03/09/21 07:17AM
lifmcs said:
Even from heaven, Billy still blesses us with MORE.

As we speak, I'm uploading SRMC content to my MEGA profile XD
03/09/21 01:06PM
VerifiedUser said:
As we speak, I'm uploading SRMC content to my MEGA profile XD

Any subtitles on these?
03/09/21 05:28PM
Contorted said:
Any subtitles on these?

Unfortunately no, though I do have one video on my archives with subtitles.
03/09/21 05:32PM
VerifiedUser said:
Unfortunately no, though I do have one video on my archives with subtitles.

And which one is it?
03/09/21 06:01PM
Contorted said:
And which one is it?

It's probably not an RMQ one, but I'll upload it just in case.
03/09/21 08:06PM
03/16/21 07:15AM
Does anyone still need to download RMQ/CHQ videos? If not, I have other videos I can upload for everyone :)
03/17/21 12:20AM
VerifiedUser said:
Does anyone still need to download RMQ/CHQ videos? If not, I have other videos I can upload for everyone :)

I have a slow connection and a short window of online time, so I'm about halfway through.
03/20/21 12:45AM
All right, I'm done.
03/20/21 01:27AM
deathwish said:
All right, I'm done.

Cool. Do you have any suggestions?
03/21/21 12:25AM
VerifiedUser said:
Cool. Do you have any suggestions?

Got any more hypno JAVs with subtitles? I saw one with Anri Okita on FreeUsePorn but for some reason when I click on the videos now it takes me back to the search results.

Or do you have HEX-001 or ANX-113? I only have a preview of the first one, and the second one got corrupted somehow and I haven't been able to find it again.
03/21/21 12:27AM
deathwish said:
Got any more hypno JAVs with subtitles? I saw one with Anri Okita on FreeUsePorn but for some reason when I click on the videos now it takes me back to the search results.

Or do you have HEX-001 or ANX-113? I only have a preview of the first one, and the second one got corrupted somehow and I haven't been able to find it again.

Here's what I have from HEX: 004, 006, 010-12, 015-17. I need to re-check Spankbang, though.
03/23/21 07:15AM
God, it is so fucking difficult to prioritize certain hypnosis videos over others. I'm currently trying to archive RoboPimp videos.
03/24/21 01:15AM
VerifiedUser said:
God, it is so fucking difficult to prioritize certain hypnosis videos over others. I'm currently trying to archive RoboPimp videos.

As someone who floats around between various types of hypno-scenes, and has about 150 tabs currently open (not counting my OneTab ones, that's... uh, too big of a number) trying to decide which scene I should try downloading/archiving/finding the origin of first, I think I feel your pain.
03/24/21 01:28AM
TheMadPrince said:
As someone who floats around between various types of hypno-scenes, and has about 150 tabs currently open (not counting my OneTab ones, that's... uh, too big of a number) trying to decide which scene I should try downloading/archiving/finding the origin of first, I think I feel your pain.

Which specific series do you have opened?
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