09/07/15 02:12AM
Best Hypnotic Experiences
I wanna hear about everyone's best hypnotic experiences. x3 Don't be shy!
09/07/15 06:16AM
Most of my hypnotic experiences have actually came in the dream realm. I remember having a dream one time where a female hypnotic overlord took over the world with her giant hypno-screens. I remember the screens actually having an effect over me that made me relaxed and obedient. I remember coming to my senses at one point and trying to escape, only to have the escape tunnel light up with hypno-screens and movie footage of my own life. I think the command was for me to forget everything. I remember coming out of the tunnel again as the overlord's hypnotic slave. :3

I had another dream where I was kidnapped and hypnotized by anthropomorphic cats.

...And yet another where I stared into the "kaa eyes" of a tiger and became entranced.

The freakiest which happened almost 10 years ago was one where an evil dictator was not influencing my mind but actually my body, and my legs moved zombie-style at his command.

I've had other nightmares where I've actually been physically paralyzed in the dream real, had a seizure in the dream realm, and ones where I shook uncontrollably while puking.

(Seriously, on again/off again use of antidepressants and anti-anxiety meds coupled with taking insanely high doses of over the counter melatonin gives you some freaky nightmares)

Also I've had countless dreams where there were hypnotic spirals or pocket watches involved that had absolutely no effect over me, or I would wake up as soon as I started to drift into a trance.

Not to mention lucid dreams where I've had complete control over others. In a dream if you're lucid, you can think what you want any character in the dream to do and they will do it. I've actually commanded characters in my dream to hypnotize me (which is kind of ironic to say the least)

As far as real hypnotic experiences go I've tried hypnotizing myself so many times and it never works. I remember coming really close one time but as soon as I got excited that I was falling into a trance I woke up.

09/07/15 06:35AM
Mine was when I said "fuck it" to IRL hypnosis.
09/07/15 07:06AM
The first time I watched this video

It's a bit cheesy, but her eyes are PERFECT for what she does.
09/07/15 03:31PM
HypnoBitch said:
I wanna hear about everyone's best hypnotic experiences. x3 Don't be shy!

To be concise, my first ex developed a hypnofetish of her own during our relationship. She really is unusually suggestible and it's quite hilarious sometimes. But almost 5 years later, all her triggers still work over the phone and recently we've been able to do some very sensual things. I give most of the credit to her and not any skill of mine...but it's been a super positive real hypnosis experience for me!
09/09/15 03:43AM
MonotoneMagic said:
As far as real hypnotic experiences go I've tried hypnotizing myself so many times and it never works. I remember coming really close one time but as soon as I got excited that I was falling into a trance I woke up.

Same. The struggle.

I would say I've gone into light trance but then there's a certain point where I all of a sudden jump back up.

Also still waiting for the day I have a hypnosis based dream too :P
09/09/15 07:02AM
Metals said:
Same. The struggle.

I would say I've gone into light trance but then there's a certain point where I all of a sudden jump back up.

Also still waiting for the day I have a hypnosis based dream too :P

That about sums it up, but I'm not holding my breath on the dream unless I start lucid dreaming.
09/10/15 05:09PM
Giving my sub/girlfriend this dream and having her re-experience it all over again.
09/10/15 09:46PM
Magister said:
Giving my sub/girlfriend this dream and having her re-experience it all over again.

O_o That sounds cute and hot and amazing. Good for you two.
09/11/15 09:50AM
Bobbette said:
O_o That sounds cute and hot and amazing. Good for you two.

Thanks! I'll let her know! :)
05/10/23 01:30PM
I watched a private show on stripchat.com/. I was really mesmerized by the dancing there!
05/10/23 09:28PM
When I was younger and more foolhardy, on a medium to large dose of LSD, I went in the bathroom and put on this sleepymaid gif, you know the one.


The thing about psychedelics is that a screen is a sort of trap or portal that you can fall into (mirrors or doors can be this way too, incredibly distracting.) Normally I'm very scatterbrained and easily distracted, but in this case, it was like my whole being was entirely focused on my visual experience: instead of thinking, I just looked, having already decided to go along with it. I fell into the screen; the purple spiral appeared to be spinning.

Then the gif told me to speak, and my visual experience was accompanied by one single thought: Obey. Obey. Obey.

I was horny as hell, but at the same time, my horniness didn't matter; I didn't touch my dick, because the thing didn't tell me to. The gif looped and I must have been in it for 20 or 30 minutes, but that didn't matter, time didn't matter, just watch and Obey, Obey, Obey. Aside from sense experience, my entire consciousness and identity were completely eclipsed by the repeating concept "Obey", it was seriously like an eclipse in the sense that my consciousness, normally always present, was entirely blotted out and replaced with something else. Obey. Obey. Obey.

Eventually I realized that I was having an orgasm and stumbled to the shower, still chanting "Obey" as I had an explosive hands free orgasm that felt like it was a minute long, then I started stroking and came again immediately. I kept chanting "Obey" for like two minutes after that, and when I stopped, it repeated in my thoughts.

I wasn't cumming to anything particularly sexual, but to my complete unconditional submission, the replacement of my entire identity with a being that Obeys and only Obeys. And even when I was cumming, Obey was much more important than the orgasm.

Afterwards I found a lot of cum on the bathroom floor where I had been chanting "Obey", like, as much as a regular cumshot, though I don't remember any orgasm before I went into the shower.

Later, on another trip, I tried it again, but this time the gif was too effective and the "Sleep" command actually put my brain to sleep and I found myself "teleporting" around in various states of undress. This was alarming, and felt dangerous, so I stopped. Goes to show, you don't get back where you were just by retracing your steps.

Still, the first time was one of the strongest mystical experiences of my entire life, and it was all around a fetish. That's the closest I've ever been to the Bhuddist ideal of devoutly acquiescent acceptance of what is, no matter what. Which is really funny to me, because, again, silly sleepymaid fetish gif on a porno site.

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