11/14/13 08:50PM
Let's Play Games...For Less
Hey everyone. Fossilbrand here with more of what you like. Well not MC. But in addition to liking the hypno/mind control fetish, most of us seem to be gamers. So why not play games for less?

Now I don't know if "off beat" topics are really allowed on this board but I saw a Pokémon X/Y thing going on and a Skyrim thing with mods about MC so I thought I would give this a shot. If people want it removed for not being totally mc-related I understand.

Now without further adieu I give you links to games that are on sale that isn't steam (shocking I know).
This site mainly deals with older games brought back to life via the pc platform. So if you have that old time itch to play some Ultima or Baulder's Gate then grab a seat a take a look at their insomnia sale (also great for you youngins who don't know what us grandfolk are talking about). These sales have a set number of games at that price and when they are all gone, a new batch comes up. Sometimes for free.
Now this a lot of people should know about. They are usually known for their once a month deals that they do for charity. Then once a month turns into once a week and once a week into an actual store. And to kick off their store, they have games for sale that appear daily. These games range from indie to AAA to things that are still in alpha stage. ALPHA STAGE PEOPLE! So why not pick up a game or two? Heck play Legend of Grimrock. Please play Legend of Grimrock (totally not advocating for a good game).

And I wasn't going to mention this but this is relevant to our picture posts. Steam does have Skullgirls for FREE this weekend. That's right. FREE! THIS WEEKEND ONLY! Be sure to play as some of the girls posted on this site such as Filia, Ms. Fortune, and Cerebella. Wait, no one has done Valentine? Or Parasoul? Why isn't the artist cranking out more of them!?!?!

*Ahem* Anyways that's all for me. Feel free to discuss other deals that other people may not know. Or sites that may always have deals going on such as Steampowered and Greenmangaming. Feel free to discuss a new game you bought and say whether or not its worth the holiday buy. Or maybe this is a good chance to get a sneak peak on what to give someone for a secret santa gift. (Ok I don't know if there is a secret santa but I like to get people to think about the possibilities.)

P.S. I know that this is mainly geared toward PC gaming. I do not apologize. PC Master Race! *prepping for hate, but don't let this stop you from linking console games*
11/14/13 09:24PM
Ah yes the Humble Bundle. *Quickly sweeps the not at all suspicious, but also enormous pile of yet to be played games under a near by bed*
11/14/13 11:46PM
I bought so many games during the last Steam summer sale. Instead of playing them, I continued playing Borderlands 2.

I have not logged into Steam for over 3 months.

This may be a problem.
11/15/13 12:34AM
petal said:
I bought so many games during the last Steam summer sale. Instead of playing them, I continued playing Borderlands 2.

I have not logged into Steam for over 3 months.

This may be a problem.

Somehow I feel you are not alone. I'm looking through these asking myself if I would ever play them. That's what's been preventing me from buying a crap ton a games.
11/15/13 12:50AM
Yeah I that same sort of problem...I keep things categorized so I know what I haven't played and most of the time that I look at the list to figure out what to play, I end up playing something I already have before. D'oh.
11/15/13 09:43AM
Most games I buy these days are from thrift stores, flea markets, and used game stores, so I do gaming on the cheap, just not online (other than Facebook games).
11/15/13 11:06PM
I wish I could buy from the humble bundle of WB Games, but my computer isnt the best thing in case of a gaming pc, also there is some sales right now in where I live (just like the black friday for the United States) and Im thinking of buying a HDTV (2013 and Im still using a CRT TV T_T).

But I have buy in other gaming sales, for example, the THQ Humble Bundle (company of heroes ftw), and during the halloween sale of steam I buy Dead Pixels for me, my two brothers and a friends (and also terraria).

I have also buyed during the xbox 360 deals of the week (minecraft and Dead rising: case west).

Im also a RGH (Retro Game Hunter), I go to flea markets and swap meets (but they are not called that in where I live) searching for "divine gems", like the japanese Pokemon Stadium Gold and Silver (pokemon stadium 2 in america) with all and its box that I buy just a month ago.
11/16/13 09:29AM
I remember buying the Humble Origin Bundle for ~5 bucks with BF3 few months ago xD Humble bundles ftw! :)

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