11/13/13 07:00PM
Stem_Cell said:

No, it should be installed already :)

Okay good;

It should only necessary to go that route if you want subdomains / separate domains, but, what cPanel, did RamNode's cPanel configure Apache on your VPS by itself? (I honestly don't know since I didn't try it out).

I'm not sure, I did want to place a second domain for my own personal stuff. I also wanted to try to separate the actual forum section via a subdomain and then place maybe a kind of standard homepage with links back to the hub and maybe other silly things. Its mostly the part of me that's used to seeing forums in a site have the subdomain "forums.sitehere.net/com", though I should see what the phpBB offers by itself before messing with that shouldn't I...
11/15/13 12:02AM
Stem_Cell said:

It should only necessary to go that route if you want subdomains / separate domains, but, what cPanel, did RamNode's cPanel configure Apache on your VPS by itself? (I honestly don't know since I didn't try it out).

Looking back at this post, I'm not really sure I answered it right now that I'm re-reading it;;

Essentially, inside the cPanel, there was an option to add sub-domains and to add-on domains. I created a sub-domain "forums.site.net" and it gives me a pathname when I did. Though when I connected with PuTTY, it didn't show up anywhere that I did, which is why i was kinda confused;;

Though more on point-ish, the way I make the subdomain is by going in through nano right? And back to:

NameVirtualHost *:80

<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot /path/to/new/site
ServerName name.of.your.site.here.net

for the path, it can be anything as long as I myself know where it is and I properly link to it? I'm trying to remember what I did in webdesign but we only did pages, not entire domains;;
11/15/13 01:17PM
Zyii said:
Though more on point-ish, the way I make the subdomain is by going in through nano right?

All configuration in Linux is done through plain-text files, so if RamNode's DNS cPanel "configured" a domain on your VPS, it would simply have added or edited a text file. In particular, it would have edited a config file Apache would read - as "adding a subdomain" essentially means telling Apache (or other HTTP server) "if the user asks for sub.domain.com, load this particular website".

What path did cPanel give you? It's a folder that doesn't exist? Did you get to choose the folder?

Because, maybe that cPanel just edited the right files already (it would need root access to your VPS to do that).

Zyii said:
for the path, it can be anything as long as I myself know where it is and I properly link to it? I'm trying to remember what I did in webdesign but we only did pages, not entire domains;;

Yes, it can be any path, I'd personally use /var/nameofthesubdomain but you can use anything (except for some root directories that exist in separate filesystem such as /proc or /dev, which in Linux have special meanings).
11/16/13 03:31AM
Stem_Cell said:
What path did cPanel give you? It's a folder that doesn't exist? Did you get to choose the folder?

Yeah it doesn't exist, nor did it ask me where to put the directory cPanel wise. :/

Because, maybe that cPanel just edited the right files already (it would need root access to your VPS to do that).

I don't ever remember giving it that... or even know how to.

Yes, it can be any path, I'd personally use /var/nameofthesubdomain but you can use anything (except for some root directories that exist in separate filesystem such as /proc or /dev, which in Linux have special meanings).

Okay, I thought so.
11/16/13 07:32AM
In any case, what path did it give you and what was the subdomain? I'm curious it gave you a path at all, so I'd like to know what it looks like.

The more details you give me the easier it is to help you :P

11/16/13 07:42AM
Wow just noticed my post needed a tag closed, oops;;

anyway... the subdomain i wanted to add, like i said before, was forums.site.net and the path it gave was:


Stem_Cell said:

The more details you give me the easier it is to help you :P

I really should give more details but I'm never really sure what would be useful or not;;;
11/17/13 02:09PM
Zyii said:
anyway... the subdomain i wanted to add, like i said before, was forums.site.net and the path it gave was:

Does that path exist? or if it doesn't, any of it's parent folders exist? (except for /home which was there before anyway).

Zyii said:
I really should give more details but I'm never really sure what would be useful or not;;;

When in doubt, the more detail the better ^_^ I'm still getting used to setting up sites myself, so when I get stuck I start to fiddle with things until they work. Having more info is always good.

By the way, when you ran
apt-get install phpbb3

supposedly it asks you the MySQL root password (to use the database), did it ask that?

If all is well you might run this command:
ln -s /usr/share/phpbb3/www /var/www/phpbb

(which creates a link between that first folder and that second one), then go to yoursite.net/phpbb and see if it loads correctly. The default login is "admin", password "admin".
11/17/13 06:11PM
Stem_Cell said:

Does that path exist? or if it doesn't, any of it's parent folders exist? (except for /home which was there before anyway).
Only /home does when I check via filezilla, I even checked the other folders to see if I saw anything, but i didn't.;;

When in doubt, the more detail the better ^_^ I'm still getting used to setting up sites myself, so when I get stuck I start to fiddle with things until they work. Having more info is always good.

I usually try doublechecking or checking in other places before coming here to post;;

By the way, when you ran
supposedly it asks you the MySQL root password (to use the database), did it ask that?

If all is well you might run this command:

ln -s /usr/share/phpbb3/www /var/www/phpbb

(which creates a link between that first folder and that second one), then go to yoursite.net/phpbb and see if it loads correctly. The default login is "admin", password "admin".

Yeah it did when I set it up/installed. I'll run that command and do things.
11/18/13 12:47AM
i forgot to mention this as i went to work, but i executed the command you told me and i didnt get any response from putty at all... ill try it again when im home though.
11/18/13 05:03AM
OOoooo It worked!! * O *

//touches the board all over//
11/19/13 04:27PM
Zyii said:
i forgot to mention this as i went to work, but i executed the command you told me and i didnt get any response from putty at all... ill try it again when im home though.

the ln -s command just creates a symlink, so it's normal that it doesn't say anything when it's successful.

Zyii said:
OOoooo It worked!! * O *

//touches the board all over//

That's great! Now you can start playing around with it :D
You may want to look at the user manual for PHPBB3 for guidance, maybe the settings section of <<www.phpbb.com/support/documentation/3.0/quickstart/|this page>> will help you.
11/20/13 01:57AM
Stem_Cell said:
the ln -s command just creates a symlink, so it's normal that it doesn't say anything when it's successful.

Oh that makes sense.

That's great! Now you can start playing around with it :D
You may want to look at the user manual for PHPBB3 for guidance, maybe the settings section of <<www.phpbb.com/support/documentation/3.0/quickstart/|this page>> will help you.

I will~ Afterwards, I'll ask how to send it over to a subdomain and such. -v-/
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