11/13/13 03:24PM
Build your own Hypnohub
Sorry, I'm sure this answered elsewhere but:

I'd like to set up my own environment that's as close to hypnohub as possible so I can contribute a bit of code.

I can just use my imoto booru straight, but what about your db backend, web server and the like? Can someone quickly give me an outline of the tech stack?
11/13/13 06:41PM
TheZiggler said:
Can someone quickly give me an outline of the tech stack?

This what you're looking for? Sure looks that way. :P
Centos 6.5 / PHP 5.4.16 / Nginx 1.0.15 / mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.5.31

This is up-to-date, as far as I know. If Slayer has updated anything, he hasn't told me so.

TheZiggler said:
I'd like to set up my own environment that's as close to hypnohub as possible so I can contribute a bit of code.

Oooo! What are you planning on making? :D
11/13/13 11:59PM
That's perfect thanks.

I don't want to raise any hopes until I'm sure I can pull it off and have the time, but I'll put up some teaser stuff once things are moving.
11/14/13 10:29PM
TheZiggler said:
I don't want to raise any hopes until I'm sure I can pull it off and have the time, but I'll put up some teaser stuff once things are moving.

I await it patiently. :3
11/15/13 01:01PM
Actually, I even mentioned before how to get it working on Windows (for development purposes), and even shared a portable version that included PHP, Apache and everything, ready to be started and loaded up on localhost (it was for the previous version though).
11/16/13 06:31AM
Yeah, but it sounded like he wanted to set up the backend software similarly, as well. You know, the server OS and whatnot. And I'm sure that he wants to most current version, too. :P
11/16/13 07:23AM
Vanndril said:
Yeah, but it sounded like he wanted to set up the backend software similarly, as well. You know, the server OS and whatnot. And I'm sure that he wants to most current version, too. :P

Still, if he uses Windows, setting up yet another virtual machine gets tiresome :P and I'm pretty sure you can get the latest version running on Windows too, which I will try out eventually.

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