04/30/16 01:12AM
This is an amazing porn site.
Lackluster title, I know. But hypnohub is amazing. This is the only porn site I know that has an actual community, with recurring characters, and artists we look forward to making new things.
You guys are great, you gross walnuts :,)
04/30/16 01:48AM
Yeah it's a great community. I've met some good friends here which is the last thing I expected from a porn site XD

So aye! Let's raise a glass to the hub!
04/30/16 01:52AM
eh, 6/10, not bad
04/30/16 02:12AM
SaltyHypno said:
Lackluster title, I know. But hypnohub is amazing. This is the only porn site I know that has an actual community, with recurring characters, and artists we look forward to making new things.
You guys are great, you gross walnuts :,)

i think what helps is that this site focuses on our favorite fetish which brings us together
04/30/16 02:43AM
Man, Iove this dumpster. It's dingy, full of garbage, and there's a little too much shit in there for most people, but it's welcoming, warm, and where the fuck am I going with this analogy? But this place is great. Don't think I've ever met such a great group of people and I legitimatly feel at home when discussing crap with you guys. It's a place where at least one person will get your low-tier shitpost, people actually like drawing each other, and it's not dumb, and everyone just sticks up for each other. Mostly. Unless it's about ethics. In which case it becomes the LTM vs Mindwipe show.

Like, I know we're here for the porn, but I think most of us stayed for each other. We're a confused, fucked up, highly questionable family, and I wouldn't have it any other way. You guys let me open up, and don't judge me if I have dangerously creepy obsessions. Heck, in about a year, you'll probably weasel my entire life story out of me. The fact that we helped PenKen out of that serious shit he was in the other day shows just how much we care for each other, and we stick together. Heck, I'm probably still alive because I think you guys might actually miss me. (ie. if I'm gone for a real long time with no explaination? Probably dead/seriously injured. Hopefully former. Still probably let you guys know though.) To the Hypnohub! A land of golden times, and broken minds!

04/30/16 03:27AM
*raises glass*

(It's juice. I don't drink)
04/30/16 04:06AM
I'm still getting used to this place myself but I do like the atmosphere overall.
04/30/16 04:16AM
CircuitBoard said:
*raises glass*

(It's juice. I don't drink)

04/30/16 04:44AM
*drinks alcohol because fuck it we've all gotta die sometime anyway*

Speaking as a (hack) smut artist, I do like this site though because I feel like I definitely get more discussion/actual reaction here as opposed to elsewhere, and it's not just all the 'this is so hot i'd love to objectify and abuse this woman' trash that crops up on other porn sites [or at least, not as often], which is nice.

...There are a few regular posters who seriously need to chill tho' because they get almost comically hostile at the drop of a hat, but for the most part yeah it's a nice place.
04/30/16 04:48AM
I hate this place. :c

That's why I'm a mod here
04/30/16 04:59AM
this site is very welcoming and has a very good comunity of people who care about each other. I rate it 11/10 cheers [raises glass of orange juice cause I can't drink alcohol]
04/30/16 05:06AM
Oy! Cheers my brothers and sisters of the hub! -I too partake in raising a glass-
04/30/16 05:14AM
I have to say, of all the porn sites I have a profile for, this is the only one I actually use for forum reasons. If I didn't have to use my mobile browser for this, I would probably be on the forums much more.
04/30/16 05:30AM
Even though I can't draw I do write a fair bit of fan fiction. I wish reviews I got where half as good as some of the comments I see here. So often I just get demands for new chapters rather than saying anything about what they like.

Here people actually say why something is good.
04/30/16 05:40AM
This community is great for being a porn site.
the Moderators are making their jobs right as on most of the other sites the community is shit.
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