11/16/13 07:15AM
figure i should say hi.
Heya guys how's it going? Been lurking since the hypnochan days and I figured I should say hi. Or something. Hai!
11/16/13 07:28AM
Another lurker joins those with faces!
Welcome aboard, friend! :D
11/16/13 07:48AM
Hi newby, now all you need is a face for that profile.

Can't wait to see what kind of content your gonna be making/practising/learning
11/16/13 07:49AM
Zko said:
Can't wait to see what kind of content your gonna be making/practising/learning

Not everyone makes things. :P

Not to say they can't, of course.
11/16/13 07:55AM
Hello! i'm Nadia, Rper and slave to hypno/mc porn!
11/16/13 08:02AM
Vanndril said:
Not everyone makes things. :P

Not to say they can't, of course.

Thats why we have to nudge them in that direeeEEectiooon

but either way welcome to the hub
11/16/13 08:04AM
Welcome I remember the old hypnochan </3 R.I.P
11/16/13 08:20AM
Hiya! I was also a lurker during the Hypnochan days. >w>
I have a bunch of nickies that my friends call me. I'm Komugi but everyone around here just calls me Mugi now. Nice ta meet ya and hope you enjoy the site! :D
11/16/13 09:04AM
Tell us more a out you.
(1) What aspect of the hypno fetish do you like?
(2) What else do you like along with this fetish?
(3) So you like big butts and can you lie?
(4) Are you Canadian?
11/16/13 09:11AM
Wonderful! More are opening up and joining the community in a vocal fashion.

More activity! More discussion! More comments!

MOAR! <3

And welcome to the hub. We hope you enjoy your stay ~<3
11/16/13 07:26PM
I am the Killenger. Welcome to the land of faces. Your new appearance is being processed and will be with you shortly. Your ticket number is 2668.
11/16/13 07:32PM
11/16/13 08:10PM
we are friendly around here! so feel free to talk!

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