11/14/13 04:10AM
Can someone tell why?
Why the most doujins of these two artist are not translayed yet.
this doujins are all about mind control or corruption!
11/14/13 04:16AM
Because they're niche porn by less-than-popular artists.

Honestly, those would all be pretty low on my list of MC doujins I wish were translated. The art is just so... bleh.

Also, I think you're using the same avatar as another user. That has nothing to do with the thread, I just thought I'd point it out.
11/14/13 04:20AM
I know they arent the best but i would love to read that :/
it is MC material that can be good!

I think it's time to change :D
11/14/13 04:30AM
rukkasu said:
I know they arent the best but i would love to read that :/
it is MC material that can be good!

Oh, for sure. And I'd never say that something shouldn't be translated. But, let's face facts: as much as it sucks for us, not everyone is a hypnofetishist. Our niche is still... a niche. So, just having MC isn't going to inspire a translator to work on it. Those artists aren't high-profile, popular artists. So, not many people are clamoring for them to be translated. And, in all honesty, their art isn't going to get any translator's attention in a positive way.

Considering all the amazingly-drawn MC manga that still aren't translated (some by well-known artists), there's no way most of those would be translated without someone commissioning it.
11/14/13 04:35AM
We should create somekind of found here for this kind of stuff like we on Hypnohun can pay a quantity if wanted for us have a commission!
like how much to translate some doujin with the avarege 35 pages?
11/14/13 05:03AM
rukkasu said:
We should create somekind of found here for this kind of stuff like we on Hypnohun can pay a quantity if wanted for us have a commission!

This sounds like a great idea on paper, and it's an idea I've tossed around before, but there are all sorts of problems with it.

Let's forget about how much the average translation costs for a second. How would we gather the money? Should one of us mods make a PayPal account for HypnoHub? Can we even do that? If PayPal found out we were gathering funds to translate illegally-scanned pornographic material, would they shut it down? How many people would actually donate to this fund? We've done our best to build people's trust, but do you trust us enough to give us your money? If we start raising money for a translation and we can't reach our goal, then what? And how would we determine what to seek a translation for? Not everyone is going to be willing to chip in for every translation. For example, I wouldn't be interested in helping fund a translation for any of the manga you linked. Do we hold a vote? And how would we even select which ones to vote on?

I really doubt we could make such a thing work.
11/14/13 05:12AM
Yeah it would be troublesome because of this illegal shit :/
and to get trust.
we can determine by voting on hypnohub like the 3 more voted get translated or another way.

but this is only a dream as you said it would be troublesome :/
11/14/13 07:34AM
Well as far as I know, Paypal doesn't check what the money's being used for if it's from one account to another. Alternatively, I'm sure there are other payment methods.

As for goal reaching/lack thereof, we could institute a simple system. Option 1. You get refunded your donation. Option 2. You keep it in the "bank" for the next thing you vote on. Option 3. You keep it in there for general usage (aka, it goes towards the next scanlation regardless of whether you vote on it). How do we determine what gets scanlated? Thread on the forums. People vote. If you vote for something, you pay into the fund for that scanlation.

User 1 votes for Alice.Tahakarabo.

User 2 votes for Alice. Blood.

User 3 votes for Alice.Tahakarabo.

Close polls at the end of the week and lock them.

If you voted for the winner, you pay into the fund. If not, you don't have to. Does this mean only certain doujins will be translated? Yes, yes it does. Personally, I see some as better than none.

On the "how do we enforce this" policy: Set up a hypnohub email. Someone sends a payment to the paypal account, then sends an email to the hypnohub mail saying "Hi, I just donated $X.XX", easily confirmed given how the payment will show up on paypal.

On trust. Well, I can't honestly say I know how much goes into scanlations, but I think that in this scenario, 1 fuck-up means kapootz for the whole thing and I doubt people would be fronting more than $20 a pop, so it wouldn't be a massive hit. In addition, I don't believe Mindwipe/Vanndril would do that.

I think the biggest question is something like work ethic/willingness. The system I've proposed puts a lot on the admins. In the event that the doujin doesn't get funded, it's their responsibility to get the money back to people.

As well, even if it was decided that this was going to happen, I think the site's PM system would need to be restored first.

Thank you for reading.
11/14/13 07:45AM
Henry-killenger said:
As well, even if it was decided that this was going to happen, I think the site's PM system would need to be restored first.

It's been restored for a day now.
11/14/13 08:12AM
Mindwipe said:
It's been restored for a day now.

Hallelujah :D
11/15/13 06:56AM
I would also vote for "bad art". Bad art is an immense turnoff, like what in the hell is going on with the guy's lips on this page?

That's the problem with niche fetishes, the better artists often work in vanilla, so it's always harder to find your fetish of choice the further you're getting away from vanilla (fortunately a few of my favorites, like yuri, pregnancy, and mothercon, have great artists behind them)
11/15/13 07:00AM
Ogodei-Khan said:
That's the problem with niche fetishes, the better artists often work in vanilla, so it's always harder to find your fetish of choice the further you're getting away from vanilla (fortunately a few of my favorites, like yuri, pregnancy, and mothercon, have great artists behind them)

Actually, I tend to believe that it only seems that way because there are so many great artists drawing the more vanilla stuff as opposed to the niche fetishes. There are many, many terrible artists that draw vanilla stuff, too. I'd bet that a direct comparison would show only a slight increase in bad artists for niche fetishes, probably only due to the desperation niche fetishists have for more content.

...Okay, shuttin up now. I'm too off topic. :P
11/15/13 01:29PM
Vanndril said:
...Okay, shuttin up now. I'm too off topic. :P

It was actually relevant I think :P

Also, we wouldn't know if this would work or not if we didn't try. I expect it would fail and be a loss of time and effort, but in the event that it actually worked, it would have been worth that effort.

It would need to be thoroughly well-thought before taking any action, though, because if it's the first impression that counts, we don't want to risk it looking dangerous to put money into.
11/16/13 06:29AM
Stem_Cell said:
[...]we don't want to risk it looking dangerous to put money into.

What if it doesn't look dangerous but actually is? :P

Just gonna put this out there right this second. Count me out as far as running this sort of things goes. I have my reasons for keeping quiet as to why, but I can't have all too much money in my name (even aliases) or problems occur. So it couldn't be me who does this even if I wanted to.
11/16/13 07:22AM
Vanndril said:
What if it doesn't look dangerous but actually is? :P

Well, the idea is to first make sure it's not dangerous, because if it is, all is moot. It has to be honestly safe, but it also has to look safe, because if it's safe and looks dangerous, it's moot for another reason. And I would be happy if it gets to the point of "too much money", but Mindwipe maybe could hold such a master account instead (or someone else that everybody trusts).

I think it would be great if this somehow became true, even if it sounds pretty hard to do.
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