10/18/13 01:49AM
HypnoHub Achievement Unlocked: More Than You Knew
Why the title as it is?
Admit it, you clicked this thread because of the title. Don't lie.

Anywho, so in a moment of random boredom, I glanced at our <<|user list>>. I already knew that 20 users showed per page, so when I noticed that we had 77 pages, I was inspired to do some math.

1524. That's how many members we officially have on the hub.
And guess what. The old hypnobooru only had 1420 members.

Granted, the old booru allowed for more freedom to anonymous users, so a fair number of our previously-anonymous users doubtlessly made new accounts here. Nonetheless, this is a pretty cool milestone! Just thought I'd toss that out there.
10/18/13 02:15AM
10/18/13 02:55AM

If we count site migrations, I guess we're level 3 at this point? Lets hope we don't have to go any higher...
10/18/13 03:34AM
Mindwipe said:

<<|Waiting for 1600!! \^_^/>>
10/18/13 03:34AM
10/18/13 03:42AM
All right, you caught me. I've been a lurker since Hypnochan but I only joined when everyone migrated to the Hub. c:
10/18/13 05:37AM
I was honestly planning on joining the booru but was still semi whishywashy about not being anonymous since I didn't think I had anything interest to contribute.

But then the new site happened when I decided to go with it, and here we are now~
10/18/13 07:53AM
RebKMG said:
All right, you caught me. I've been a lurker since Hypnochan but I only joined when everyone migrated to the Hub. c:

Same here.

10/18/13 08:18AM
Somehow, the new site makes me want to contribute more. It's like "it's us making it happen". With Hypnochan it felt more like "uh, those people talk about things and share links on that site, nice, I'll check some of the links".

In other words maybe it was the careless, 4chan look of hypnochan that made me shy away from it.
10/18/13 08:41AM
I didn't really feel a need to join until I decided to start with manips. I think I had an account on the booru, but I never paid any attention to that site beyond the pictures. This one is one I'm proud of. ^_^
10/18/13 09:05AM
I'm really glad to see this site grow! The community is spectacular and supportive, the monitoring by admins is dedicated, and it's a community I'm really glad to be a part of. I hope we continue to grow! :)
10/18/13 10:10AM
Sol420 said:


Wow. My thread title must draw people in better than I thought it would. XD

I still crack a smile when I look at this site, sometimes. It just feels generally good to be part of it, you know?

I echo the sentiments of hoping this site continues to grow and prosper. I'm glad to have you all here. It would be boring if it were just me. :P
10/18/13 10:12AM
Vanndril said:
Wow. My thread title must draw people in better than I thought it would. XD

I still crack a smile when I look at this site, sometimes. It just feels generally good to be part of it, you know?

I echo the sentiments of hoping this site continues to grow and prosper. I'm glad to have you all here. It would be boring if it were just me. :P

Alternate universe doubles aside.
10/18/13 10:16AM
Henry-killenger said:
Alternate universe doubles aside.

Nah, I wouldn't need THOSE fools.
I'm quite adept at having full-fledged and fulfilling conversations with only one of myself, thank you! <.< >.> <.<
10/18/13 10:17AM
Vanndril said:
Nah, I wouldn't need THOSE fools.
I'm quite adept at having full-fledged and fulfilling conversations with myself, thank you! <.< >.> <.<

Clearly, given that everyone on here aside from you is just a sock puppet created by your alternate personalities.

You need to shave by the way, you have things to do tomorrow.
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