10/18/13 06:31PM
A question for the text manippers
Just curious, which do you usually start with, the image or the text? As in, do you have an idea for a text and then find an image to go with it, or find an image and write a text based on it?
10/18/13 06:43PM
TheKinkyFinn said:
Just curious, which do you usually start with, the image or the text? As in, do you have an idea for a text and then find an image to go with it, or find an image and write a text based on it?

In my few manips, it's always been the image that determines the text. I just find it easier that way.
10/18/13 07:04PM
Likewise, I start with the image and write a story about what I see. Then again, I tend to look for images that have something interesting/weird going on in them that would give me a hook for a story. For example, someone in a S&M slave outfit wandering around a beach. Pics that make you go, "Why would someone do that?" Answer: they were mind-controlled into doing it! For sexy reasons!
10/18/13 10:04PM
Image before text. Trying to force an image onto pre-written text can give you lousy results.

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