ai_art animated animated_gif black_skin breasts caption changeling dialogue femdom furry horse_girl hypnotic_eyes illusion long_hair magic male_pov malesub manip my_little_pony nipples nude purple_hair purple_skin queen_chrysalis shapeshifter shirt smile smirk suppas_(manipper) text twilight_sparkle

2 comments (0 hidden)

>> #559869
Posted on 2024-11-04 05:52:02
Score: 2 (vote Up)
great story suppas and the art is nice too. however, the switch between chrysalis and "twilight" is a bit too rapid and it can make reading difficult on the eyes. maybe slow it down and have it fade in and out. just some constructive criticism. still a good post though.

>> #559892
Posted on 2024-11-04 15:02:32
Score: 1 (vote Up)
>> #559869

Thanks for the feedback! It was really hard to decide how to execute this gif given the nature of it. The original idea was that the viewers fake reality is almost glitching out for just a few split seconds, momentarily revealing your reality with Chrysalis before the illusion is restored. This was *a lot* harder to achieve than I originally thought it would be, the first version not only being far too rapid, but the .psd file clocking in at a huge 300mb. The only answer was to extend the gif as far as I could without creating some 1GB monster of a file, extending the original 30 frames to 60 frames and smoothen out the glowing animation, however I still had to have Twilight on screen more than Chrysalis or it'd hardly be an illusion. I realised the problem was the background far too late after the lighting effects of the fire and shade on Chrysalis had already been merged onto her layer, meaning I couldn't simply re-write it to have Chrysalis in the forest as well as her model no longer fitted into that environment. I was left with a choice, scrap 7 or 8 hours worth of work to start from scratch, or just go ahead and finish the 99% complete but harder to read version I had, and with it being almost 1am at this point I decided just to finish what I had. Still, lessons learnt for next time! (Although ironically I'm not actually a huge fan of hallucination based mind control stuff, I just thought it would be different XD)