12/23/13 02:12AM
Nell-Chrome said:
ohai..well, I decided to bump this thread bcoz i miss u guys~

We miss you too, and besides you being such a nice fella your art is top notch man! :)

I hope you make it through finals just right - focus on that for now, you'll feel relieved later! And hopefully will be able to continue making all that amazing art of yours.

The sketch is looking great! :D
12/23/13 08:35AM
I mirror Stem_Cell's sentiments!

Good luck, Nell! Do better than I did on my finals. <.<
01/15/14 12:25PM



<<|updated the comic with 2 pages now!>>

i know some of you already know the page 5 anyway, but the point is, I have pass my finals so now I'm in a month of holidays~

I hope I become more productive unlike last holidays when I'm just fooling around doing nothing lol!
01/15/14 12:54PM

I like the Hypno-tan cameo
01/15/14 02:49PM
It's nice to meet you Nell-Chrome, and I must say, your art is simply wonderful! I'm liking your comic, and I hope we can see more of it in the future.
01/15/14 11:15PM
strangeperson said:

I like the Hypno-tan cameo

lol, she's one of the reason i made the comic :v

dinnerdog1 said:
It's nice to meet you Nell-Chrome, and I must say, your art is simply wonderful! I'm liking your comic, and I hope we can see more of it in the future.

ohai dinnerdog1! :v/
let's be friiieeeeeennnnddd~

Looks like there's a lot of new faces when I'm away :v
01/16/14 04:16AM
Nell-Chrome said:



I practically jumped out of my seat while doing a fist pump when I read this! Welcome back, Nell. I take it from your previous post that your finals went well, so I'll just get to the point of saying that I love the comic's art style/story so far and still look forward to the rest of your comic. :D

Also, yes, that Hypno-tan cameo was priceless. XD
01/16/14 05:22AM
Ohoho. That naughty mascot of ours, going out and writing books on mind control spells in another dimension...

Awesome to see you back.
01/16/14 08:30AM
Mindwipe said:
Ohoho. That naughty mascot of ours, going out and writing books on mind control spells in another dimension...

All in a day's work for Hypno-tan

01/16/14 11:27AM
So Hypno-tans powers include dimension hopping now? Truly nowhere is safe.
01/16/14 02:13PM
Vanndril said:
I practically jumped out of my seat while doing a fist pump when I read this!

Hi-fived Vanndril*

Mr.H said:
So Hypno-tans powers include dimension hopping now? Truly nowhere is safe.

Isn't she supposed to....

oh okay, I think she comes after me now >____>

<<|WWOOOOZZAAAAAHHHH!! Who wants page 6 now?!!!>>
01/16/14 09:11PM
Nell-Chrome said:
Isn't she supposed to....

Yes. :3

Nell-Chrome said:

<<|WWOOOOZZAAAAAHHHH!! Who wants page 6 now?!!!>>

Hah, you got me! I never expected that inside a spoiler. XD

I'm truly excited for the next few pages. <3
01/17/14 09:27AM
I am very happy with this.
01/18/14 01:41PM
@Vanndril: I'm a man of surprise~ :v

@strangeperson: Thank you~
<<| now how about page 7?>>
01/19/14 12:21AM
Nell-Chrome said:
<<| now how about page 7?>>

I love this page.
<<<3 4 567>>>

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