05/17/15 05:52PM
rain said:
Since he's using an external host, I imagine it'd be a major pain to continuously reupload all those files with new passwords, so I can't imagine they change very frequently, if at all.

This. Also this would change all download links and you'd need to update the Webpage as well. I am pretty sure they don't reupload them at all or only in certain special cases, where the password has been broadly leaked and they are losing money - then again, why would you leak the password? You'd just upload the vid to a torrent site and be done with it.

That said, it's still a shady business. This is basically them making a profit from pirating because they sure as hell aren't a certified reseller. That makes it even worse than just plain torrenting the stuff, because in both cases the creator of the video doesn't see a dime but with paying these sites you strongly encourage them to continue. It's just porn, so it won't get as much attention from law enforcement as sites with visitors in the hundreds of thousands each day, but you are leaving a shady company with information about your payment - which then may in worst case be abused, since you do not know if the payment is really secure, or saved and confiscated by law enforment if they ever get busted. Granted, this can happen with torrenting stuff as well, but in that case they have an ip and have to request more information, while with payment information they have at least your bank/city and name.

I still advise staying away from these sites. While the Japanese Porn industry doesn't calculate with big earnings outside of japan, they shouldn't have to deal with big pirating sites that resell their stuff for a lot lower price.
05/17/15 06:12PM
I'm not sure who to ask but can someone send me a pm with the link and the password? I'll fork over a couple that I have from a dead torrent. Took me like a month to download it
06/01/15 03:59AM
06/01/15 07:03AM
guy6359 said:

What exactly did you want?
06/02/15 12:22PM
Mindwipe said:
Yeah... If there's one thing we learned from Hypnochan, it's that content creators don't care if you're actually hosting the files or not. They will demand your head if you so much as post links. Granted, I don't think some obscure Japanese niche porn company would say anything (or even find out), but...

Is that what happened to hypnochan? I was never really clear on that (only started actually participating/reading discussions recently). Why not just pull a piratebay and host it somewhere that doesn't comply with US copyright laws? Or even just remove the offending links?
06/02/15 11:29PM
LillyTank said:
What exactly did you want?

Last page someone said they had a lot of files and I wanted some
06/07/15 06:14AM
Master_Bates said:
Is that what happened to hypnochan? I was never really clear on that (only started actually participating/reading discussions recently). Why not just pull a piratebay and host it somewhere that doesn't comply with US copyright laws? Or even just remove the offending links?

Damned if I know why the links weren't removed. The admin of Hypnochan wasn't particularly active, so he probably just never made it in time. I think I only saw him around every few weeks.

As for hosting somewhere that doesn't comply with US copyright laws...it's just too much of a hassle. Not something I (or Mindwipe, at the time) was interested in bothering with. Besides, we wanted to be somewhat of a respecting and respectable community, rather than just a swarm of illegal content that will end up only pissing off content creators.
09/07/15 05:16AM
Hi, just wondering if there's still anyone around with passwords for the files on Akiba?
09/07/15 05:56AM
Yanliz said:
Hi, just wondering if there's still anyone around with passwords for the files on Akiba?

09/07/15 06:08AM
LillyTank said:

Why not just upload the video files onto mega for us? I do it for vns and /d/
09/07/15 06:56AM
LillyTank said:

Sent you a PM :D
09/07/15 07:17AM
Yanliz said:
Hi, just wondering if there's still anyone around with passwords for the files on Akiba?


07/07/16 04:14PM
Lost+Name said:
I actually bought two of them. The Office RMQ vid and the School RMQ vid. I loved the second one of the school vid the others were ok but I think that one is my favorite. You can tell both of the girls were really into it and they just looked incredible.

Can anyone help me find these vids? I'm down to buy them for sure! I love the RMQ previews, I'd just like to have a couple of legit full videos but I cant find them anywhere! Please help?
01/31/21 07:29PM
So I've been lurking here for quite a while, and upon finding this forum post, I decided to create an account because I can actually help with this XD. On Spankbang, there are several users that have already uploaded several videos from the CHQ series (from RMQ), and I've downloaded all that are available. Here's what I've found:

RMQ videos -- 002 (clip), 004, 005, 007, and a compilation clip video
CHQ videos -- 002, 009, 011-014, 016-020, and one that I don't have an ID for
(I have also found the links to CHQ007, 008, and RMQ011, but I'm unable to download them.)

In the coming days, I hope to re-upload all of the videos above in the hopes of creating as close to a complete body of RMQ Project work as I can. Again, I hope this helps!

My Spankbang profile: spankbang.com/profile/VerifiedUser
02/01/21 02:03AM
VerifiedUser said:
(My Spankbang profile: spankbang.com/profile/VerifiedUser)

The link is not working for me. Spankbang says the page does not exist.

Edit: Oh I think I see the problem now. Gotta move that closed parenthesis.
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