kinda sucks. =/ I mean, maybe it learns some awesome attacks to make up for it, but its stats are all pretty puny.

Zyii said:
Can I also mention how disappointed I am that not many people spend time on their PR Videos? I thought it was really neat and ended up spending about like... 30-45 mins on mine I think with my friend ahaha;

I'll spend more time on mine, but I want to get more customization items first. My character's only slightly more than a pallet swap of the default right now.
10/18/13 10:51PM
Zyii said:
The only reason why I don't have an Inkay or Malamar yet is because I have a Delphox so I didn't want too many of the same types on my team;;

I'm pretty sure when I play X I'll definitely have one though. :3c

That's why I love Pokemon so much, since you could play either way~ I do have a bit of competitiveness since I dislike seeing my team lose, but its more of a 'I don't wanna see my babies get hurt' than a 'GONNA TAKE YOU PUNKS DOWN' sorta thing you know?

Hmm true that, I often find taking a game too seriously sucks the fun out of it anyway. I'll stick with Inkay until I get a better psychic I suppose, sucky stats or not.

Still need to figure out what to use for the sixth slot, thinking of a ghost type or electric type. Not sure just yet.
10/18/13 10:59PM
Mindwipe said:
After looking up Malamar's stats on Serebii, I gotta say... it kinda sucks. =/ I mean, maybe it learns some awesome attacks to make up for it, but its stats are all pretty puny.

Movesets are live on Serebii for it, and its moveset is pretty shallow. I'm kinda disappointed too but who knows, maybe remake will give it more moves with the move tutors that seem to always pop up.

Mindwipe said:
I'll spend more time on mine, but I want to get more customization items first. My character's only slightly more than a pallet swap of the default right now.

I get where you're coming from, its only now that I'm satisfied with how my trainer looks, though luckily you can update the video whenever without having to start from scratch so go team~

Mr.H said:
Still need to figure out what to use for the sixth slot, thinking of a ghost type or electric type. Not sure just yet.

I haven't found one yet in the wild but I fought a Rotom once, I can't seem to find it in my Pokedex for some odd reason though.
10/18/13 11:39PM
Mr.H said:
Hmm true that, I often find taking a game too seriously sucks the fun out of it anyway. I'll stick with Inkay until I get a better psychic I suppose, sucky stats or not.

I caught a female Espurr before I got to where Inkay is, and it's still part of my team (as a Meowstic). They have rather impressive Sp. Atk, and the females learn some pretty powerful moves (the males learn support moves).

Still need to figure out what to use for the sixth slot, thinking of a ghost type or electric type. Not sure just yet.

I guess it all depends on the rest of your team. I usually always try to have an Electric type on my team. Having only one weakness has its advantages.

Zyii said:
I haven't found one yet in the wild but I fought a Rotom once, I can't seem to find it in my Pokedex for some odd reason though.

According to Serebii, it's number 68 in the Mountain Pokedex.
10/19/13 12:25AM
Mindwipe said:
According to Serebii, it's number 68 in the Mountain Pokedex.

I then realized and remembered that searching by type only shows the pokemon you caught, not seen. /welp/
10/19/13 11:14PM
So, I just looked on Serebii and saw that the female trainer has at least double the customization items of the male trainer. Am I surprised? No. Am I disappointed? Hell yes. I'm surprised Game Freak hasn't just done away with the male trainers for all the effort they put into them nowadays. I'm really starting to wish I would've gone female. I'm jealous of all those customization options. Oh well, I'll probably end up getting Y eventually, anyway (will be the first time I've bought both versions). I'll just pick a girl next time.
10/20/13 01:07AM
I don't have X, or Y, at the moment, and I don't know if I'm going to get one for sure. I mean... sure, it seems to have it's merits, but I couldn't get through White, and I haven't gotten past where the Avenue is in White 2. I just... there's no drive for me anymore, not since I played and beat Diamond.

Although, the fact that there are minigames in this one, I maaaaay get it.
[Read: will probably get it].

Probably end up getting Y though, solely because my fiancee wants to get X [of course]. I already know I'm going to go be going with Fennikin or whatever, and Charmander later.

If anyone wants, here's my 3DS friend code ahead of time XD
10/20/13 02:53AM
I added you, Luna. :)

Ugh. Why are Gibles so hard to find? And on top of that, they're past the level where they evolve. Now I gotta get a male and female so I can breed (50% there). *sigh* Maybe I should just find a decent one to raise for now, and worry about breeding for a beneficial nature after the E4...

On the bright side, I caught my first shiny Pokemon of the game yesterday... a Tentacool. Go me.
10/20/13 04:03AM
If they arepast the level of evolving, I'm sure all you have to do is level it up once and it'll evolve. Also Luna, there are quite a lot of features in this one. If you enjoyed Diamond, you shouldn't have a hard time being motivated to play through this one. It doesn't have the interesting story that white/black or whit/black 2 had, but at its core, it's a huge step up in the pokemon franchise, while still maintaining the monster collection formula
10/20/13 04:22AM
danni68 said:
If they arepast the level of evolving, I'm sure all you have to do is level it up once and it'll evolve.

I know that, but I don't like letting Pokemon go past their evolution point. Granted, I really don't know if it makes much of a difference beyond when they learn moves, but it doesn't make a difference now, since I already have my baby Gible.
10/20/13 05:22AM
Mindwipe said:
I know that, but I don't like letting Pokemon go past their evolution point. Granted, I really don't know if it makes much of a difference beyond when they learn moves, but it doesn't make a difference now, since I already have my baby Gible.

Pokemon learn their moves faster if they're not evolved rather than their base forms, like learning Flamethrower at a lower level rather than what it would normally, unless its a stone evolution which they won't learn any moves whatsoever by leveling. Some Pokemon learn moves that they wouldn't in their base formes too, like Charmander learning Fire Blast while Charizard/Charmeleon not having access to it (though that's just a example really), or sometimes they have completely different moves they suddenly can learn via the Move Relearner (Madam Remember in X and Y), the example being Doublade learning Sacred Sword while Aegislash doesn't but It has access to King's Shield.

On another note, as of X and Y, all Pokemon that are past due for evolving level wise gain boosted EXP until they do evolve.

10/20/13 05:34AM
Zyii said:
Pokemon learn their moves faster if they're not evolved rather than their base forms, like learning Flamethrower at a lower level rather than what it would normally, unless its a stone evolution which they won't learn any moves whatsoever by leveling. Some Pokemon learn moves that they wouldn't in their base formes too, like Charmander learning Fire Blast while Charizard/Charmeleon not having access to it (though that's just a example really), or sometimes they have completely different moves they suddenly can learn via the Move Relearner (Madam Remember in X and Y), the example being Doublade learning Sacred Sword while Aegislash doesn't but It has access to King's Shield.

Here's what I should have asked: does keeping them from evolving affect their stat growth? Because I already knew all of the move-based stuff.
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