11/11/13 01:50PM
my art is displayed here-
I have an issue, my art is displayed here, yet some one keeps removing the tags of my name. Who ever is removing them please stop or i will have to request that you remove the artwork.
11/11/13 04:07PM
I'm terribly sorry that's happening. We'll do what we can to see that you are properly credited. (I wish I knew how to view tag history like on the old booru so I could issue that(those?) user(s) a warning.)
11/11/13 07:18PM
I've looked into your issue, Tempest. The tag is being removed by one of the administration.

I can assume that tempest_kitty is a character tag, yes? Is tempest_kitty your original character? We do not tag original characters here, which is probably why it's being removed. Something is considered an original character unless a product involving the character is sold commercially. Only then does it warrant a character tag. Am I right in assuming that your character is not involved in a commercially sold product?

Please understand that it would be nearly impossible for every OC (original character) to have tags. Not only is not every character named, but it would contribute to outrageous amounts of tag bloat. Tags are created for the sake of the search function and chances are that very, very few people, if any, would search for an OC tag.

It may not be a character tag, but we could add all images involving your OC into a pool, if you wish. A pool is a collection of images that are related under a theme. We already have some pools for OCs such as Solaris, so we could add one for your Tempest Kitty as well.

Now, the art of your character is really quite nice, and it would be a real shame to have to remove it just because your OC can't have a character tag. I, too, like these images. However, if you want us to remove them, then we will. That said, it would be greatly appreciated by me and much of our community if you allowed them to stay.
11/11/13 10:11PM
Vanndril already explained everything, but as the one who's been removing the tag, I feel like I should at least say something. Yes, I've been deleting the "tempest_kitty" tag, because when I searched it, I found that all the pics that came up were tagged with different artists, and the only common element was an anthropomorphic cat character. I concluded that it must be a character tag, and checking the source of one of the pics, I was taken to your Fur Affinity page, where I was able to confirm that the character was a persona of yours. Therefore, I removed the tag and replaced it with "original", because of our policy of not tagging OCs. The only exception to this rule is Hypno-tan, who is only tagged because of her status as site mascot. OCs that are used in commercial works can also be tagged, such as Sayori's Chocolat and Vanilla.

Unless we change our policy on tagging OCs (which I don't see happening, unless someone makes a very compelling argument for it), the best we can do for you is make a pool for your character that would be named "Original - Tempest Kitty". You would be able to put any pics of your character in there.

Edit: I went ahead and made that pool (pool #106), so that I could clean out the tags again. If you need help learning how to put posts in pools, we can help you.
11/12/13 12:15AM
Maybe he just wants his posts tagged as "tempest"? Artists can be tagged no matter how (un)popular - maybe that was left unclear.

Edit: looking at the pool, does he come up with a new artist pseudonym each picture?? There's {{majorra}}, {{mrpandapants}}, {{maskepuppy}}, {{javkiller}} and {{syrae-universe}}...
11/12/13 12:35AM
Stem_Cell said:
Edit: looking at the pool, does he come up with a new artist pseudonym each picture?? There's {{majorra}}, {{mrpandapants}}, {{maskepuppy}}, {{javkiller}} and {{syrae-universe}}...

No, those are all different artists. Tempest Kitty is the character and is tempest's name on Fur Affinity. You can click on the source of post #4388 to confirm this.
11/12/13 07:03AM
Mindwipe said:
No, those are all different artists. Tempest Kitty is the character and is tempest's name on Fur Affinity. You can click on the source of post #4388 to confirm this.

Explained even more simply: he's not the artist, but the commissioner. And the creator of that black, furry catgirl named Tempest Kitty.
11/12/13 01:47PM
Thank you for the explanation. It's more to do with that its less of a character and more its me drawn in feline form. I keep my art as close looking to me as possible.

I'm a she not a he...

I just have had a lot of people using my art with out asking the original artist or having them claim that me (the panther) is actually them. So it always hits a little closer to home when I don't see original credit due (i had to add a lot of the source links to the art here as well).

So I guess it's just that when it involves art of me its quite personal. acquiring art of myself while I guess can also be seen as quite vain, is a very personal and enjoyable experience for me. A lot of art I request that it not be published at all. So the arts of me that I do share I hold a close attachment to.

Thank you for creating the pool, I was unaware that you did not allow character tags, and I'm happy to have these images of me here, as well, if you do happen to visit my FA you will notice that mostly all my arts are hypnosis themed in some way as it also plays a big part in real life for me as well.

Thanks for nice replies and no angryness!

Many happy trances.
11/12/13 11:28PM
tempest said:
I'm a she not a he...

Ack! Sorry...
I still suffer from a habit of writing in gender-specific language, even when the gender isn't known. I try not to, but it just sort of...happens. I find that I default to my own gender, if one is not known for the subject or if I just don't think about it. I assume that most people who do this work similarly.

tempest said:
It's more to do with that its less of a character and more its me drawn in feline form. I keep my art as close looking to me as possible.

Oh, I see. Yeah, I can understand how that could change things, on a personal attachment level. And yes, art thieves stink. -_- We've deleted/changed sources of a few posts that credited such art thieves. I hold little love for such people, myself.

tempest said:
Thank you for the explanation.
Thanks for nice replies and no angryness!

Thank you for your understanding. I'm just glad that we could sort this out without any hard feelings and loss of good art.

tempest said:
Many happy trances.

I hope so. Indeed, I do. :3

Ah! Also...
tempest said:
(i had to add a lot of the source links to the art here as well).

Thank you for doing so, too! Trust me, we love having sources. Most of the time, posters don't know/remember/feel like searching for the original source for every image they post,and it would be very, very time consuming for the administration to source every post made, so any sources added by our users are a great help. :D
10/15/14 09:53PM
How can i put a post in a pool. Answer quickly please. Thanks
10/15/14 10:43PM
Darkendyss said:
How can i put a post in a pool. Answer quickly please. Thanks

wait ... why you ask that on THIS topic ?

no really, this topic was lost for 11 month, and suddently, you bring him back to life, with a question who have nothing to do with the subjet of the topic ... why ?

you can create your own topic if you want, or just ask the question to mindwipe/vanndril via a mail, i'm sur they will be happy to give you the answer :p

so why this topic ?

( btw : go to your account option, settings, make the advanced editing on, and you will have the option " add to pool" on the page of the post )
10/16/14 08:17AM
Darkendyss said:
How can i put a post in a pool. Answer quickly please. Thanks


* (Optional) If needed, Make a <<hypnohub.net/pool/create|new pool>>.


* Go to your <<hypnohub.net/user/edit|account settings>> and check Advanced Editing.
* Go the the post page for the image you wish to add to a pool.
* Under Options, which is a bit under the image's tag list, click the "Add to pool" URL. A dropdown box should appear.
* Find the name of the pool you wish to add the image to in the dropdown list and click the Add button.


* Go to your image's post page and click the "Edit" link underneath the image.
* In the Edit Tags text box, add "pool:XXX" and click the "Save changes" button.
** Replace XXX with the ID of the intended pool. You can add an image to any public pool this way by using the pool's ID. A pool's ID is visible in the URL when visiting the pool - it's the only number in that pool's URL, near the end.

All that said, why did you post this here, in this ancient thread? o.O
10/16/14 09:07AM
Yeah just a heads up, the policy changed; we now allow OCs, so characters don't need pools. So if that's why you're posting here, then... just tag the character.
10/16/14 09:34AM
greasyi said:
Yeah just a heads up, the policy changed; we now allow OCs, so characters don't need pools. So if that's why you're posting here, then... just tag the character.

I must be more tired than I thought, because I didn't realize that that was probably the reason they posted in this thread. o.O

Thanks for that.

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