Wiki History Listing

1The act of bowing/[[kneeling]] face down on [[all_fours]], usually as a sign of worship, submission, or deep apology. One form of prostration is the dogeza, an element of traditional Japanese etiquette. The form has one kneeling directly on the ground and bowing to prostrate oneself until one's head touches the floor in order to show deference to a greatly revered high-class person, as a deep apology, or to express the desire for a favor from said person. There is also the naked dogeza where in which a [[nude]] character is doing dogeza with their folded clothes neatly ordered next to them, as an extreme show of degradation/[[humiliation]] and subservience. Not necessarily sexual, but usually is. [h4]See also:[/h4] • [[begging]]
Updated by JustChilling Sun, Sep 01 '24, 21:14
Version 1