08/04/13 05:56AM
Things Have Changed, Friends! (Old News)

h4. I know this is long, but goddamnit, read it! This holds important information on policy changes and whatnot. You'll regret it if you don't!


I write this guide in order to smooth the transition from the old booru software to the new my imouto booru software for our users who used to traverse the pages of the old site. Here, I'll loosely cover some of the major differences between the old and new software that you should be aware of. In no particular order...

h4. Acceptable Content Change

First up, we've undergone a major policy change under acceptable content.

* Lolicon and Shotacon content is allowed to be posted.

This can change in a moments notice if uploaders do not tag applicable content with the loli and shota tags and it causes issues, or if the laws about loli/shota change for the worse in either the Netherlands or the United States (just pray that doesn't happen).

Now, if you're one of those who can't safely view loli/shota content, worry not. The new and improved blacklist feature will help you there...

h4. The New Blacklist

The blacklist in the old booru software was very bare-bones. When something was blocked due to containing a blacklist tag, the spot where the post should have been in the search results merely disappeared. You had to scroll down and click "Show Hidden Posts" lower on the page to see them, and all in all, it made the search results look messy.

The new blacklist is far more refined. When you add a tag to your blacklist, any search results that would otherwise show up...simply won't. When something is blocked due to a blacklisted tag, you will simply notice one less post displaying on that page of post results, but there will be no gaping holes where the blacklisted image would have been. This means the new blacklist keeps the search results simple and clean.

Note: If every post on a page is blacklisted, you will get a search results page with no posts showing. It's a little odd, but it's not all too bad if you know what it means.

In addition, there is now a "Hidden Posts" link in the search results window. Activating that will allow you to add and delete tags from your blacklist. You can show/hide posts that have the blacklisted tag as well, by clicking on the name of the tag in the dropdown list.
Alternatively, you can change your blacklist the old fashioned way from your account settings.

Now, I mentioned above that the new blacklist would help mend the worries of you who despise or cannot lawfully view loli/shota, no? Well, it does. Why?

* Because the loli and shota tags are on the default blacklist.

* Unlike the old software, even anonymous users have a blacklist.

Now, this failsafe only works when people tag loli and shota on the content they upload.

* So, from this point onward, not tagging loli and shota on content that contains it is a BANNABLE OFFENSE!

We can't go easy on stuff like that. To be frank, some of our users' well being are at stake, due to their country's laws.

WARNING!!: There's a bug in the software at this moment that stops the blacklist from working with the wiki (yes, we have a wiki now). If you view a tag definition or artist profile, example images may include loli/shota. Similarly, blacklists do not work with pools at the moment! The developer of the my imouto booru software is aware of this and said that he shall fix this when he can.

h4. Anonymous Users

One thing I'm sorry to announce is that the ability for anonymous usage of this new software is pretty much nonexistant. Pretty much every feature that anonymous users had in the old software is member-only here. This includes basic features, such as commenting and forum posts. There is nothing we can do about this, as it was not made an option.

Shouldn't be that big a deal, anyway. Just register guys!
We won't bite, I swear!

h4. User Avatars

We now have user avatars. You can get more information [[howto:avatars|here]].

Now, I will say this here (and in the avatar information page, and in the rules). It is recommended that, when choosing an avatar, you are mindful of your fellow users. The blacklist does not protect users from viewing user avatars.
Avatars must be chosen from parts of images that are posted on hypnohub (you can select a piece of an image).

* Any avatars made from loli/shota images MUST be safe. Not explicit. Not questionable. Only completely, 100% safe.

More information on what we consider safe, questionable, and explicit [[howto:rate|here]].

h4. Favorites and Voting

Remember how you can cast your vote on a post, either raising or lowering its "score", on the old software? Well, we have that here, too. However, there are a few differences.

* You can no longer vote down. It was silly, anyway.

* You can vote an image "Good", "Great", or "Favorite". Good and Great have no difference, really, but when you vote Favorite, the post is automatically added to your favorites.

* When you add a post to your favorites, it will automatically be voted as your favorite.

* Posts will have a viewable list of usernames for those who favorited it.

* You can undo your vote. All levels of vote, not just Favorite.

h4. Artist Profiles

Artists now have profiles. The link can be found at the top of most pages. For more detailed information, look [[howto:artist db|here]].

These profiles include the artist's name(s), their circle if they're in one, a description if one was written, and their site/gallery URLs if known.

WARNING!!: The Artist Profile feature of this software is currently bugged. When editing a profile, the URL field gets all screwy and there is no way to fix it aside from recreating the profile from scratch. If you want something in an artist's profile changed, please pm either <<|Mindwipe>> or <<|myself>>.

h4. Tag Definitions

Tags now have definition pages. Next to a tag, you'll see a little ? symbol. Click it, and you'll find yourself on that tag's definition page.

More popular general tags have already been defined. As more tags grow in use, we'll try to define them as clearly as possible as well.

h4. Pools

We now have image pools! These are groups of related images. Think of it like putting all the images in a folder, so that they can be viewed together.

Due to the new pools feature, how we use child posts has changed. How, you ask? Well, just read these: [[howto:parent/child|this]] and [[howto:pools|this]].

h4. Child Posts

Child posts no longer disappear from the search results! This is a good thing, but it also means that we need to change how we tag a little bit.

* Child posts are now tagged for what they contain, like any other image.

* Parent posts are no longer tagged for what their child posts contain.

h4. Holding Posts

This is an important new feature. Just read [[howto:hold|this]].
Now the "I don't have time to tag now" excuse isn't such an excuse.

h4. The Hypnohub Wiki

Yes, we have a wiki now. The wiki will contain the rules, tag guidelines, and a bunch of other information. It's also used by the artist profile and tag definition systems.

More information can be found where? Yep, you guessed it. [[help:home|The Wiki]].

h2. Moving On...

There are a few links you'll want to follow and read.

The first two are obvious: [[help:rules and policies|The Rules]] and [[help:tagging guidelines|The Tagging Guidelines]].

Also, do visit [[help:home|The Wiki]] and follow the links there. Read up on what it's telling you. Some of the more important things were covered in the post already, but I certainly missed some stuff.
08/15/13 11:33AM
As a side note, I'd like to mention that there are still a few things left to do around the booru to help it be the best it can be. If you want to help, here's your chance.

* Not all of the child posts that were brought over from the old booru were tagged. If you see them, it would be appreciated if you would add the tags you know of.

* There are a couple of sequences or groups of images floating around that belong in parent/child relations or pools, but are not in them yet. If you see any, please mend this problem.

* Ratings on MANY images are not correct. Read up on [[howto:rate|the ratings]] and fix them as you notice them, if you would.

None of this is required or anything, but it would be a BIG help if some of you could fix the problems you notice.
03/28/14 06:19AM
Unstickied to keep the sticky thread selection clean of clutter. I doubt it's even relevant to anyone, anymore, anyway.

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