02/09/14 01:49PM
So yeah, <<|page 9>>

I could done it days earlier if I'm not try making a game in RPG maker so much (a.k.a procastinating) >_____>
02/10/14 09:08AM


Also, lol.
02/10/14 12:19PM

So how is the game coming along?
02/11/14 12:59AM
Nell-Chrome said:
I could done it days earlier if I'm not try making a game in RPG maker so much (a.k.a procastinating) >_____>

I know the feeling. 180 hours and counting on mine according to steam. <.< And I'm almost at the second dungeon. XD

Lol, oh boy...
This kid needs to be more careful! :P
I think I may have an inkling in what direction this will be going, but I guess I'll just have to wait and see. :3
02/15/14 11:26AM
strangeperson said:
So how is the game coming along?

Nah, I just browsing loads of rpg maker scripts that fit with my idea, so far it's just 0% progress lol, maybe after I finish the comic, I will start it.

Vanndril said:
I know the feeling. 180 hours and counting on mine according to steam. <.< And I'm almost at the second dungeon. XD

Lol, oh boy...
This kid needs to be more careful! :P
I think I may have an inkling in what direction this will be going, but I guess I'll just have to wait and see. :3

Oh really?
<<|Is it like what you thinking?>>

um yeah, page 10 update~
02/16/14 05:01AM
Nell-Chrome said:
Oh really?
<<|Is it like what you thinking?>>

um yeah, page 10 update~

You can! You caaaaaaaaaaaaaan~!
02/16/14 05:57AM
Huzzah. A new update :D
02/16/14 09:38AM
Nell-Chrome said:
um yeah, page 10 update~

Yay! :D

Nell-Chrome said:
Oh really?
<<|Is it like what you thinking?>>

So far, this is exactly how I imagined this page when I read the last one. :P

Nell-Chrome said:
Nah, I just browsing loads of rpg maker scripts that fit with my idea, so far it's just 0% progress lol, maybe after I finish the comic, I will start it.

Here, let me help: <<|a list>> of nearly every half-decent RPG Maker VX Ace script ever made. It's called the master list for a reason. :P

And hey, I'm pretty new to RPG Maker VX Ace (I assume you're using that version?), myself, but if you need any help figuring something out or making something with your game or whatnot, tell me and I'll see if I can't help you out.

Just don't ask me to make maps. I'm TERRIBLE at maps! :P
02/16/14 11:24AM
If you are making a dungeon then design it with the left hand rule in mind. >_>
02/16/14 11:59AM
Vanndril said:
Here, let me help: <<|a list>> of nearly every half-decent RPG Maker VX Ace script ever made. It's called the master list for a reason. :P

And hey, I'm pretty new to RPG Maker VX Ace (I assume you're using that version?), myself, but if you need any help figuring something out or making something with your game or whatnot, tell me and I'll see if I can't help you out.

Just don't ask me to make maps. I'm TERRIBLE at maps! :P

I skipped that because I think most of the scripts are outdated (yeah, I'm quick to judge). But don't worry about it, I got almost all the script I want since I have some scripter friend I usually ask for help. If I want help, maybe making LOTS of character busts/portraits <<fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaih...d7e4d99dca660bc6344ce682d|--something like this-->> since my game will be story/text heavy.

But I know you will say no lol :v

strangeperson said:
If you are making a dungeon then design it with the left hand rule in mind. >_>

Uh..left hand rule?
02/16/14 12:36PM
Pretty much if you are in a dungeon crawl, all you have to do is keep turning left and you'll make it through. At least I'm pretty sure that's it.

I could also talk about the right hand rule but I don't think anyone wants a physics lecture. >___>
02/16/14 02:00PM
strangeperson said:
Pretty much if you are in a dungeon crawl, all you have to do is keep turning left and you'll make it through. At least I'm pretty sure that's it.

I could also talk about the right hand rule but I don't think anyone wants a physics lecture. >___>

Hah, screw that! My game's intro dungeon is a labyrinth! :P
Not a very confusing one, maybe, but a labyrinth nonetheless!

Nell-Chrome said:
I skipped that because I think most of the scripts are outdated

Nope. Most of the ones I've tried have worked for me. This list is still actively managed. :3

Nell-Chrome said:
If I want help, maybe making LOTS of character busts/portraits <<fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaih...d7e4d99dca660bc6344ce682d|--something like this-->> since my game will be story/text heavy.

But I know you will say no lol :v

Hahaha, if only because I can't even do that, myself! If I knew how to make or where to find those things, I'd be using them all over my game. XD

You said your game will be very text heavy, right? You should consider grabbing the <<,44525.0.html|ATS series>> scripts, if you haven't. I VERY VERY highly recommend them. They can make your message boxes look SO much nicer and add SO many aesthetic features to them.

In fact, ATS also fixes a very annoying oversight in RPG Maker's message system. The message system does not automatically word wrap. In other words, if you type a REALLY REALLY long line of text without MANUALLY adding line breaks, the text will just cut off at the edge of the screen, rather than wrapping around to the next line, making it literally impossible to read. ATS, if you enable Paragraph Formatting, removes this problem and automatically wraps the text.

I can't live without the ATS scripts, anymore. They made writing for my game so much easier and much more rewarding.
02/17/14 08:31PM
Vanndril said:
<<,44525.0.html|ATS series>> scripts

Thanks vanndril <3
It's much better than portrait script I usually use~
But I won't use paragraph format one, since I manually type the name from the one talking, yeah it's troublesome but my dislike of name box script is far greater than this :v

strangeperson said:
Pretty much if you are in a dungeon crawl, all you have to do is keep turning left and you'll make it through. At least I'm pretty sure that's it.

I could also talk about the right hand rule but I don't think anyone wants a physics lecture. >___>

Like Vanndril, my map will more like a labyrinth, so I think I'm okay :v

Okay, I guess I'm pushing my limit too hard on this one, but anyway enjoy~
<<|(for 11 is up)>>
02/17/14 10:17PM
Nell-Chrome said:
Okay, I guess I'm pushing my limit too hard on this one, but anyway enjoy~
<<|(for 11 is up)>>

Saving this one now, just in case dA removes it.
02/19/14 08:30AM
Mindwipe said:
Saving this one now, just in case dA removes it.

<<<345 6 7>>>

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