11/07/13 10:50AM
Mindwipe said:
I wonder if I'm the only person on this site who gets intensely jealous whenever people talk about performing hypnosis IRL.

No, again, no you're not. I'm a huge sub, and the best I get is rp in the bedroom. Granted, it might be all I can get (I have ADD, and evidence points we folks don't generally get the effects,) but I still wish I could get some real tries in.
11/07/13 04:06PM
Mindwipe said:
I wonder if I'm the only person on this site who gets intensely jealous whenever people talk about performing hypnosis IRL.

Oh if it's a big deal I can stop. It was something I started doing in college as a means of relaxing. Then I saw someone have a breakdown and hypnotized them into relaxation and it spread from there. Although I will not do stage shows. No curtain is big enough to hide my massive boner. [/joke]
11/07/13 09:14PM
Fossilbrand said:
Oh if it's a big deal I can stop.

It would be really selfish of me to tell you to stop just because I'm exceedingly envious of you folks. Besides, I feel strangely better just knowing I'm not the only one who gets like this when I read these threads.
11/07/13 09:44PM
Fossilbrand said:
I think this story is a good intro into shock hypnosis while being a really good read.

Assuming that the shock induction part of the story is accurate to actual shock inductions, it more or less confirms my suspicions that there is an induction, it's just hidden in the pre-talk, and, by induction, I mean "setting up the expectation". Like, you can't just walk up to a person, do the "applied kinesthetic" arm-pull thing to throw them off balance, and have them in a trance if the expectation isn't set up.

(If people don't know what I mean by "applied kinesthetics", here's a skeptic video showing how it works in the context of shopping mall demos for "magic" energy-enhancing bracelets: Keep in mind, I'm only posting this link as an illustration of applied kinesthetics, I do not mean to tarnish the actual, scientifically-measurable-through-brain-scans effects of hypnosis with association to scammers selling junk bracelets, although the placebo effect one might get from such a bracelet is loosely-related to hypnosis.)
11/07/13 11:49PM
While I have had my successes with hypnosis a couple of times, I also fall under the category of "hard-to-hypnotize" - or at least that's how it is for me listening to mp3 files. I haven't had any sort of actual session with a real hypnotist though I would love to. I feel as if there's something missing from listening to an mp3 as opposed to having an actual session with a hypnotist but unfortunately listening to files is the only sort of experience I have of being hypnotized.

Trying to stay somewhat on-topic, I very much prefer longer inductions to help me relax since there's a lot of stress in my life that I like to escape from even if it's just for a little bit.

sasazuka said:
I'd love to experience an instant induction, actually, but I don't know where to go to have such an experience.

Likewise, but I probably won't even notice when it happens. xD
I get a bit of a strange turn-on though when I think about it though.
11/08/13 12:20AM
I strongly dislike the idea of being hypnotized in real life, almost to the point of phobia. I think it's what drove me to fetishize it in the first place, actually. Am I alone in this?
11/08/13 12:48AM
petal said:
I strongly dislike the idea of being hypnotized in real life, almost to the point of phobia. I think it's what drove me to fetishize it in the first place, actually. Am I alone in this?

I'm sure you're not, but there's really no reason to be afraid of it (that I know of). It only has as much of an effect as you let it. But, I'm pretty sure it's actually really common to fetishize things that you would never want to do IRL. You know, like rape.

It's funny, as time goes on I find myself drifting more towards being a switch instead of just a wannabe dom. Maybe it has something to do with taking a leadership role in this community and thereby growing to appreciate the other side more. That, and some of the things going on in my life makes sinking into a peaceful trance seem like the most liberating thing in the world. But I feel like I'm doubly fucked, because I'm too self-doubting to be a dom, and too high-strung to be a sub. =/

Edit: Oh, right, the thread.

Manips - short and sweet
Stories - don't read any, but detail is important in any narrative
Real - never done it myself, but in hypnosis videos I like to at least have the option of watching a long induction
11/08/13 01:43AM
petal said:
I strongly dislike the idea of being hypnotized in real life, almost to the point of phobia. I think it's what drove me to fetishize it in the first place, actually. Am I alone in this?

Oooo... That's interesting.
I...can honestly say that I never got a fetish that way.
11/08/13 01:59AM
petal said:
I strongly dislike the idea of being hypnotized in real life, almost to the point of phobia. I think it's what drove me to fetishize it in the first place, actually. Am I alone in this?

You are not alone but Mindwipe is right. Hypnosis can really only effect you so long as you want it to. Most people aren't all that opposed to having someone you trust take you on a mental relaxation trip. That and it's quite healthy to be in a trance like state. Part of the reason I do yoga is to exhaust myself, then relax my physical and mental state. It's something I recommend everyone do at least once a week.

It's also funny Mindwipe that I started off as a sub. Then the more I matured, the more confident I got. I eventually started oozing confidence which makes me a pretty good Dom. Well when I want to be. I'm fine with being a switch. Even had a few people try to practice on me. Fortunately I knew them so I didn't have an issue with trust.

Seeing as how people mentioned mp3's, I will include that in the list. As far as audio files are concerned, I rather enjoy either a mini story or just focusing on my breathing. There are a few that were "I am your master obey me" sort of thing that really is a turn off for me. Then there are those that expect you to understand your role as an office worker and the boss comes in and *long rp session unfolds*. If I wanted an rp session I would have rolled up a character sheet. I would like enough story for the set up of the induction.

Mindwipe said:
But I feel like I'm doubly fucked, because I'm too self-doubting to be a dom, and too high-strung to be a sub. =/

But the hypnotist's job is to calm you down. And I feel that because you are in a leadership role, doesn't mean you can't be a sub. Some of the best, and most willing participants are leaders.
11/08/13 02:18AM
Fossilbrand said:
But the hypnotist's job is to calm you down. And I feel that because you are in a leadership role, doesn't mean you can't be a sub. Some of the best, and most willing participants are leaders.

Oh, I'm not doubting that, nor do I think that my role as leader should prevent me from engaging in submissive fantasies. My problem is that my mind is always on something that bothers me. Whether it's something I've found to worry about, something that's irritating me, or just general self-hating bullshit, there's always something eating at me. I'm a lazy person, but I am very bad at relaxing, and that makes me nervous that hypnosis wouldn't work on me, and that makes me too nervous to try. This probably ties into my confidence issues as well.
11/08/13 03:02AM
Mindwipe said:
I'm a lazy person, but I am very bad at relaxing, and that makes me nervous that hypnosis wouldn't work on me, and that makes me too nervous to try. This probably ties into my confidence issues as well.

I used to be like that. Then I adopted the F it method. Everyone is basically human and messed up in their own way. But we are social, we want to interact with those that we have some common ground on. Hell that's why my first question is, do you like games? So everyone, go outside of your comfort zone. Go talk to your fellow nerds and be merry!

Now you may be thinking, damn this Fossilbrand is an awesome guy. But how do I apply the F it method to me? Well no matter what you do, there are always going to be times when you feel nervous, uncertain, and just against things. But the reason why some people go into hypnosis or whatever the activity is, is because there is some general fun to be had. So why not dive yourself full into this sort of fun? You're not good enough? F it! No one is good their first time trying something new. As long as you laugh it off, learn from your mistakes, and get back on, then you won't end up missing out.

Now you must be thinking " thank you Fossilbrand sensei. I will go forth and live my life by saying F it. Also contribute to the site." At which point I will smile and nod but cry internally :D
11/08/13 03:57AM
Well, I see what you mean about the "oozing confidence" thing (:P), but it just doesn't feel that easy for me.
11/08/13 09:04AM
petal said:
I strongly dislike the idea of being hypnotized in real life, almost to the point of phobia. I think it's what drove me to fetishize it in the first place, actually. Am I alone in this?

When I was a kid *with a premature hypnosis fetish*, I thought I was afraid of actually being hypnotized, but I eventually figured out that I wanted to be hypnotized, I was just a little intimidated. It's very much like how I want to go to Japan, but I also find the idea intimidating.
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