anailater(manipper) blonde_hair bondage bottomless breasts cables collar dangan_ronpa dangan_ronpa_v3 drool female_only femsub goggles goggles_on_head long_hair manip miu_iruma navel nipples nude open_mouth pussy restrained solo standing stasis_tank static_eyes sweat tech_control topless

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>> #560265
Posted on 2024-11-08 00:00:46
Score: 1 (vote Up)
A week late but I'm still learning so it makes sense :P

Using Hypnovember as a way to push myself to learn new skills with sprite editing, in this case nude stuff!
I referenced a lot of existing nude edits, but promised myself not to actually directly copy paste anything, and I think I did pretty damn good for a first attempt!

It looks like Miu's made a device to super charge her own brain! But she only trusts one person as a test subject... and it looks like her heads just full of static now :)