07/08/20 09:30AM
So, speaking as someone who does stuff in DAZ studio (and in a pretty amateurish way, too, so this is only vaguely related to what one would call 'art' - I certainly don't consider what I do to be art), my experience is that the original reason I even started to do 3D stuff was to get off to it. Essentially, I can't draw, but I still wanted to illustrate the mind-control scenarios I have in mind without necessarily paying for commissions (though I still do that on the sidelines), so I began rendering shit. Originally my renders didn't even have backgrounds or anything, since the only reason I wanted to make them in the first place was to focus on a character being mind-controlled.
After a while I figured, fuck it, maybe others would also like this stuff even if it's not super great from an aesthetical standpoint. So I started posting it online, and almost as a result of that, I started taking it a bit more seriously and putting in a bit more effort.

To summarize, I'd say it's the other way around for me: my "creations" only were only ever created in the first place for me to jerk off.
07/12/20 11:32PM
i spend a lot of time making my oc's in character creation tools/games like kisekae and honey select for that sole purpose. i even started making an extremely EXTREMELY barebones html twine visual novel type game to stick them all in that is probably only ever going to be played by myself. if i'm really proud of whatever i've made then yeah i'll spank the monkey. if i didn't make my girls so damn fappable i wouldn't love them and put them in hot hypnosis situations nearly as much.

it's kind of like fapping to my own daughters in a way but i've got an incest kink too so i'm cool with that.
07/15/20 07:17AM
I'm writing it because I think the idea's hot, why wouldn't I fap to it?
07/26/20 11:18PM
Well what I want to know is if other people have fapped to my creations (no I don't want any details). It's a weird feeling posting something on the internet and not knowing for definite but always wondering if I've helped somebody get their rocks off with my doodles.
07/29/20 06:45PM
Does it count as fapping to your creations if they never get finished, because by the time you have an image/story in mind for what you wanna make, you end up fantasizing about it instead of working on it, and once you are done, you aren’t in the right headspace to draw/write anymore?
10/26/23 01:30PM
I always faon on my own 'creations' but sometimes I fap on
05/06/24 11:40PM
well, i sketch with one hand for sure, but once i get down and dirty into the proper refining of a work all of that energy is replaced by getting it polished instead of polishing my downsection.
it's a matter of focus, really. if i want this to look good i gotta lock in.
05/08/24 09:14PM
Well, I mean, the two manips I've uploaded (so far) were only uploaded because they were the kind of stuff I want to read so.
05/23/24 03:49PM
I fap to commissions I get if that counts
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