10/20/13 05:37AM
Mindwipe said:
Here's what I should have asked: does keeping them from evolving affect their stat growth? Because I already knew all of the move-based stuff.

Oh, not really. Each Pokemon Species has their own base stats, and EVs are carried over. The only thing that would change would be stats going up (or down) because of the new base stats that the Pokemon has now that its evolved.
10/20/13 05:40AM
Zyii said:
The only thing that would change would be stats going up (or down) because of the new base stats that the Pokemon has now that its evolved.

So, yes. Okay then, thanks, that's all I needed to know. I'm sure I'll finish this game sometime before Christmas. >.>
10/20/13 05:43AM
Mindwipe said:
So, yes. Okay then, thanks, that's all I needed to know. I'm sure I'll finish this game sometime before Christmas. >.>

I look forward to your future accomplishments in the game then~! /o/

I'll be trying to find all the TMs I overlooked or couldn't get because of silly Utility moves in the meantime;;;
10/20/13 07:36AM
Mindwipe said:
On the bright side, I caught my first shiny Pokemon of the game yesterday... a Tentacool. Go me.

You lucky so-and-so. I've never caught a shiny. :(

Caught Pokerus once, tho. :\

Gotta say, I'm loving the new cries for the gen 1/2 Pokemon. They've made them reminiscent of their old cries, while sounding less like dying Gameboys. Still getting used to Pikachu having a voice, though.

Lunakiri said:
If anyone wants, here's my 3DS friend code ahead of time XD

Added you. :)
10/20/13 07:53AM
Vorp said:
You lucky so-and-so. I've never caught a shiny. :(

Never ever? Not counting the shiny Gyarados in Gen 2 and the remakes, I've caught 3 shinies: a Natu in Silver, a Vulpix in Black, and now a Tentacool in X. I also watched my friend catch a shiny Pidgey on LeafGreen while he was at my house one day, and my dad once ran into a shiny Tauros in the Safari Zone of LeafGreen (but, of course, it fled).

Sorry, I don't mean to rub it in. I've heard people say that Game Freak wanted to make catching shinies easier in this game, though.
10/20/13 09:20AM
Mindwipe said:
Sorry, I don't mean to rub it in. I've heard people say that Game Freak wanted to make catching shinies easier in this game, though.

From what I've seen, whenever you leave a tip, it ups the chance depending on how much you leave. Think of it like a karma system, which is a great alternative to the shiny charm in B2/W2, if you have the funds to back it up though.
10/20/13 08:21PM
So I kind of took a break from playing Pokemon and ended up sketching Pokemon hypnosis. D'ooohh.

<<sta.sh/0oimvmhtwv1|Shauna tentacle hypnosis>>
<<sta.sh/0d6kmrpku6p|Trevor hypno'd>>
<<sta.sh/02735br8cwsm|Clemont Hypno'd>>

I'm not gonna lie, I find Clemont all kinds of adorable.
10/20/13 08:52PM
^^ You are awesome.

So I used to be really anal about Natures and catch tons of copies of every Pokemon I wanted to use trying to at least get a beneficial nature, even in-game... I'm totally ignoring Natures this time and realized my Floette is Jolly and my Speed Boost Combusken is Modest D:
10/20/13 10:34PM
petal said:
So I used to be really anal about Natures and catch tons of copies of every Pokemon I wanted to use trying to at least get a beneficial nature, even in-game... I'm totally ignoring Natures this time and realized my Floette is Jolly and my Speed Boost Combusken is Modest D:

Ouch. I think the last time I ignored natures was my first time playing Ruby. I tried again when I replayed one of my games (don't remember which). That lasted for about my first 3 Pokemon.
10/21/13 01:24AM
danni68 said:Also Luna, there are quite a lot of features in this one. If you enjoyed Diamond, you shouldn't have a hard time being motivated to play through this one. It doesn't have the interesting story that white/black or whit/black 2 had, but at its core, it's a huge step up in the pokemon franchise, while still maintaining the monster collection formula

What I loved about diamond hasn't been in any games since that Generation, which pisses me fof. I would mill hours away in the underground, mining XDD

@Mindwipe + Vorp
Added both of you too =)
10/21/13 04:16AM
Good lord, I think I'm gonna spend all day just exploring Lumiose City. @_@
10/21/13 04:55AM
Mindwipe said:
Good lord, I think I'm gonna spend all day just exploring Lumiose City. @_@

Are you aware of the glitch that occurs when you save inside the city?


Apparently, if you save on the Outer Rings of Lumiose (North & South Blvd.) the game could crash next time you load it. People report though that its safe to save inside buildings like a Pokemon Center.
10/21/13 05:25AM
Hypster said:
Are you aware of the glitch that occurs when you save inside the city?


Apparently, if you save on the Outer Rings of Lumiose (North & South Blvd.) the game could crash next time you load it. People report though that its safe to save inside buildings like a Pokemon Center.

Yeah, I know about it. I've been making sure to save inside buildings. It's good that they're working on a fix.

I think I've seen everything in the city now except the alleyways. Guess I can finally go get my 5th Gym Badge now.

Edit: Oh, and Zyii will be happy to know that I worked on a Trainer PR video. I gotta admit, that's a pretty cool feature. I'll be sure to make more later.
10/21/13 05:32AM
Mindwipe said:

I think I've seen everything in the city now except the alleyways. Guess I can finally go get my 5th Gym Badge now.

So I'm guessing you also found out that "You're not the one"?
10/21/13 05:34AM
Hypster said:
So I'm guessing you also found out that "You're not the one"?

I... don't know. o.o
That doesn't ring any bells.
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