10/17/13 09:07AM
i do as my master comands
my master comands my body and mind, he tells me to draw signs of affection all over my body, and he even let's me masturbate. he is kind and tells me i'm the most perfect slave girl in the world.
here is a picture of me
10/17/13 03:21PM
Congratulations on opening up and posting as your master told you, I'm pretty sure you might feel a little nervous but you'll surely find we're a welcoming community :)
10/17/13 05:05PM
Stem_Cell said:
Congratulations on opening up and posting as your master told you, I'm pretty sure you might feel a little nervous but you'll surely find we're a welcoming community :)

Yes, this a hundred times over! Many congratulations ^^.
10/17/13 10:46PM
Nice to meet you, and good to have you here. :)
I was wondering how long until we got a post like this. :P
Now, I must wonder. Who is the Master? *glances about*
10/17/13 11:10PM
Vanndril said:
Nice to meet you, and good to have you here. :)
I was wondering how long until we got a post like this. :P
Now, I must wonder. Who is the Master? *glances about*

i do not know which alias my master uses on this site. As it is not my place to ask, my only hope of knowing for certian is when he comes and claims me here. Something he would do when he thinks i am worthy of such an honour.
10/18/13 01:39AM
blownWinds said:
i do not know which alias my master uses on this site. As it is not my place to ask, my only hope of knowing for certian is when he comes and claims me here. Something he would do when he thinks i am worthy of such an honour.

Figured it was something like that.
Welcome aboard, in any case. :D
10/18/13 10:08AM
my master is showing me off!! :)
i added in the picture but I am going to say it here to it is wonderfull that my master is showing me off like this to you and it is a greater honour than i deserve. and i am very gratefull
10/18/13 10:18AM
I'm just gonna go on record saying I don't like the idea of allowing posting of these images to the site. It's similar to using hidden posts for avatars, and I don't think that pic meets the criteria of photo images that we have established:

The Rules said:
Note, For Real Photos: Unless an obvious sign of the involvement of hypnosis or mind control (such as a swinging pendulum) is present in the image or the image is a text manip that explains the hypnosis or mind control in some way, all real photos and images must come from a media source that pertains to hypnosis or mind control, such as an MC fetish video or photo shoot, and the source must be given on the post in some way (preferably: the source field of the post).

But I'll see what Vann thinks.
10/18/13 10:27AM
Mindwipe said:
But I'll see what Vann thinks.

You know how I am for exceptions.
I love when people show off their irl images for the sake of showing off their naked bodies, trust me. :3 Doubly so if it's done at the behest of another. That level of obedience is to be admired. However, the main gallery is for images that are easily seen as hypnosis, as defined by the rules that Mindwipe quoted.

I'd recommend using
That's what seems to be popular nowadays.
Your image(s) are more than welcome on the forums. :D
10/18/13 10:29AM
Vanndril said:
You know how I am for exceptions.
I love when people show off their irl images for the sake of showing off their naked bodies, trust me. :3 Doubly so if it's done at the behest of another. That level of obedience is to be admired. However, the main gallery is for images that are easily seen as hypnosis, as defined by the rules that Mindwipe quoted.

I'd recommend using
That's what seems to be popular nowadays.

i fixed it, i didn't know that it worked that way
10/18/13 10:31AM
blownWinds said:
i fixed it, i didn't know that it worked that way

Thanks for your understanding. ^^

While I'm at it, I'll mention that you're quite sexy.
Your Master must be proud to own you.
10/18/13 11:18AM
Vanndril said:
While I'm at it, I'll mention that you're quite sexy.
Your Master must be proud to own you.

i believe that was why he decided to show me off. Thank you for noticing.
10/18/13 12:03PM
Stem_Cell said:
.... you'll surely find we're a welcoming community :)

Truer words never spoken. As a new member myself, I'm so proud to be a member just due to the friendly community and the amount of work admins go into to keep it up and running. So welcome :)

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