10/15/13 04:58AM
Yakai's gallery
Hi, well i don't know what to says xD i just wanted open my gallery here since i still don't know if i had the lvl for upload my art ^^ whatever.

Today i wanted try to drawn as fast i could xD so i did that : i.imgur.com/5bZn05s.jpg

I know the color of her cloth, hair and the chair are failed (even the background i didn't know what do so i put something random). But i want to know if my drawn is correcte (without juge with the colo) .

Next time i ll do it propely that one was juste a teste =x.
10/15/13 05:05AM
You're certainly improving, especially if that was "as fast as you could".

I think you're more advanced in the shadings than the proportions for now, so I'd recommend getting some practice with that. Some 3D programs are great for posing (<<www.geocities.jp/higuchuu4/index_e.htm|MikuMikuDance>>/<<sites.google.com/site/moggproject/mmm_eng|MikuMikuMoving>> are free, and let you pose vocaloids and other models, which can be useful to give you an idea of proportions in all the poses you can imagine.
Stock photos also help, particularly so with body parts like hands and feet, which are a bitch to get right when you're starting.

10/15/13 01:07PM
Stem_Cell said:
You're certainly improving, especially if that was "as fast as you could".

This was exactly what was floating through my head as I glanced at the image.

As has been said just about every time you pop out a new image, I still like your coloring and shading. It's a little rough this time around, but I'd imagine that that's because you rushed the image. Proportions and perspective, I think, are still your biggest challenges.

Unfortunately, the most I can do is give advice on what I see wrong. I honestly have no idea how to improve in those particular areas, not being an artist, myself.

I look forward to watching your progress here, so keep improving!
10/15/13 02:32PM
So the proportion still not good =/ i guess that from my base then, i ll have to try something else.

Btw thank for keep give me some advice, that help me a lot.
10/16/13 07:09AM
I have been drawing with my tablet for the last 5 or so years (and doodling pretty much most of my young life) so I'll tell you something that I think every newby artist should know and what I wish was told to me.
Dont go straight into drawing anime, I know it's tempting and it even seems easier but honestly it is a lot harder to be good at drawing nicely stylized anime compared to straight from life drawings. Draw real people, do gesture drawing, set up a still life and draw that, learn the fundamentals of shading and form. The more you draw from life the more life you can put in your pictures. Once you have a grasp on anatomy, lighting and perspective then you should get into drawing anime.
The main reasons I think this is important is because if you start off drawing from your imagination with no reference to real life you start to form bad habits, like collar bones that are way to high and spines that are twisted out of shape. Secondly anime is a stylization of real life, if you don't have a good understanding of how real people are drawn it is very difficult to create an appealing anime style because more often than not you have no idea what the proportions or shapes of the body should look like and how to stylize them.


watch this video, although its technically an "eye" tutorial the guy also talks a little about what i just mentioned about stylization and learning to draw realism first. Then when your done, watch a ton more tutorials on "how to draw" and draw a bunch of things, and avoid "how to draw anime" until you think you've grasped the basics.

oh god i sound pretentious as hell my apologies for that but regardless, ^ do that, it will help in the long run.

Also as for the picture you made, the wrists look like they were broken, I'm not sure if that was what you were trying to portray but if not, its a good way to show you why drawing from real life will help you improve. You need learn how to: Foreshorten, familiarize yourself with anatomy, look at references for chairs so that your's don't look like blocks glued to blocks and proportions.

so instead of having the hand melt over the handle try to make the fingers wrap around the edge like a normal person would handle an armrest like this i.imgur.com/mmemCFM.png
10/16/13 07:41AM
Zko said:
[...] I'll tell you something that I think every newby artist should know and what I wish was told to me.
Dont go straight into drawing anime, I know it's tempting and it even seems easier but honestly it is a lot harder to be good at drawing nicely stylized anime compared to straight from life drawings. Draw real people, do gesture drawing, set up a still life and draw that, [...]

As someone who has a rational mindset and occasionally tried to draw with promising results but not much interest, this is entirely what I'd recommend and what I'd do.

And I do recommend it, really. Draw from stock photos, it's damn easy and <<senshistock.deviantart.com/gallery/|there are people that post lots of these for you to use for free>>.

All of that said, KinkyLoli pretty much never drew anything from photos, and it's frustrating because I've always told her how important it was, etc... and in the end she improved a lot without caring about real life references at all, most of the time.

So yeah, you can improve without real-life references, and maybe you'd be like that, but trust me, it will help you a lot to at least learn from real-life hands, feet, etc.
11/04/13 05:38AM
Zko said:
Dont go straight into drawing anime, I know it's tempting and it even seems easier but honestly it is a lot harder to be good at drawing nicely stylized anime compared to straight from life drawings. Draw real people, do gesture drawing, set up a still life and draw that, learn the fundamentals of shading and form. The more you draw from life the more life you can put in your pictures. Once you have a grasp on anatomy, lighting and perspective then you should get into drawing anime.

Someone also told me that i tried but i really dislike that so i throw away that way of learn =/ but thanks.

To Stem > i tried to use the programe you gave to me but i m not able to use it ^^'
~ Keep training ~

~ Keep suck at the hand ~ xD

Btw i hear something like we don't have to draw of have loli stuff with us in my country, or i could go to jail, so i delete the last work i did >.>
11/04/13 06:27AM
aiykawa said:
Btw i hear something like we don't have to draw of have loli stuff with us in my country, or i could go to jail, so i delete the last work i did >.>

Awww, that stinks. :/ I hate watching artists being restricted by silly laws.

Ooo, not bad! I have a little friendly criticism for you, too. You already mentioned the hands, so I'll gloss over that. It seems to me like her shoulders are too wide, and her head too large, for the rest of her. Or maybe her lower and middle torso is just too slim...? Anyway, it's one or the other, as far as I can see.
11/04/13 09:42AM
aiykawa said:
Btw i hear something like we don't have to draw of have loli stuff with us in my country, or i could go to jail, so i delete the last work i did >.>

Well, this is terrible advice I'm going to give you, but, you can actually make your computer government-proof and do whatever you want.

Remember, it's only illegal if you get caught. :)

11/04/13 10:57AM
Stem_Cell said:
Well, this is terrible advice I'm going to give you, but, you can actually make your computer government-proof and do whatever you want.

Remember, it's only illegal if you get caught. :)


Let's try NOT helping people get themselves arrested, shall we? :P
11/04/13 05:59PM
Vanndril said:
Ooo, not bad! I have a little friendly criticism for you, too. You already mentioned the hands, so I'll gloss over that. It seems to me like her shoulders are too wide, and her head too large, for the rest of her. Or maybe her lower and middle torso is just too slim...? Anyway, it's one or the other, as far as I can see.

Okay so the proportion still not good =/ well i will keep pratice that ^^

Stem_Cell said:
Well, this is terrible advice I'm going to give you, but, you can actually make your computer government-proof and do whatever you want.

Remember, it's only illegal if you get caught. :)


I would like to avoid the jail xD
11/04/13 10:24PM
aiykawa said:
Someone also told me that i tried but i really dislike that so i throw away that way of learn =/ but thanks.

You know I thought about it the same way a few years ago, but I strongly urge you, IF your goal is to improve then draw real people and just study what a real person's body looks like. If you are just doing this for fun then by all means you can do whatever but from what it seems like, you are trying to get better. And to get better you need to know how a person's body looks like to get those proportions right.

Since you don't seem to have the motivation to for it than at least try this compromise, it can be an easy way of getting the basics;
The next time you draw some anime, base it off a real picture. Like this
You don't need to trace, in fact I would advise against tracing, but this way you can have a reference to see if you proportion are off because you have picture of a normal person in the same pose right in front of you. You can make the tits huge, the hair purple with dicks coming out of her ear, go nuts, all you need to do is look at the way the person's body is positioned.
11/05/13 03:47AM
I tried why you said, honnestly i had a weird feeling about it, i didn't trace but how tell ... i wasn't satisfed/glad/ happy, maybe it s because this time i didn't draw a base i really don't know =/, whatever i did that today nothing related to MC since it s was a request :
I want know you opignion specially about the color, i want to know if this kind of color is better than the previous
11/05/13 04:59AM
aiykawa said:
I want know you opignion specially about the color, i want to know if this kind of color is better than the previous

Proportions are better in this one, though I've heard that it becomes easier when the character is wearing clothes. As for color? Well, I think they both work, but I can't help but feel that your last one had better shading, so if I had to choose one, I'd choose the Reimu one for "better colors".
11/06/13 01:37PM
Well i m more used to draw with cloth so yeah it seem like that ~
For the color i want to try something, thanks for answer me with honestly.
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