11/06/13 02:56AM
I have a problem
No thumbnails are showing up when I go to the posts section, nor in user uploads, or favorites. So this basically means I cant view anything. Anyone know why this is or how to fix it?
11/06/13 03:05AM
Need more info. What device are you using; home computer or mobile device? We've had reports that thumbnails do not show at all on the 3DS web browser and we're still waiting to hear about other devices. What browser are you using? Have you tried clearing your cache? The more you can tell us, the better.
11/06/13 04:45AM
What Mindwipe said.
We can't really do anything for you if we don't know what's causing the problem. Any information on the browser and device you're using could help.
11/07/13 10:01PM
Mindwipe said:
Need more info. What device are you using; home computer or mobile device? We've had reports that thumbnails do not show at all on the 3DS web browser and we're still waiting to hear about other devices. What browser are you using? Have you tried clearing your cache? The more you can tell us, the better.

Well I at first noticed it on an itouch that uses safari. I figured it was maybe just mobile screwing up so I tried on my home pc which uses internet explorer 8, and still thumbnails dont show up. Im no computers expert so thats about all I know to say.
11/07/13 10:30PM
shadowrift said:
Well I at first noticed it on an itouch that uses safari. I figured it was maybe just mobile screwing up so I tried on my home pc which uses internet explorer 8, and still thumbnails dont show up. Im no computers expert so thats about all I know to say.

Huh... I can actually confirm this. IE doesn't seem to be loading thumbnails on my computer either. Not only that, but the formating at the top of the page is broken too. Interestingly, you can use "Compatibility View" (little broken page icon in the search bar) to fix it. We'll have to report this. In the meantime, the only thing I can recommend to fix it is to use Compatibility View in IE or switch to the most recent versions of Chrome or Firefox (or whatever else isn't IE).
11/08/13 01:32AM
Mindwipe said:
Huh... I can actually confirm this. IE doesn't seem to be loading thumbnails on my computer either. Not only that, but the formating at the top of the page is broken too. Interestingly, you can use "Compatibility View" (little broken page icon in the search bar) to fix it.

Using IE10, it only breaks like you guys describe it if I turn compatibility view ON. Having compatibility mode turned OFF actually makes it display perfectly fine. Are you sure you aren't confusing On and Off? :P
11/08/13 01:35AM
Vanndril said:
Using IE10, it only breaks like you guys describe it if I turn compatibility view ON. Having compatibility mode turned OFF actually makes it display perfectly fine. Are you sure you aren't confusing On and Off? :P

Oh, you're right. Maybe it's only older versions of IE? Or who knows what else it could be. I'd still recommend switching to Chrome or Firefox, but that's just general advice.
11/08/13 01:38AM
Shadowrift, IE8 has compatibility view/mode as well. If you don't know how to use it, refer to this <<|blog post>>.

Try turning it on, and off. Compare the differences. Does this site work in either case, for you? If not, it may be that the new version of the my imouto booru is incompatible with IE versions older than 9. If it doesn't work despite messing with compatibility view, I'll bring it up to the developer. But hopefully this fixes your problem.
11/12/13 03:54AM
Vanndril said:
Shadowrift, IE8 has compatibility view/mode as well. If you don't know how to use it, refer to this <<|blog post>>.

Try turning it on, and off. Compare the differences. Does this site work in either case, for you? If not, it may be that the new version of the my imouto booru is incompatible with IE versions older than 9. If it doesn't work despite messing with compatibility view, I'll bring it up to the developer. But hopefully this fixes your problem.

I did as you both said, as well as what the link showed as well. Still getting the problem though. No idea what could be causing it, since its happening on both my pc and itouch.
11/12/13 04:17AM
shadowrift said:
I did as you both said, as well as what the link showed as well. Still getting the problem though. No idea what could be causing it, since its happening on both my pc and itouch.

This is very puzzling. We've not had anyone else report this error, except for on mobile devices. You tried using a different browser? And you used the most recent version of that browser? Cleared your cache and possibly your cookies, and all the basic stuff? I really can't figure out what would be causing such a crippling error and only for one user.
11/14/13 08:47AM
Mindwipe said:
This is very puzzling. We've not had anyone else report this error, except for on mobile devices. You tried using a different browser? And you used the most recent version of that browser? Cleared your cache and possibly your cookies, and all the basic stuff? I really can't figure out what would be causing such a crippling error and only for one user.

cleared cache, cleared cookies, did all that stuff. still having the problem.
11/14/13 09:31AM
I'm utterly clueless as to what could be causing this. You appear to be the only person experiencing this error with more than a mobile platform. I'm not technologically savvy enough to know what to suggest trying next.
11/14/13 04:45PM
Have you tried using a different browser such as firefox or chrome?
11/20/13 05:01AM
Mindwipe said:
I'm utterly clueless as to what could be causing this. You appear to be the only person experiencing this error with more than a mobile platform. I'm not technologically savvy enough to know what to suggest trying next.

For somereason I cant post a reply unless its directly from quoting someone else. But thats not what I'm getting at. It seems Ive found a workaround for it, where if I go to the history tab and click on any of the post ID's I can still get to full pictures by doing that. Only problem with that is I cant go by directly searching tags and such. Oh well it works for the timebeing.
11/20/13 05:10AM
shadowrift said:
For somereason I cant post a reply unless its directly from quoting someone else.

I find it suspicious that you're the only one having these problems. o.O
Not that I think you're spinning tales or something, but I don't think you've ever actually confirmed this...

Have you tried a different browser, like Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome?
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