PostNoteBody Edited ByDateOptions
067637Sex SupporterJustChilling2024-11-18 07:21:36Revert
067638TRAINERJustChilling2024-11-18 07:21:51Revert
067639Misty (Brainwashed)JustChilling2024-11-18 07:22:12Revert
067640Misty has sex with either a player or a Pokémon. This move can be used an unlimited number of times.JustChilling2024-11-18 07:24:08Revert
067641Misty: "Now... Misty, the world-famous beauty, will be your opponent."JustChilling2024-11-18 07:29:19Revert
067642Misty: "Now... Misty, the world-famous beauty, will be your opponent..."JustChilling2024-11-18 07:29:35Revert