11/08/13 06:50AM
Creative Manips Brainstorming
So I started out this manip game the same as most people by editing the eyes or adding some suggestive text but these sorts of manips are starting to get washed out, and there is already a plethora of these empty eye manips around anyway.

What I want to discuss is new creative ways of making a manip.

For example, I recently started experimenting with sequences, and then animating them into a gif, and then I started animating small changes in the facial expression like a smile or dazed eyes, and most recently implementing text into the gif to make a narrative and control the pacing of the "induction." I'm not sure how often this has been done before but it's still a change of pace from the usual spiral eyes.

So any ideas? Literally any idea is good since were just spit balling here, even if they sound too complicated to accomplish I'd love to hear them anyway.

Also just to note this is not the same as a "Manips tips and tricks thread" since I want to focus on ideas that have not been done yet rather than strategies that are done often.
11/08/13 07:23AM
I know 'hypnotizing the reader' has been done to death, but perhaps you could put a new spin on it by adding sequences. Make the reader read one bit at a time, and really get involved. Perhaps the dom has a certain pattern or way of speaking that lulls subs into her spell?
11/08/13 03:34PM
danni68 said:
I know 'hypnotizing the reader' has been done to death, but perhaps you could put a new spin on it by adding sequences. Make the reader read one bit at a time, and really get involved. Perhaps the dom has a certain pattern or way of speaking that lulls subs into her spell?

Yea but sequences with text are already pretty popular, especially with corruption pics, the only thing is they are often in Japanese. I guess you can make it stand out with a specific style of writings but I have yet to see one that fits the criteria.
11/08/13 04:27PM
Well, under the category of "too complicated for me to actually do": what about adding an animation of floating text to the manip? The text is the victim's thoughts as they struggle against the mind control. But as each sentence drifts past it morphs into a completely different sentence.. the controller's commands.
11/08/13 06:00PM
anonymind said:
Well, under the category of "too complicated for me to actually do": what about adding an animation of floating text to the manip? The text is the victim's thoughts as they struggle against the mind control. But as each sentence drifts past it morphs into a completely different sentence.. the controller's commands.

Thats actually interesting, plus that is very simple for me to do since I already know how to do sequential text gifs. If I find a interesting enough image I'll see how well I can pull that idea off
11/08/13 11:16PM
Different mechanisms of induction have been done to death, but I feel like there could be more of considering the actual perceptions or cognition of a subject. I recently did some <<hypnohub.net/post/show/10500/|experimental>> <<hypnohub.net/post/show/10514/|manips>> that focus more on exploring the sub perceiving an induction as an aberration, but not necessarily one that the dom or bystanders would similarly perceive.

What does a mind "look like" when force is applied?
11/09/13 01:57AM
greasyi said:
Different mechanisms of induction have been done to death, but I feel like there could be more of considering the actual perceptions or cognition of a subject. I recently did some <<hypnohub.net/post/show/10500/|experimental>> <<hypnohub.net/post/show/10514/|manips>> that focus more on exploring the sub perceiving an induction as an aberration, but not necessarily one that the dom or bystanders would similarly perceive.

What does a mind "look like" when force is applied?

That's a neat way to think about it, although it would seem like it would mostly be used for fantasy/sci-fi and other more magical/tech themed inductions since the use of surreal visuals are involved. I think what's important in manips like that though is to not get carried away with spectacular visuals and focus more on what is happening in the image to carry the viewer/reader through the induction, and having a lot of unnecessary colours, filters and mish mash can be distracting. Basically make sure there is a reason behind why you included something in your manip.

From what I'm getting the method youre talking about is kind of similar to what I made here hypnohub.net/post/show/10524 by making you go through what the subject is going through, not just physically but mentally. So in this one you experience the loss of focus on everything else but the hypnotist and the blacking out when going into a sleep.
Personally I think the best way to go about doing something like that is to animate it for a complete immersive experience, but thats just a personal thought.
11/10/13 10:47PM
Basically it's like any sensory trope in media. You can signal that something smells bad by colored vapors around it. You signal telepathy with human speech given a reverb effect.

Except that the majority of conscious thought probably isn't formed of comprehensible sentences. If you try and think about how an artist might render actual cognition, you'd probably end up with some pretty out-there visuals.

Right now the go-to signals for "controlled" are wearing things, screwing with the eyes, giving them stiff posture in a situation or state of undress that seems inappropriate, and making them act heavily sedated. I feel like there's a lot of room to express it in other ways similar to "stink lines".
11/11/13 01:45AM
greasyi said:
Basically it's like any sensory trope in media. You can signal that something smells bad by colored vapors around it. You signal telepathy with human speech given a reverb effect.

Except that the majority of conscious thought probably isn't formed of comprehensible sentences. If you try and think about how an artist might render actual cognition, you'd probably end up with some pretty out-there visuals.

Right now the go-to signals for "controlled" are wearing things, screwing with the eyes, giving them stiff posture in a situation or state of undress that seems inappropriate, and making them act heavily sedated. I feel like there's a lot of room to express it in other ways similar to "stink lines".

Oh I see what your getting at, something to represent a state of hypnosis from the perspective of the subject without using the obligatory empty eyes or spirals. Unfortunately like "stink lines" there aren't much obvious visuals that can be used since people assume we don't need anything more than spirals, stiff postures or sleepy eyes. "If we can represent a foul smell by drawing a off coloured gas or with stink lines then why try to do it any differently" is basically what I imagine to be the ideology of most people, and the same going for hypnosis. And going for something completely different can be alienating or confusing to the viewer, because people hate change.

I think the best way to find a new way to visualize the induction is to observe your own thoughts and vision when you're drowsy or moments from falling asleep, personally I dont have IRL experience with inductions so I can't visualize them myself and have to use the accounts of others for the task. So blurred vision is an obvious one, illustrating sensory adaptation is also relatively simple, like when you focus on something and everything else fades away, maybe completely changing what one interprets visually is doable to. For example, someone hypnotizes you to fall in love with a pillow, and now the pillow looks like a hot girl or something, maybe that's a bit too out there but that's why it's a brainstorming thread.
11/13/13 03:42AM
Just a note that I realized may be good for people who enjoy manipping, it completely slipped my mind but editing the face is a great way to improve manips.
Like making a wide open mouth a little closed can make a face looked more relaxed, redrawing or moving the eyebrows, squinting or widening the eyes. Even symbols of exclamation like a small question mark or exclamation point on the side can be great if used right. If done well it can have a much more erotic effect than simple glow eyes.

And there is nothing wrong with editing a drawing to make it better as a drawing for the purposes of manips. Like if someone drew a really square/box like torso on a what you imagine to be a curvy woman you can use a liquify tool or any other non-photoshop equivalents to make it look nicer. You can adjust the lighting and levels too and put a light filter to set the mood. Don't limit yourself to manipping hypnosis, you can manip everything and anything in an image to get the most appealing result.

11/13/13 03:46AM
Zko said:
editing the face is a great way to improve manips.

I edited the expression in a manip once (okay, twice). Never again. -_-
11/13/13 03:50AM
Mindwipe said:
I edited the expression in a manip once (okay, twice). Never again. -_-

How do you expect to get better at it if you throw it away stop after two attempts >:u
11/13/13 03:53AM
Zko said:
How do you expect to get better at it if you throw it away stop after two attempts >:u

He doesn't want to get better. :P
At least, not in that way.

It's very much possible to only manip images that happen to have "that perfect expression" for what you want to manip. I think Mindwipe is just the type that would rather focus on getting better at his creation of props (I'm including eye effects here), text, and so on.
11/13/13 04:07AM
Zko said:
Just a note that I realized may be good for people who enjoy manipping, it completely slipped my mind but editing the face is a great way to improve manips.
Like making a wide open mouth a little closed can make a face looked more relaxed, redrawing or moving the eyebrows, squinting or widening the eyes. Even symbols of exclamation like a small question mark or exclamation point on the side can be great if used right. If done well it can have a much more erotic effect than simple glow eyes.

I completely agree. I've been trying to edit facial expressions for a while. I'm still no where near as good as I'd like to be but I still love doing it. I've never redrawn eyebrows so much as I've tried to refine their outline but depending on the complexity it can amount to the same thing. When I try to edit mouths I tend to dice them up and put the pieces together bit by bit. Those methods don't always come out looking pretty but there loads of different ways to try for different images.

Zko said:
And there is nothing wrong with editing a drawing to make it better as a drawing for the purposes of manips. Like if someone drew a really square/box like torso on a what you imagine to be a curvy woman you can use a liquify tool or any other non-photoshop equivalents to make it look nicer. You can adjust the lighting and levels too and put a light filter to set the mood. Don't limit yourself to manipping hypnosis, you can manip everything and anything in an image to get the most appealing result.

The creed I live by. There's so much I've yet to do in manipping and you've done quite a bit of it. Your creativity and ambition for manipping is truly outstanding, Zko. Personally, I think you may be the coolest person to step into the manipping field since HiG.

Vanndril said:
I think Mindwipe is just the type that would rather focus on getting better at his creation of props (I'm including eye effects here), text, and so on.

That's a fairly noble pursuit but having extensive list of mouth and other body part resources can yield it's own rewards. (Having a premium membership at Danbooru never hurt either.) However, if you're like me, the search can bloat your image folder.
11/13/13 04:34AM
Vanndril said:
It's very much possible to only manip images that happen to have "that perfect expression" for what you want to manip. I think Mindwipe is just the type that would rather focus on getting better at his creation of props (I'm including eye effects here), text, and so on.

Well generally picking an image that has a face already set up for what I want to do is my first priority too but I find that even when I do find that perfect face I do make a slight edit here and there, and when I want to make a sequence editing the face usually makes for the best impact.
By experimenting with a variety of manip techniques you unlock so much potential and have the confidence to pull off a ton more ideas as well as come up with some you never even considered before. But sticking with the simple things is always a good way to go at it too, mindwipe is one of the better manippers I've seen so he clearly knows what he's doing.

Lost+Name said:
The creed I live by. There's so much I've yet to do in manipping and you've done quite a bit of it. Your creativity and ambition for manipping is truly outstanding, Zko. Personally, I think you may be the coolest person to step into the manipping field since HiG.

I don't know how to contain this flattery oh god thank you so much.
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