07/20/15 07:42AM
4e D&D anyone?
Congrats Hypnohub you finaly managed to get a guy who was lurking since the hypnochan days to finaly crack and make a acount, so I feel like I need to do something to give to this base of wonderful people.

Im offering to DM a nice game of 4e D&D, with the plot being you're a group of ragtag adventurers has had it up to pluto with how the kingdoms run everything. So after you hear that a group of mindflayers and their mindslaves are trying to forge a gem of total domination, you decide to go after them to steal the gem and make your own kingdom.

Homebrew mechanics were always a thing with my D&D games so expect something interesting to be thrown your way. I allow everything that is in the handbooks, expansions, and magazines so go nuts with character creation. The onlything I will put on the plate for backstory is that in some way shape or form, your group already knows eatchother. To awnser the question if anyone is thinking it, it will only be ERP if the players make it that way and only if there is a equal mix of genders. Generaly I make my games to be light hearted most of the time so its not going to be super cereal.

This is mainly to see who is interested at all, if I do get enough players then thats just groovy. It will be hosted on Roll 20 because that is the best place for online D&D stuff and it will be conducted over skype. Once I see there is enough interest i'll make the page and put a link in a post sometime later, if you have any questions dont hesitate to ask

Hope that you guys are interested in this little game of mine.

07/20/15 09:05AM
GhostKing said:
Congrats Hupnohub you finaly managed to get a guy who was lurking since the hypnochan days to finaly crack and make a acount, so I feel like I need to do something to give to this base of wonderful people.

Im offering to DM a nice game of 4e D&D, with the plot being you're a group of ragtag adventurers has had it up to pluto with how the kingdoms run everything. So after you hear that a group of mindflayers and their mindslaves are trying to forge a gem of total domination, you decide to go after them to steal the gem and make your own kingdom.

Homebrew mechanics were always a thing with my D&D games so expect something interesting to be throw your way. I allow everything that is in the handbooks, expansions, and magazines so go nuts with character creation. The onlything I will put on the plate for backstory is that in some way shape or form, your group already knows eatchother. To awnser the question if anyone is thinking it, it will only be ERP if the players makeing that way and only if there is a equal mix of genders. Generaly I make my games to be light hearted most of the time so its not going to be super cereal.

This is mainly to see who is interested at all, if I do get enough players then thats just groovy. It will be hosted on Roll 20 because that is the best place for online D&D stuff and it will be conducted over skype. Once I see there is enough interest i'll make the page and put a link in a post sometime later, if you have any questions dont hesitate to ask

Hope that you guys are interested in this little game of mine.

I would totally be up to this, as this sounds awesome. But I know nothing of the 4e rules. (I only have 3.5. And even then I don't know the rules) so if you'd be willing to help a scrub out, I would be game.
07/20/15 09:18AM
Pieman754 said:
I would totally be up to this, as this sounds awesome. But I know nothing of the 4e rules. (I only have 3.5. And even then I don't know the rules) so if you'd be willing to help a scrub out, I would be game.

No prob at all, if anyone needs help with 3.5e or 5e conversion to 4e im willing to help
07/20/15 12:59PM
GhostKing said:
No prob at all, if anyone needs help with 3.5e or 5e conversion to 4e im willing to help

We'll then I'm up for joining in =D
07/21/15 12:14PM
Who Wants a warlord?
07/21/15 01:19PM
Isn't 4th edition the edition where they removed all the hot mind control spells, and literally every interesting spell effect or non-combat interaction?

Every "mind control" ability in this game - like - pushes you 4 spaces. Or pulls you 4 spaces. Or makes you miss a turn. Or lasts a few seconds at most. Even if you do control someone's actions (very briefly), the game won't allow you to have _them_ take an action, without missing your _own_ action.

Good luck making that hot.

Or even interesting.
07/21/15 01:37PM
TheZiggler said:
Isn't 4th edition the edition where they removed all the hot mind control spells, and literally every interesting spell effect or non-combat interaction?

Every "mind control" ability in this game - like - pushes you 4 spaces. Or pulls you 4 spaces. Or makes you miss a turn. Or lasts a few seconds at most. Even if you do control someone's actions (very briefly), the game won't allow you to have _them_ take an action, without missing your _own_ action.

Good luck making that hot.

Or even interesting.

Well i was going to save it as a surprise but you do have a point, I was going to give people who join up the ability to make homebrew MC abilities based on what they like, IE they can use Kaa eyes or a simple spell and it would upgrade as the game progresses, I use 4E because its what im most familiar with and easier for me to create with
07/21/15 04:51PM
GhostKing said:
Well i was going to save it as a surprise but you do have a point, I was going to give people who join up the ability to make homebrew MC abilities based on what they like, IE they can use Kaa eyes or a simple spell and it would upgrade as the game progresses, I use 4E because its what im most familiar with and easier for me to create with

Can i still be the hypeman/warlord
07/21/15 06:35PM
skullman2033 said:
Can i still be the hypeman/warlord

Sure go nuts
07/21/15 10:51PM
This sounds fun, I'd definitely be interested in participating as well. I'm not familiar with 4e quite yet, but I do have the player's handbook and some working knowledge of previous editions. So far I'm considering making a Cleric or Warlock, but I'm up for anything depending on what the party needs.
07/21/15 11:22PM
I'd be interested aswell. I'm new to 4e though, I typically play 3.5/PF but I'm willing to learn.
07/22/15 02:44AM
I would like to play too.
Last time I played 4e was a few years ago, but I really liked it. Since then I only played other systems.

Also, I'm definitely curious about the house rules.

Well, then, hope that I get to play with you.
*immediately goes through the source books to search for character ideas*
07/22/15 05:48AM
Hmmmm... on the one hand, I've been wanting to play a tabletop RPG recently. On the other hand, I have no experience whatsoever. Dang.

EDIT: Wait, over Skype? Probably can't do it then, dang. :/
07/22/15 09:25AM
GhostKing said:
Sure go nuts

I may need help wiith my character sheet
07/22/15 04:55PM
Uh... I never played 4e, but I would like to join if timing (on skype) is good for me...

What's your name on skype? If you helped me getting in 4e, I would start making char...

"Homebrew mechanics were always a thing with my D&D games so expect something interesting to be thrown your way. "

Is there any chance we could do ranger that have his wis-based stuff keyed from charisma instead?

Even then, however, it seems like in 4e Cha adds to Will save... darnit.
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