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9484429019A soldier is good stock with an attractive body abducted from the general populace that has had a brainwashing device attached along with other components to remodel their body to serve the organization.

After remodeling, their consciousness is still clear and they are unsuitable for carrying out unseemly actions or inappropriate behavior as required. However, they are gradually dominated by the euphoria of intracerebral narcotics, and eventually reborn as an ideal soldier. A smooth brainwash is achieved by mandating daily sexual activity with male soldiers who have been brainwashed in the same way.

There are rare cases where a special body called a [Magical Girl] is present during an abduction. Their potential prowess exceeds that of ordinary humans, but the power disappears after brainwashing is completed.

Experiments are being conducted to create a new type of combatant with the power of a Magical Girl. At present, we have brainwashed eight bodies in every way, but we have not successfully created an upgraded soldier.

2020-05-17 04:28:43Revert