10/29/13 12:49AM
Mr.H said:
It probably seems lazy, but I've used the same few characters in completely different situations and settings before. Something about alternate universes or them falling in different fates has a lot of appeal to me for some reason. Some things stuck around here and there, some changed a hell of a lot over the course of some stuff too.

I do the same, its how I try my develop my OCs even more; since they're going through different/similar situations but the more I RP with them, the better in sync I could make their decisions based on what kind of people they're with and other past situations and the like! It's really fun, especially if its something they're not used to and such. :3c
10/31/13 01:22AM
Siithichan said:
There is a E-RP community ... www.f-list.net/
Loli and Shota RP is allowed there, even with sexual content.
But called 'Ageplay' on this site. (includes Loli and Shota playing with each others and adults)

Siithichan posted this on another thread. Problem solved www.f-list.net/
10/31/13 03:29AM
Drowsee said:
Siithichan posted this on another thread. Problem solved www.f-list.net/

I'll still support Zyii making an MC-only site if he's inclined too - it wouldn't hurt. And he already paid for the hosting, too :P
10/31/13 04:25AM
Stem_Cell said:
I'll still support Zyii making an MC-only site if he's inclined too - it wouldn't hurt. And he already paid for the hosting, too :P

I'm trying to get it up, I just need to figure out how to set everything up is all ;w;)/
Once I get the technical issues out of the way and actually get to the forum building, it'll be familiar territory for me again;;;
11/11/13 08:56AM
Drowsee said:
Siithichan posted this on another thread. Problem solved www.f-list.net/

Not interested in a furry site...
11/11/13 07:57PM
LittleToyMaker said:
Not interested in a furry site...

Its not just furry. Sure they are anywhere but there are also non-furry user groups. From what I have seen there, around 30-40% of the characters are furry there. And the rest is a fair mix of androids, humanoids with animal traits, demons/halfdemons and normal humans. And I'm watching the differend boards and chatrooms for nearly one and a half year now!

But thanks for your rash opinion ;)
11/11/13 09:09PM
Siithichan said:
But thanks for your rash opinion ;)

I can hardly blame him for immediately thinking, "It's a furry site!" Between the site having a furry mascot plastered all over the homepage and it being titled f-list (which could very well stand for furry), most anyone would make that leap in logic. :P
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