10/13/13 04:06AM
Pokemon X/Y Thread
HypnoHub Friend Codes:

* Mindwipe: 3566-1638-7720
* danni68: 4339-2722-1001
* Vorp: 4124-5077-2959
* Zyii: 0989-2189-0602
* petal: 4940-5522-9449
* Lunakiri: 2063-0287-6351
* BML-20XX: 0061-0543-5828
* bellchan: 4141-2255-0147
* MrGerp: 1091-8373-5884
* Hypster: 4398-9435-7143
* Astral: 2036-7289-5942
* AdiZonato2.0: 2277-6933-2456
* Mr.H: 5429-7599-2786
* ShadowSeraphim: 1504-5695-5459
* Chibideath: 0688-5251-2413
* Xudmud: 0130-1806-8218
* shotgungunshot: 3179-7191-8075
* arcolel123: 3153-4983-6386

Because I know there are a fair number of us here who like to play the Pokemon games, I'm making this thread for discussion about the newest entries. It's my hope that we can also share our friend codes here so that we can all trade and battle (if you're like me, you don't have many or any friends IRL to trade with, and that makes getting trade evolutions hard). I'll update with my friend code in a bit, but right now I'm not putting down the game until I get to the first Pokemon Center and get my event Torchic.

First Impressions:

* Wow, this game moves fast.
* Lol, your friends want to nickname you.
* Man, these graphics are awesome. The 3D battles are cool enough, but seeing your character throw out his/her Pokemon, and the custom animations for your friends/rivals are awesome. Also, you get a PoV shot of yourself throwing a Pokeball when you try to catch a Pokemon.
* Oh, I guess I didn't need to buy those 10 Pokeballs from the shop... Well, it shouldn't have given me the option!
* You can run from the beginning. Running shoes already equipped.
* Oh cool, your Pokemon get EXP even if you catch the wild Pokemon now.
* Serena and Shauna are cute.
10/13/13 05:05AM
OK, guys, my friend code is 3566-1638-7720. I admit that I actually don't know how these things work. I'm hoping it will become apparent. Anyway, a few more things I noticed:

* There's definitely no shortage of Pokemon to catch early on. I had 9 Pokemon before I even got to a Pokemon Center.
* You get to see your friends wander around the forest. That's pretty cool.
* OMG Pikachu says its name! And it has a fainting version too! My childhood loves this game!
* The gift Torchic is Lv. 10.

Edit: I caught a Pikachu holding a Light Ball! Hot damn!
10/13/13 05:33AM
It's odd that they gave Pikachu an "anime" cry but Pichu did not. It would at least make sense to make the change stick with all three of them.

I took the road less traveled and chose a girl PC this time. Named her "Ankita", after a character in a short story i wrote for DeviantArt last year (self promotion goes here ogodei-khan.deviantart.co...nce-Enhancement-343674827 ), which seems to mean "Conqueror-ess" in Hindi. Meanwhile i chose the fire starter, since it matches up against way more gyms

GameStop claimed that guides are embargoed until Monday for spoilers. Kind of wish I had one now, as i want to plan things, although apparently you get one of the Kanto starters early on too, as well as the monkey trio in the forest, so i can pick one of them up to make a very well-rounded early game team
10/13/13 05:44AM
Oh, yeah, I guess I should give some basic information, since this is a discussion.

h4. Version I'm Playing

X. Gotta get that Mega Charizard X.

h4. My Character's Gender

Male. I thought about going female, because Serena's design is perhaps my favorite of all female trainers so far (I kinda wish I had, because I'd like to dress her up. ...What?), but I'm hoping the character customization will let me make a male character that is at least semi-interesting to look at. Named him "Doug", because... well, my name is Doug. Hi, nice to meet ya. My friends in the game call me "Dougie", because, well, some of my real life friends call me that.

h4. My Starter

Froakie, because I plan to get Charmander later ('dat Charizard X!), and I don't really care for Chespin.
10/13/13 06:32AM
My Y is coming in the mail. Still playing Pokemon~ The only Gen V game I played was White; despite feeling like it was mechanically probably the best Pokemon game I've ever played I just didn't feel any desire to go on. 3D graphics lured me back in, I guess.

Probably going to go with Serena and the frog thing because I always pick the water starter first. Why? I don't know, I guess because my first Pokemon game was Silver (I got a Gameboy right before it came out) and Totodile was boss.

Whenever one of these comes out I start reminiscing. Silver was the second video game I ever played and I was so bad at it. I couldn't figure out how to change my team order so my Totodile was the only thing that ever got XP. I also thought Water Gun and Cut were the best moves ever because they always killed things. I think the team I ended the game with was like a Lv 80 Feraligatr with Cut, Surf, Strength, and Water Gun, a level 30 Pidgeotto with Fly, a level 25 Togetic with Flash, and 3 fillers. I killed every Legendary I found and usually gave up for several days at Gym puzzles and story roadblocks because I couldn't figure out how to get past them.

Needless to say, the Versus Books strategy guide pretty much changed my life.
10/13/13 06:57AM
Wifey insists on buying it for my birthday. Which means I can't buy it for myself, despite being very financially capable of doing so.

My birthday isn't for a few weeks and she was offended when I asked why I had to wait. "I want something to give ON your birthday".

I am bitter as fuck.

I am also an ungrateful douchebag.
10/13/13 07:14AM
If I weren't so tight on money, I'd seriously consider getting it. I haven't played a Pokemon game beyond Leaf Green and I heard the system was changed a lot when Black and White came out.

I really love the Mega Charizards since they're my favourite Pokemon. <3
10/13/13 07:24AM
Poor as shit, probably getting X tomorrow... Man I have no self control
10/13/13 07:41AM
Well, I just caught a wild Farfetch'd... So, those exist.

petal said:
Still playing Pokemon~

<<i.imgur.com/5sX1rgF.jpg|I know, right?>>

bellchan said:
Wifey insists on buying it for my birthday. Which means I can't buy it for myself, despite being very financially capable of doing so.

Aww... Hang in there, bell. Waiting sucks, but it will be all the sweeter when you get it. :)

RebKMG said:
If I weren't so tight on money, I'd seriously consider getting it.

I hope you still consider getting it when you're able!

Mesmersbauble said:
Poor as shit, probably getting X tomorrow...


I also hope you guys will share your friend codes. I got in contact with my only 2 friends who play Pokemon games, and neither of them even have a 3DS. =/ It's been forever since I've had anyone to trade or battle with, and I've heard there's plenty of reason to trade in these games.
10/13/13 07:57AM
I was excited for X for a whole 9 months, and I was afraid I would overhype it for myself. Nope, Gamefreak nailed it. It is fantastic........ but did anyone here get into to EV training in the previous games? How cheated do you feel now that super training exists? :(

10/13/13 08:13AM
Don't have a 3DS... orz

Have to say, though, this is the first Pokemon gen that I'm interested in since GSC. Y will most likely be one of the first games I'll get once I buy a 3DS.
10/13/13 09:05AM
I wish I could get back into pokemon. unfortunately, everytime I try to get back into it, it just seems to fall to the wayside with me.

Maybe I should start again with Y...what do you guys think (I'm probably gonna get a resounding yes, but never hurts to ask).
10/13/13 09:26AM
I loved White/Black (5th Gen) so much, but I knew plenty of people that hated it, but are really enjoying X and Y. I really don't know what it is. It's still the traditional monster collecting formula, but without so much grinding involved.

Pokemon grow faster, EXP share is always active, the game moves along so much faster, and EV's (Effort Values... Extra stat points) are highly accessible to anyone. On top of that the game is gorgeous, and you can customise your trainers appearance.

All in all though, if you're tired of the traditional pokemon formula, you might want to try it out before you rush out and buy it. It's still Pokemon, after all
10/13/13 09:33AM
saori said:
Don't have a 3DS... orz

Same :(
10/13/13 09:47AM
Goddamn. I'm trying to catch a Riolu with a nature that doesn't suck. Best I've got so far is Quirky (no effect on stat growth). I know it probably doesn't matter, since you get gifted a Lucario later in the game, but still. I'm taking another break. I'll try for a little bit longer to catch another one, but if not, I'll just keep my quirky one.

I have a feeling I'll be playing this tonight instead of sleeping...
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