11/03/13 02:03AM
HypnoHub's Booru Software Updated
Some of our users (read: most) have already realized that something was amiss today, on the Hub. Errors here and there, site going down every couple of minutes, an hour-long downtime in the early afternoon, and so on. So, I figured I should explain.

I just wanted to announce that all of this was due to the efforts of Slayerduck, our gracious server host, and myself, as we attempted (and fumbled with) installing and re-setting-up the booru software, as there was a new version released.

To put it plainly, this new version seems rather unstable (and was a real pain to install). It's not unusable by any means, but, while it fixes many of the problems that v. 1.0.5 suffered from, it comes with its own host of problems and bugs. For example, the PHP CPU usage of this program has shot up through the roof (this is a bug, it was meant to LOWER, not INCREASE, with this update)! This is causing the occasional Error 502 when you try to load pages.

It's nothing to worry about all too much, but just expect to find certain features that you were using (did you like holding uploads? I did...) to suddenly not work, or new error messages to appear where they were not before. I wanted to apologize now for any inconvenience this update causes anyone.

Anyway, if you're a more tech-savvy kind of guy and want to see the change log for the new version, look <<|here>>.

If you notice any bugs, or anything you think might be a bug, or even anything that just seems strange, post <<|here>>.
11/25/13 11:40AM
Unstickying this, as it's not entirely relevant, anymore.
11/25/13 06:52PM
Vanndril said:
Unstickying this, as it's not entirely relevant, anymore.

Still kinda relevant though... with the registration bug and all. Unfortunately.
11/26/13 07:55AM
Stem_Cell said:
Still kinda relevant though... with the registration bug and all. Unfortunately.

Except that this was a different update altogether. :P
This post was made, mainly, to explain the downtime the day of the new version release, which was nearly 3 weeks ago.

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