ahegao ai_art bondage breasts empty_eyes female_only femsub flower flower_in_hair izayoitsuki_(generator) long_hair nipples nude red_hair solo story tentacle_in_mouth tentacles white_hair

11 comments (0 hidden)

>> #552504
Posted on 2024-08-08 10:47:35
Score: 2 (vote Up)
The Memoir of Livia (6) Extra Story---Angelia in the wonderland (2)

I am Livia, one of the 5 members of the project of its creation. I am now telling what was it like in Angelia's dream.

"No...interruption..." Words came out coarsely from Angelia's throat. The sound was not clear at all because Angelia's mouth was full of some body fluid produced by a tiny protuberance on the wall. And she was actually chewing it when speaking...wait, why did she say "No interruption"? Shouldn't it be a remark made by my Master instead of her?
If you have a chance seeing such a creepy scene and the first thing comes into your mind is the question I asked, then you are completely insane. But I was not...was I? I was just in a ridiculous dream with my love Angelia...though this dream was controlled or manipulated by a far superior bio-menace than us human.
Anyway, there were far more things I needed to describe. This may be the most dream-like scenario I have ever seen in my life...Oh, we were in a dream...it was unimaginably vivid and real.
Angelia was caressed in the middle of 2 layers of thick, soft and bumpy carnes. By her beating trembling, I could tell that she was in waves of great pleasure. Her crotch must be played and studied thoroughly by the tense collection of tentacles. Some of her feelings bumped into my mind so the stimulation fell on me in a slight scale...if I shared the complete pleasure, I wouldn't stand a chance to write even a letter down.
Strangely, the stimulation under the waist limited themselves out...outside the passages of her body. The tentacles had no interest in...ehh, my god...Angelia's vagina. Instead they rimmed around clitoris and 2 parts of libias (majora and minora), in general, external genitalia. Also was the external anus one of its massaging targets. The touch was strong and tickling, and it extended to the inner side of 2 classicly sculptured thighs which were just her sensitive spots (I knew because I often aroused her by whipping there before).
"I got it," I said to myself, trying to clear my mind under the tingling pleasure transmitted to me from Angelia, "the whole place was designed by the personal desire of Angelia...the Thing has done the same thing to me with the beam. Because she was obessed with clitoris masturbation and whipping/touching on skin, her sensitive areas are mainly external." Thus the excessive attack bombed her crotch, making her cumming like in hell. Plus, her limbs were bondaged in a position extremely erotic...her fingers were clasped by several thin tentacles, just like a lover's hands (I hope the lover she was imagining was me). And her feet and palms were tickled and licked heavily(we used to play tickle games quite often). The pleasure and tickling stimulation flooded alternatively as a symphony, making her laugh and cry crazily at the same time. Her body trembled like a motor or a horse, toppling in the tide of a ferocious ocean of pure stimulation. As for me, I dare not think anyone could endure such torture before she passed out. But Angelia could...and that may not be a good thing.
Angelia has good bosoms, which were tightly pressed on the wall...I thought that she herself was pressing to gain more pleasure. But what's the most important happened in her mouth. She was struggling to get a good pose to suck on a small protuberance in front of her, but the tentacles on her crotch sometimes dragged her away from that natural nipple. Thus she needed to make huge efforts herself to get what she wanted again and again. This was a loop. It required her own will, motivation and physical struggle to gain the ultimate pleasure. The fluid it gave out must taste very well and may have components like aphrodisiac or mild narcotics, so that it was atrociously attractive to any girl in such situation...in her fetal or infantile phase of life. This was fairly Freudian---the lips were primitively open to pleasure, and stimulation in certain areas during one's early life moulded her kinks and prefered body parts.......
Oh, right, Freud! The Thing was putting Angelia back to her most primitive age to break her mind. She was defensless and easy to scultpure...God, it was designing her into a more horny version by rubbing or thrusting those body areas which were already sensitive! I have to stop it...I could not let it change Angelia by her core...but is sensitivity really a crucial part of her personality? Is it so important? The voice in my heart was firm, but I could not move at all......I just couldn't do it! As well I wanted her a slave, I wanted her degenerated...this is even what I have been doing before this whole f**king tentacle thing! Angelia, please forgive me...I just loved you so much!
My legs went soft and I fell apart down on the floor. I felt repentful and regretful...I am a sinner betraying my most beloved one again and again...I could have told her the truth at dinner or at the gate of the Lab...I even had a chance when the beam did not turn to work.......that was a chance given by God himself to save her and myself......AND NOW, I once again yielded to my doomed, satanic fate...to Cupiditatem Aeternam (eternal desire) inside my buring soul!
Suddenly, a pleasant shock pulled me back from my confession...where did the shock come from? I looked down...but before I looked down, I was deadly hopeless...because I knew how it happened---I was f**king masturbating, with my hands fingering the clitoris and a nipple, while watching my poor Angelia gradually falling, played with by a dreadful, almighty...Master...
My last resolution of resistance died at the moment when I cummed the first time...it was an accident---Angelia moaned and cummed, accidentally triggering my orgasm. I closed my eyes, lying against another flesh pile...I felt thousand of tentacles crawled over me immediately, making me cozy and The scene was deeply tatooed into my mind: Angelia's moans haunted me like a Siren's song, her lovely yet silly expressions, her rhythemic trembling under the stimulation and her sucking on that nipple...Gosh, if there was a chance for wish, I wish the nipple was mine!
With a series of orgasms, Angelia and I both passed out...our pleasure was shared, that would explain why we broke so fast and totally. And when I woke up, the settings were again changed.

>> #552505
Posted on 2024-08-08 10:51:44
Score: 1 (vote Up)
It would be explained in later works why Angelia said "no interruption".
The hypnotic element in this pic is a little implicit. The last work was chronologically right after this one, so Angelia was hypnotized in the last work.
Hope you enjoy...By the way, I wonder if the concept "personality excretion" is available in this site? If so, I have some works about it combined with mind control. Could somebody tell me whether it is OK? Thanks.

>> #552506
Posted on 2024-08-08 11:19:17
Score: 1 (vote Up)
Loved it! Im very used to stories just hand waving brainwashing with overwhelming pleasure but using psychology and appealing to basic necessities to rewrite a personality is very fascinating.

As for personality excretion (a similar term may be personality death), you can make a forum post asking moderators, but generally as long as the mind control is present and clear it should be good. Some people have their story in text in the picture and tag it caption only if there isnt mind control in the picture alone, and thats acceptable.

>> #552508
Posted on 2024-08-08 11:32:30
Score: 1 (vote Up)
>> #552506
Thank you, my amigo! I studied a little psycho-analysis (Freud, Klein und Lacan) in college, most of my talks about the formation of sexual preferences in infantile period comes from Freud's books.
As for the PerEx, I myself am not that obessessed with it and I know it would be disgusting for someone. But it is a very potential concept for mind-controlling...that's why I work on it with my ai generator. I'll ask if necessary.
And thank you again for your support and liking!

>> #552511
Posted on 2024-08-08 11:53:52
Score: 1 (vote Up)
Small thing to add on. Ive never heard of PerEx until now, I thought you were referring to the general idea of personality death/personality removal. That version of it is new to me. Id definitely post on the forums, there are tags they may ask you to apply to such posts, but I dont see why it wouldnt be allowed. There is a nightmare fuel tag for a reason.

>> #552515
Posted on 2024-08-08 12:42:46
Score: 0 (vote Up)
>> #552511
On pixiv there are many works about it. In English it is tagged personality excretion, in Janpanese it is ""(jinkakuhaisetu). You may search for it on Pixiv if curious. For me it is just as strange as brain f**k...So I would consult the Supreme Court in case it was illegal :)

>> #552567
Posted on 2024-08-09 04:14:13
Score: 1 (vote Up)
Great next chapter, again but I was just wondering if there was a The Memoir of Livia (5) I missed, since the last one I saw was (4).

>> #552569
Posted on 2024-08-09 06:03:32
Score: 1 (vote Up)
>> #552567
Thank you,mon ami.
You are right, this should be the Memoir of Livia (5)...And all the extra stories should be under this title. So there is no missing part but simply a typo.
Thank you for your liking and maintenance...truely heroic!

>> #552814
Posted on 2024-08-12 08:54:51
Score: 3 (vote Up)
Even if there was absolutely no mc in the story at all (which is not the case imo) as long as it's part of a series that has mc at some point i.e. all the last posts, then your fine. Though tbh I don't know how it applies to stories in the comments like this. Either either way all of your images are counting as mc so you have literally nothing to worry about.Also as long as it has mc pretty much anything is allowed barring egrigious things like loli being explicit. any kind of personality change like that I could not see being not allowed.

Now onto non meta stuff... Holy hell that way of transforming the personallity is so insidious I love it so much. Tying it into Freud's erogenous zones theory was really interesting (Though let's be clear irl these theories are considered very bunkt, but it's totally fine and interesting to explore if they did have a lot more credence in fiction) the imagery of going backwards through the uterus to represent going back through the different states, while triggering all of a person's actual erogenous zones to mold them into being a even more lustful horny version of themselves is incredible.

>> #555021
Posted on 2024-09-04 11:16:19
Score: 0 (vote Up)
>> #552814
Thank you very much, for that you answered my question about which contents are allowed here. That is extremely helpful!

I know the Freudian Erogeneous things are not that "scientific" or positivist. However as you said it IS interesting and easy to understand for fictional literature. And you actually can see this part is about implicit age regression, which could be combined perfectly with Freudian theories.

And thanks again for your comment. I am fairly pleased to discuss with you about something academic(maybe a little). If possible I would be more precise in later writings.

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