11/02/13 06:44PM
slayerduck said:
1.0.6 is out, did you guys do any custom modifications to the software? Or can i just install it?

I coded some javascript to fix links not working and stuff like that but it checks to see if the links already work before replacing them. Aside from that Vann edited the config files (so it loads the js), but it can be edited again if it has to (no core php was touched).

Thanks for keeping us up to date! :)
11/02/13 08:48PM
Changes for MyImouto v1.0.6

Enabled History feature: keeps track of changes done to posts, tags, pools and notes.
Post notes now use Markdown instead of allowing HTML (Danbooru's <td> tag can still be used though).
Enabled Tag Cloud (160)
Improved database queries for post#index (better, faster)
Supports Imagick for image processing.
Framework now supports Memcached for caching, read HowToUse wiki for more info.
Enabled various cache-related features.
Fileinfo is no longer used to get images file type, GD's getimagesize is used instead.
Enabled Pool copy and Pool post metadata transfer (181, 183).
Posts with blacklisted tags in wiki#index are hidden, like in note#index (186)
Enabled Admin controller, it can be accessed from the More page.
Moved Fix tag count to Admin controller; removed the link under the Tag menu.
Added manual tag purge (i.e. delete all tags with count of 0) in Admin controller (175)
Notes won't hide in post#show upon "mouse up" after dragging the image.
"Browse" link in post#index footer now links to browse with the current search, if any.
Form to upload posts now checks if either file or source fields are not empty before submitting (162)
Tag completion can be enabled in home page (tag_completion_in_homepage config option) (152)
Posts are ordered by id after being ordered by index_timestamp (139)
Added a link to admin#index in More
Added a menu like user#edit to the layout for Admin controller
Tags overflowing in title in post#index are now hidden instead of overlapping
Revisited code related to Tag Summary (which is used for Tag Completion)
Removed the Post\FilenameParsingMethods trait, their methods where put in the Post\FileMethods trait.
Changed pools.description column to text (was varchar(128)) to hold larger texts (191)
Updated DText help page (187)
Updated Notes help page regarding Markdown.
Updated DText class (217, 218)

Fixed error when creating new user (149)
Fixed error in script/daemons/job_task_processor.php (153)
Fixed children posts notice in app/views/post/show_partials/_status_notices.php (154)
External data search job task didn't grab post source from first result (155) column's length increased, wasn't big enough (156)
Images would randomly not show in post#show with "image resize" user option activated (157)
"Post already exists" message was missing when uploading an already existing post (161)
Fixed Artists section, many bugs specially with URLs (169, 177)
Pretty URLs for PNG versions showed a + sign instead of spaces (171)
Editing avatar from profile showed "Error: Not Found" (174)
Fixed all "Related ..." links in post#show (135, 167)
Fixed post#random, it wasn't too random (176)
"Show conversation" in dmail#show rendered a parse error (182)
Fixed error when editing an artist's wiki (184)
"Artist Help" link under help menu in Artist controller linked to help#artist instead of help#artists (188)
Post's source in post#show had the first character cut off (195)
Fixed paginator links in forum, they were linking to the index (197)
Parent post wasn't aware of new child upon post upload (198)
"Favorited by" in post#show showed an error when post had more than 6 favorites (200)
Mouse over tags with apostrophes wouldn't highlight direct link bar in post#index (201)
Fixed errors in wiki#index when searching for "title:something".
Mail replies would add "Re:" to the title for each reply (209)
Fixed Tag::compact_tags(), it was returning all tags (211)
Fixed comment#moderate
Fixed error when trying to edit a forum post on a locked thread (215)
Even if a tag implication had more than one consequent, only one was applied (168)
11/02/13 09:29PM
That's a lot of changes :)

One thing I immediately noticed is the text went from light gray (#CCC) to pure white.

Edit: now it's light grey again :)
11/02/13 11:17PM
Stem_Cell said:
That's a lot of changes :)

One thing I immediately noticed is the text went from light gray (#CCC) to pure white.

Edit: now it's light grey again :)

Yeah, I fixed that.

But I had a problem doing it. I uploaded the custom CSS file again, and tried to point to it by editing config/application.php like I did in 1.0.5. This caused an error and broke the site, so I couldn't do it that way. There has been no update on the "how to" guide for assets on the developer's site (on neither nor GitHub), so I'm going to report that as a bug, as well, under the assumption that he changed something and didn't realize it would cause this.

For now, I just slapped the changes into the end of the default CSS file, which miraculously worked this time (rather than breaking all the javascript on the site like last time XD).
11/03/13 12:36AM
Vanndril said:
For now, I just slapped the changes into the end of the default CSS file, which miraculously worked this time (rather than breaking all the javascript on the site like last time XD).

I have no idea how that could break the javascript... much better now btw.

Also, I'll have to figure out his docs later then.
11/03/13 12:39AM
Stem_Cell said:
I have no idea how that could break the javascript... much better now btw.

Yeah, that's what I said. When I told the developer, he said that, too. We all had a pretty big laugh about it, but never figured out the cause.
11/03/13 01:27AM
I hate this update. Just wanna go on record saying that.
11/03/13 01:45AM
Alright, I'm gonna unsticky and lock this thread. It's going to be kept for archival purposes for the bugs of 1.0.5.

It will be replaced by a new bug thread for version 1.0.6.
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