11/29/13 03:38AM
KinkyLoli said:
I yet can't understand why people even use IE... >.>

Oh! Hi there, Kinkyloli!
Anyway, to be honest, IE is popular because it's the windows "default" browser. That, and aside from that, the newer IE versions are all actually pretty solid.

Stem_Cell said:
You skipped XP?? Wow. It was like the most long-lived and awesome (at the time) release of Windows. What, did you skip from ME to Vista and now to 8? That would be funny :)

No, of course not...
Refer to my quote of Anno1404.

Anno1404 said:
Na come on....That's our Vandrill! ;)

As is so very like me, I was messing with you. I wondered if you'd actually believe me. ;) I had XP, too. But, to be honest, I didn't really care much for OS software, nor did I care much for how they worked, until a few years ago, when I started going to college for programming and such knowledge became relevant to my current interests and aspirations.

Also, Anno, I'm keeping tally of how many times you spell my name wrong. :P It's a humorously large number. XD
11/29/13 04:42AM
11/29/13 08:14AM
Vanndril said:
Also, Anno, I'm keeping tally of how many times you spell my name wrong. :P It's a humorously large number. XD

Maybe because I do it purposely ;)
11/29/13 08:21PM

Oooooffff course.

Anno1404 said:
Maybe because I do it purposely ;)

I figured that out, by now. :P
12/01/13 01:46AM

Yes, they make one step in the right direction and then they mock everybody who pointed out how horribly-flawed IE was before IE9:

Honestly, it may even be a passable browser already. Sure, it still lacks several things that Chrome, Firefox, Opera and Safari have, and I believe it will be perpetually lagging behind (even if now it lags behind only in cutting-edge technology like WebGL), but my main issue with IE is precisely that one. I'm a developer, and having to bear with users on ancient IE8 just because Microsoft doesn't want to make IE9 run on XP annoys me.
12/02/13 09:32AM
i found out how to get thumbnails to appear using IE8. so for future reference to anybody with this same problem just do this.
on the internet toolbar, go to tools, then internet options, then security, click on custom, scroll all the way near the bottom, and where it says scripting click the checkbox for disable. then do ok, then if you go to posts on this website they should be there. just remember to re-enable scripting when your done.
12/02/13 10:15PM
shadowrift said:
just remember to re-enable scripting when your done.

All that hassle just for using IE8. Why not just download Chrome, Firefox or Opera? You'll see a HUGE difference in performance and features. The internet will not look the same.
12/10/13 12:29PM
In order to help diagnose the problem I went through a bit of trouble to be able to download chrome. The thumbnails load properly now, although I have been using shadowrift trick to get it to work on IE8 too. It appears to just be a problem with IE8 after all.

However I do have problems with chrome being slower than IE8 and not wanting to load sites. And most images here take a reload to work. The internet looks about the same to me.
12/10/13 06:49PM
sunder_ran said:
However I do have problems with chrome being slower than IE8 and not wanting to load sites. And most images here take a reload to work. The internet looks about the same to me.

This is very weird, because for all accounts IE8 is slow as fuck while Chrome, Firefox, Opera and Safari are all pretty fast. Maybe some internet setting in Chrome? You can also try Firefox. I don't see why it would be a trouble to download them, as they're free.

But, in all honesty, IE8 is too old now. If you download Chrome, the version installed on your PC is maybe four weeks old. Same for Firefox. But IE8 is several YEARS old. And even when it was new there were many things it didn't support, and it's developer tools suck, so most of the time us developers would not care much about if it works well or not in IE8 when it's unpaid work. Imagine that like half of the CSS and Javascript work gets spent fixing bugs on a horrible browser that you hate. That's what supporting Internet Explorer is like! And that's why open-source projects don't give it much attention beyond "it should work to some extent".
12/11/13 05:36AM
Stem_Cell said:
I don't see why it would be a trouble to download them, as they're free.

Yes. You...did get Chrome for free and from the <<|proper place>>, right?

In any case, thank you for the solid answer, Sunder.
12/11/13 11:10PM
It's not so much the browser as my internet negates any improvement that a new browser would introduce. Most of the new browsers are made with a fast or at least tolerable internet connection in mind, and I just don't have one.
12/11/13 11:14PM
It wasn't the cost that was the problem it was the download. I had to physically move my computer to someone elses house to be able to download it.
12/12/13 10:46AM
sunder_ran said:
It's not so much the browser as my internet negates any improvement that a new browser would introduce. Most of the new browsers are made with a fast or at least tolerable internet connection in mind, and I just don't have one.

sunder_ran said:
It wasn't the cost that was the problem it was the download. I had to physically move my computer to someone elses house to be able to download it.

Oh, I see. Wow. That is bad.
Well, props to you for sticking with it.
12/12/13 03:42PM
sunder_ran said:
It's not so much the browser as my internet negates any improvement that a new browser would introduce. Most of the new browsers are made with a fast or at least tolerable internet connection in mind, and I just don't have one.

Opera is for you. It has an "Opera Turbo" feature, which was designed with low-speed connections in mind. Read this:

When you enable it, websites you load will be tunneled by Opera's servers, heavily compressed, and sent to your computer in a much smaller size. It's brilliant, and I wish it existed several years ago - but if you have a slow connection go for it, really.

sunder_ran said:
It wasn't the cost that was the problem it was the download. I had to physically move my computer to someone elses house to be able to download it.

I recommend you get yourself a thumb drive. They're really dirt cheap nowadays, even if you're a teenager. A simple MP3 player can be used for this purpose too (as it can be plugged by USB). Then you can download stuff in another computer.
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