08/19/14 03:40AM
Okay. This is the THIRD SITE I've made this request on. Don't fail me Hypnohub! If you do, Hypno-tan will cry! You don't want to make Hypno-tan cry, right?

I am looking for just about any concrete information (summaries, walkthroughs, videos, SFW pics, descriptions of hypnosis scenes) on the following:

Soushinjutsu series

Saimin Jikken

Saimin Yuugi

Saimin Enbu

Minami Kara no Tegami

Niji no Kanata ni


Denpa no Dorei

Gonin! (title is too long for me to remember, but it was produced by Studio Jaren, creator of the above and the Soushinjutsu games)

M.C., M.C. duet, M.C. trois

There are a few others (Saiminjustu and the like) but the above are my focus. Keep all spoilers under spoiler tags for those who intend to play these in the future. Like Mindwipe. Because don't you all think that it would be a good idea for Mindwipe to stream some of these games? If this is in the wrong thread, lock it, and I'll create something separate. Thanks and sorry for the bother. :(

08/19/14 04:13AM
Stem_Cell said:
On mute???
Ah, so you only like it when they moan in English.

Actually... it is less painful that way. I don't know who it is, but one voice actress who turns up in all the hentai I've happened to try looking at that were in japanese has a voice so squeeky and high pitched her moaning/crying out/talking loudly is painful to listen to.
08/28/14 05:15AM
So what are the odds anyone here is familiar with extracting text scripts from VNs? Trying to figure it out for Saimin Yuugi.
08/29/14 12:36AM
PomPom said:
So what are the odds anyone here is familiar with extracting text scripts from VNs? Trying to figure it out for Saimin Yuugi.

Looks like I've got scripts extracted with:

Feed version 3 data6.pack, key.fkey (from the DLL folder in the game directory), and the game exe and it does the job.

ITH told me it was qlie engine and then I just did a google search on extracting stuff from that engine.
09/17/14 01:48AM
AgaresOaks said:
Looks like I've got scripts extracted with:

Feed version 3 data6.pack, key.fkey (from the DLL folder in the game directory), and the game exe and it does the job.

ITH told me it was qlie engine and then I just did a google search on extracting stuff from that engine.

I've been thinking of translating one of the Staffing games, but I'm afraid I can't handle code worth anything, so I'm going to go ahead and ask some probably pretty dumb questions: did you do anything in particular to get this running? I've been trying to figure it out, but I'm clearly not doing whatever I'm supposed to do with this program right. Running exfp3_v3 just opens a window that disappears after a fraction of a second. If I'm supposed to do something with the .cpp version, I've got no idea how to do anything with that but open it in visual studio.

Computers are complicated.
09/17/14 10:14PM
Viscaria said:
I've been thinking of translating one of the Staffing games, but I'm afraid I can't handle code worth anything, so I'm going to go ahead and ask some probably pretty dumb questions: did you do anything in particular to get this running? I've been trying to figure it out, but I'm clearly not doing whatever I'm supposed to do with this program right. Running exfp3_v3 just opens a window that disappears after a fraction of a second. If I'm supposed to do something with the .cpp version, I've got no idea how to do anything with that but open it in visual studio.

Computers are complicated.

Run it from the command line. Copy data6.pack (if it's another game it might be in a different pack file, try the smaller ones), key.fkey, and the game's exe file (might need to rename it to something you can type like game.exe) into the same folder as expfp3_v3.exe then on the command line in that folder go "exfp3_v3.exe data6.pack key.fkey game.exe".

And you're going to need an actual hacker. The hard part is typically not extracting stuff, it's putting it back in and having stuff actually work correctly.

That said, actually showing you can translate a good portion of the scripts will make it more likely someone will help you.
09/17/14 11:50PM
Actually, Stem_Cell and me got the files extracted from Saimin Enbu a couple of weeks after release. He was looking for a way to make patches and try reimplementing this and then we were going to ask here for translators.

Sadly, Stem_Cell left our Community and with him that idea. I had a look at the scenario files and I am not gonna lie to you - this would be a lot of work - even for a translator that has a lot of knowledge with translating japanese (and I am not one of these). Splitting the work would probably lead to very mixed results with the best translator in the end redoing the work of the worse ones.

So if you want to do something, go ahead. If you get it figured out how to patch the iso or the install and get english text to show up, you will JUST have to find 5-10 skilled translators that are actually willing to put in the time and effort (several hundreds of hours) to get the stuff translated. I am not saying it won't work, just that it will not be easy. But yeah, it is possible to do this.
12/02/14 06:55AM
Following up on this, I was looking into hooking into Venus Blood Hypno which I thought would be a zero-effort deal because dualtail uses Kirikiri but apparently they switched over to KirikiriZ, a fork? which meant ITH had enough bit rot that it couldn't find the thread.

That lead to Visual Novel Reader, which apparently supports user-submitted translations for games and can fetch translations for a line by matching it up with the actual text. It's not integrated into the game rather overlaid onto the window (or off-screen like I do) which while it might not look nice, does the job. Haven't tried it, so not sure how well it works, but in principle such a system is viable with the "cloud" as the youth call it. A big advantage is that you only need to hook, so it basically requires no engineering.

(which also does hook into Venus Blood Hypno)
12/02/14 09:37PM
Try googling the visual novel database.

Then search mind control and set it for tags. Will list every novel I the site that has that tag and you can see who mad sit when it was released and what languages it is in plus what is in it based on other tags. Warning it will list loli titles
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