11/02/13 03:51AM
Short or Long Inductions?
Hey everyone! Well it's as the title suggests, I'm curious as to whether people like short or long hypnosis inductions. The way this will be answered is going to be a 3 parter. 1. For manips, 2. For reading stories(like mcstories or piper) and 3. For real life if any of you are into that.

1/2. I'm going to combine my answers here cause they are pretty much the same. Now I write hypno stories. Admittedly I've been getting side tracked lately but after the holiday season... Well I've been getting side tracked. Anywho I like my inductions on the medium to long side of things. I understand that I like long inductions but for a story/manip, it's not all there is to the story. Normally there is a beginning and an ending that needs to be fluffed out as well, so I try to keep it in between by making it long enough to draw in an imitation of a good induction, but with less of the boredom. And short inductions where it's just snap and sleep, to me, just seems to be cutting the juicy corner of your hypno reading experience.

3. Now I have done hypnosis in real life but mostly to get people to focus or quit a habit they wanted to quit. When doing so I prefer to use the long induction. It allows me to paint a pretty picture while letting me see where the subject is in terms of how far they are under. Although they can be worked into a snap and sleep state, but I just feel like there is no art in it anymore when it goes to that.

Well there you go. Another topic to talk about and a new way for writers and mannippers alike to think out a new aspect of their work.
11/02/13 04:24AM
For manips, speed is of the essence. Manips that are overly verbose simply feel like aborted stories. You can give hints that this sort of thing is going on a longer-term basis, but don't actually make it long.

For stories, quite the opposite: the allure comes in the slow collapse of the victim, such that you never quite know whether it was the mind control or the temptation of the mind control, or some grey area in between, that wore them down to nothing.
11/02/13 05:25AM
For manips I am a firm believer of quality over quantity, so length usually isn't an issue but rather the writing style, creativity and immersion. If I have blocks of text that looks like then length really isnt the issue here. Too often I see "forced manips" where it seems like the manipper just didn't give any thought into a piece and only manniped some empty eyes on it because the girl was pretty.
When I do find a well written manip I prefer long walls of text even thought they appear to be stigmatized. I especially love it when the reader is the subject being hypnotized by the figure in the image, those manips often have an entrancing element to them and so the longer it is the more I can get into it. The use of visuals and blocks of text kind of give you the best of both worlds with hypno comics and hypno stories since its a kind of balance between the two.
As for stories I personally can't get into things that are chapters in length, I just look for things that are about 1000-2000 words, plus writing skill is more important than length too. I'm not much for sitting down and reading a story for more than 15 minutes at a time
11/02/13 05:31AM
I'm with Ogodei. In general if I need to look over and check the image every so often to see if maybe it's showing that part of the story, it should probably just be a story that was coincidentially inspired by a picture.
11/02/13 07:24AM
In real life (mp3s and Youtube videos), the longer, the better. I trance out best to files where at least the first 10 to 15 minutes are the induction, and I definitely don't mind even longer than that. I generally don't bother with files much shorter than 25 minutes, and, yes, I do occasionally listen to files over an hour long. I'd say the plurality of hypnosis files I listen to are within five minutes either way of being 40 minutes long.

In fiction, well, I'd love to read/hear full-length inductions, but I fully recognize that even most people into the hypnosis fetish aren't as into the induction part as I am and don't mind inductions that are just a few sentences long, usually if some sort of time jump skipping over most of the induction is implied.
11/03/13 11:27PM
Honestly, I've no absolute answer to give. To me, the right length depends on a number of variables:

1. The medium. I'm just parroting Ogodei-Khan here, but indeed you don't want to drag out the text in a manip too much. If you want to make a longer text in a manip, I find it's better to make several manips and tell a story through them gradually. For actual text stories, it's better to take your time and build the mood at a more leisurely pace. I'd say that also applies for audios and other real life stuff, though honestly them self-hypnosis goodies don't seem to work on me, so I can't really say what would be an appropriate length for them.

2. The character & situation. Some people are more sub than others, and will be easier to give orders to. And there's plenty of leeway in the setting as well. Even Princess Susceptible is likely to put up a fight when she's chained in the evil, lecherous Lord Hypnodom's dungeons, but might let the more trustworthy Sir Bob, who's saved her life twice, probe around her mind without all that much resistance.

3. The 'hardness' of the mind control. Like settings and characters, not all MC is equal. There's a world of difference between carefully doing slight modifications to someone's behavior and preferences with suggestions and just wiping their mind clean of all thought and personality.

So yeah, those are the variables of induction length that come to mind. Obviously there are more, but I think these are the most common and biggest ones. As for what I prefer, I'd rather say I like it when the length is fitting of the atmosphere of the work in question.
11/04/13 01:45PM

You may want to check out this thread for more thoughts on long versus short text captions.
11/04/13 05:39PM
I am genuinely torn on this subject. On one hand, I love it as someone is slowly inducted into being completely obedient. On the other hand, I also like it when someone is just suddenly, and forcefully placed into submission. It's a never ending battle...

1. For manips, I suppose I like a long induction that is implied (I.E. not a giant text wall). I like to fill in the blanks myself most of the time although, if it's well written enough, I will enjoy a lengthy story.

2. For stories, I do prefer if they get more in depth with how the person is inducted. Watching a person's thought process change (subtly or unsubtly) is always a big turn on for me.

3.I've never really been into real life hypnosis, so I have no comment.
11/06/13 04:24AM
anonymind said:

You may want to check out this thread for more thoughts on long versus short text captions.

I checked some of the posts so see if there may have been something related but that seemed to be something I glossed over. Eh no ones perfect but I am enjoying some I the responses I am seeing from people.
11/07/13 05:00AM
I do instant inductions mostly because I don't like things taking too long however if you've already induced trance deepeners can be the same as a progressive induction with 0 resistance

I guess im 50 50 I prefer instant done on myself because it shows confidence from the tist as well most people use long winded progressive relaxation techniques and simply hope they will work damn scriptnotists
11/07/13 05:56AM
^ Don't "instant inductions" generally use some kind of "shock", like applied kinesthetics to throw someone off-balance, ready to be caught by the 'tist, or are there some "instant" induction techniques that are strictly "no touch" and verbal and don't cheat by hiding much of the induction in the pre-talk where you build up the expectation that a trance will happen at a certain cue?

I don't doubt that instant inductions can be highly effective with at least some people in real life, but I only ever "get hypnotized" by listening to mp3's or audio on Youtube videos, so I kind of need a long progressive induction. Either I'm super hard to hypnotize or, quite possibly, I respond better to long inductions simply because I have the belief that long inductions work better on me.

I'd love to experience an instant induction, actually, but I don't know where to go to have such an experience. (I did try signing up to be a subject in a university hypnosis study once, but I wasn't chosen.)
11/07/13 09:20AM
I think this story is a good intro into shock hypnosis while being a really good read.

But mostly it's doing something so shocking that the other person is stunned for for a bit, allowing you to do your induction without them really processing. Or its using the subject's own knowledge of hypnosis against them by doing a single "shocking" act that basically sends a signal to the brain saying "yup, this is shocking. Time to be hypnotized." It's very effective in person if done well.

Although I've been experimenting with Eriksonian hypnosis with mixed results. More positive than negative. And I people wanted to know what Eriksonian hypnosis is, then banana. If you pictured a banana in your mind then congrats. That's your lesson in Eriksonian hypnosis. Although I wouldn't use it for shock inductions, it could be another tool to help set up that sort of thing making the induction kind of longer.
11/07/13 09:57AM
I wonder if I'm the only person on this site who gets intensely jealous whenever people talk about performing hypnosis IRL.
11/07/13 10:34AM
Mindwipe said:
I wonder if I'm the only person on this site who gets intensely jealous whenever people talk about performing hypnosis IRL.

No. No you're not. It makes me want to cry.
11/07/13 10:48AM
I don't think I could do hypnosis IRL. I mean, I could rattle off a typical induction based on the many inductions I've listened to as an MP3-listening subject over the years, especially considering the MY LITTLE PONY: FRIENDSHIP IS MAGIC hypnosis files mostly have the same basic, quite effective induction, I've more or less memorized word-for-word, but I don't have the confidence or charisma to actually try it with anyone. Plus, I've always been more interested in being hypnotized than being a hypnotist.
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