bottomless breasts coils consensual coyote_boy dialogue dog_boy dress drool femdom forked_tongue furry gameplay_mechanics hanging_down happy_trance health_bar huge_breasts huttser_(guttser) hypnotic_eyes imminent_vore kaa_eyes malesub nude open_mouth original ping sharp_teeth size_difference smile snake_girl spiral_eyes symbol_in_eyes text tongue tongue_out topless trpcafterdark yesenia_(guttser)

1 comment (0 hidden)

>> #552984
Posted on 2024-08-14 02:50:00
Score: 1 (vote Up)
Artist's description for this pool:

Hutts might be having some "difficulty" overcoming a certain snake boss.
But with someone as alluring as Yesenia, who can blame him?
It almost looks like he's doing it on purpose...