10/30/13 08:46PM
Stem_Cell said:
He just oozes

This is accurate.
10/30/13 10:18PM
Mindwipe said:
Stem_Cell said:
He just oozes

This is accurate.

10/30/13 10:30PM
Vanndril said:

I'm amused that you don't deny it. :P
10/31/13 01:03AM
Vanndril said:
*mumbles* I really need to stop talking to myself aloud.

But ...you wrote it :\ xD
10/31/13 01:55AM
Anno1404 said:
But ...you wrote it :\ xD

Sshhh. He will realize his folly and then we'll never figure out his plans.
10/31/13 06:45AM
Anno1404 said:
But ...you wrote it :\ xD

Speech-to-text, my dear. It's the way of the future.
Well, until I get thought-to-text down.
Mister Vi
10/31/13 07:27AM
Vanndril said:
Speech-to-text, my dear. It's the way of the future.
Well, until I get thought-to-text down.

while less primitive I usually just have an unwilling slave write my comments for me while I lounge. Pro tip the reason I don't letting slip my evil plans prematurely is <<xkcd.com/481/|I have her read them to me before she posts them>>, just in case I was absentmindedly talking to my self
It's the most brilliant idea ever... Wait a minuite
Vanndril said:sleeper activation... subliminals...

WTF did you do to me man?!?
10/31/13 07:58AM
ffvi1994 said:
[...]I usually just have an unwilling slave write my comments for me while I lounge.[...]
It's the most brilliant idea ever... Wait a minuite

BRILLIANT! I will designate one of my slaves to do this when I have one that's free!

Also, you're supposed to tell them to edit the posts before posting! You know, to avoid having your secrets revealed!

ffvi1994 said:
WTF did you do to me man?!?

Oh, a little of this and a little of that. But isn't it more fun if you don't know? ;)
Mister Vi
10/31/13 08:11AM
@.@ yess Vanndril it is fun if I don't know @.@
10/31/13 08:15AM
I'm starting to see why Vanndril just oozes.
Mister Vi
10/31/13 08:31AM
Fossilbrand said:
I'm starting to see why Vanndril just oozes.

forum #1856 we did talk about the hub having the capacity for janitors. This could be something that they handle.
10/31/13 08:51AM
ffvi1994 said:
forum #1856 we did talk about the hub having the capacity for janitors. This could be something that they handle.

Not my shift. Make Stem-Cell do it.
10/31/13 09:48AM
Henry-killenger said:
Not my shift. Make Stem-Cell do it.

Seeing what's oozed, I'm afraid to send a roomba and see it come back re-programmed and with a blonde wig.
10/31/13 10:56PM
Stem_Cell said:
Seeing what's oozed, I'm afraid to send a roomba and see it come back re-programmed and with a blonde wig.

If it does, I'll take it into the back and teach it about its new role. Do we have to rock-paper-scissors for who cleans the ooze?
11/01/13 01:45AM
Henry-killenger said:
Do we have to rock-paper-scissors for who cleans the ooze?

Please, guys. I can bathe. I know how, trust me.
Now where's the mud puddle...
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