08/16/13 07:18PM
[ARCHIVE] Bug Report (v. 1.0.5)
Let's keep this all in one thread so things can be worked on or answered swiftly and efficiently.

I tried to update my wife's artist page (great feature by the way) to include her Tumblr page. When I did it doubled up the listings. I tried deleting the content and it just kept happening so now her listing reads dA, Twitter, dA, Twitter, Tumblr, dA, Twitter, Tumblr, dA, Twitter, Tumblr which is a bit obtrusive.

Anything that can be done to make it show as just 3 links? to see what I mean.
08/16/13 08:31PM
Aye, this is known and reported. It's also mentioned as a warning in my giant introductory post on the forums. The only fix is to remake the artist profile, which I'll do now.

Quoted from "Things Have Changed, Friends!":
WARNING!!: The Artist Profile feature of this software is currently bugged. When editing a profile, the URL field gets all screwy and there is no way to fix it aside from recreating the profile from scratch. If you want something in an artist's profile changed, please pm either <<|Mindwipe>> or <<|myself>>.

For those interested, I think the error is caused by the software not clearing the URL field in the database. I mean, when you edit an artist profile and empty the URL text box, the software goes "Oh, so I'm just not supposed to add anything to the URL field. Okay." and doesn't change anything. Thus, URLs can only be ADDED.
08/16/13 08:35PM
Vanndril said:
Aye, this is known and reported. It's also mentioned as a warning in my giant introductory post on the forums. The only fix is to remake the artist profile, which I'll do now.

Bah, my apologies. This entire switch-over is taking much getting used to and is a lot of info to take in.

Sorry to trouble you.
08/16/13 08:36PM
It's fine. I know how overwhelming all this is, trust me. There are still a few features I don't quite understand, myself. XD

Thanks for making a Bug Report thread, btw. I thought of that, but never really got around to it. I'll sticky this for the time being.
08/17/13 12:44AM
Oh my. It would seem that forum pages are borked.
I best go report that.

This is pretty major. I wish we woulda noticed this before opening up the new site, but...who woulda thought. o.O
08/17/13 12:47AM
Oh good. You noticed at the same time I did. I can still see your post if I click "last" from the index page, but hitting the "next" button or the "2" turns up an empty page.

I know why, the link for the next and page buttons are screwed up. They don't designate the forum post.
08/17/13 12:52AM
Yep. I noticed that, too.
...I'll look into it a bit, but chances of me actually being able to fix it are slim to none.

In the meantime, I reported it to the developer.

Edit: Yeah, I have NO idea what the problem is. As per usual, I found the line that I think is the issue (the one that generates the page links), but I can't find out what the problem actually is. It looks like it SHOULD work.

It looks like our forum is as good as useless for a while. :(

Edit 2: I made a sticky explaining the situation and a way around it. It's a pain in the ass, but it'll have to do until we get a fix.
08/17/13 02:17AM
When you post a pic with a parent (as in, when you enter an ID number on upload), the post is made into a child post like proper, but the parent post doesn't get a child post banner or link to the child.

To fix it, I had to erase the parent ID from the pic I uploaded, save it, then enter the pic ID again.
08/17/13 02:20AM
Mindwipe said:
When you post a pic with a parent (as in, when you enter an ID number on upload), the post is made into a child post like proper, but the parent post doesn't get a child post banner or link to the child.

To fix it, I had to erase the parent ID from the pic I uploaded, save it, then enter the pic ID again.


08/17/13 02:23AM
Frames/tables aren't working properly, everything is crammed onto the left side of the page. Gallery pages don't show up properly for me.
08/17/13 02:24AM
Vanndril changed the CSS, and he knows he can't do that.

...You can get around to fixing this anytime, Vanndril.

Edit: Oh, you broke it for real this time, huh?
08/17/13 02:43AM
Chill. Just had to replace the CSS with the backup. All set now.

Still can't fix anything, though.

Praytell, however, when I'm supposed to fix this, then. :P
Maybe I'll go ask slayer for a separate installation of this site just for the sake of CSS testing.
08/17/13 05:56AM
Are tag subscriptions supposed to work? I get a 404 when I click the edit link next to the tag subscriptions thingy on my profile and settings. Not a big deal in any case.
08/17/13 09:21AM
I'm slow. If a link gives you a 404, then it's most likely an unfinished feature.
08/18/13 10:03AM
I don't know if you find it helpful for us to report bugs or if it's annoying but:

(1) When I tried to click Show Conversation for a message I was looking at, I got this: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '[', expecting ',' or ';' in /home/hypno/app/views/dmail/show_previous_messages.php on line 1

(2) The tag cloud view gives a 404 message. Not a critical feature but it would be cool to see.
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