10/23/13 07:56PM
Nell-Chrome said:
Well then, since I've made up my mind..I think I will use this thread as a place when I put my drawing then (other than deviantart)
For that one, it's been quite a while for me to draw such amount of objects, so i give up in the middle of coloring and just go put it on DA lol. For (not so) loli with coin and "cable" hypno-tans, I think it's cute to give them a little bit different hairstyle.

I never draw any kaa, so pardon me if something is weird.
I posted the line version if you guys think the pic above is ugly lol:

This is great, I love how many interpretation there can be of Hypno-tan and it still be visibly her. Also Hypno-tan with pigtails is adorable.
10/23/13 09:29PM
That's pretty damn good! I love how many Hypno-Tan's there's on the image.
10/23/13 10:35PM
Nell-Chrome said:

This is the greatest thing ever, and I am posting it immediately. If you do a full color version later, we'll just replace it.
10/24/13 02:50AM
Mindwipe said:
This is the greatest thing ever, and I am posting it immediately. If you do a full color version later, we'll just replace it.

Once again, thank you Mindwipe! ^^

I don't think I will full color it though (well at least for now) since I want to draw something else :v
10/25/13 10:11AM guys don't mind if I double post, right?
(I just want to bump the thread *smacked)

Okay i got the time to finish the pic <<|so here it is!>>
10/25/13 10:35AM
Nell-Chrome said:
Okay i got the time to finish the pic <<|so here it is!>>

Yes. All of my yes. All the yes in the world.
10/26/13 08:02AM
Nell-Chrome said: guys don't mind if I double post, right?

Not when you post such awesome things, we don't!
Keep up the good work!
10/28/13 08:45PM
rokkitman said:
What Mindwipe said. You don't have to draw sex... you just have to draw MOAR HYPNO-TAN!

Mwahahaha, I have the best suggestions EVAR! Or was it originally Mindwipe's suggestion, and I just voiced it? *scratches head* Either way, the results are amazing.
11/17/13 05:49PM
Ohai everyone! It's been a while since my last artwork (which is only a doodle anyway), I've been procastinate this whole time, actually :v

<<|But now I've working on this:>>

It's a comic from my idea from sometimes ago. I haven't put it on DA since the pic above is page 5, and I will put them in proper order. But since I finish the page in random order, so yeah, I should finish the 1st page first :v .

What do you guys think of it?
11/17/13 05:52PM
Hun, you seem to be in a pickle that is not a pickle. Why? No one here will force you, and if you already contributed, that's awesome! Only your opinion matters in the end here, so do what makes you happy!

Which is drawing for Nadia for will draw for me *swings watch back and forth.*
11/17/13 06:02PM
Nadiatheberzerker said:
Hun, you seem to be in a pickle that is not a pickle. Why? No one here will force you, and if you already contributed, that's awesome! Only your opinion matters in the end here, so do what makes you happy!

Which is drawing for Nadia for will draw for me *swings watch back and forth.*

MMmmuusst not..resist... oTL

Well hello there, Nadia! :v /
And lol, this thread have changed from my little worried talk to showcasing my arts. Don't worry about me, I've made up my mind which is like everyone here said, just draw anything I like.
11/17/13 06:06PM
Nell-Chrome said:
MMmmuusst not..resist... oTL

Well hello there, Nadia! :v /
And lol, this thread have changed from my little worried talk to showcasing my arts. Don't worry about me, I've made up my mind which is like everyone here said, just draw anything I like.

That's good. If you ever want ideas on what to draw I can help!

Or if you role play. God I'm a slut for role play.
11/17/13 06:16PM
Nell-Chrome said:
Ohai everyone! It's been a while since my last artwork (which is only a doodle anyway), I've been procastinate this whole time, actually :v

<<|But now I've working on this:>>

It's a comic from my idea from sometimes ago. I haven't put it on DA since the pic above is page 5, and I will put them in proper order. But since I finish the page in random order, so yeah, I should finish the 1st page first :v .

What do you guys think of it?

<<|I approve so much OMG>>
I can wholeheartedly that mages/witches/magic in general are one of my many favorite things~ Especially when its used in situations like these <3

Nadiatheberzerker said:
God I'm a slut for role play.

You and me both
11/17/13 06:18PM
Zyii said:
<<|I approve so much OMG>>
I can wholeheartedly that mages/witches/magic in general are one of my many favorite things~ Especially when its used in situations like these <3

You and me both

All I would add is more panels. Lol ha ha I know not funny -_-
11/17/13 06:38PM
Zyii said:
<<|I approve so much OMG>>
I can wholeheartedly that mages/witches/magic in general are one of my many favorite things~ Especially when its used in situations like these <3

I've been thinking about it. Some wizards that have mind control power, and use it againts themself or random people. The comic is just a start, I hope I can make a good series of it :v

Nadiatheberzerker said:
That's good. If you ever want ideas on what to draw I can help!

Or if you role play. God I'm a slut for role play.

Well, my english is terrible lol, you can see that from my last link above. That's why I'm not too active in this hypnohub, or a role play. ._.
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