05/30/16 04:45AM
Hypnosis skins and palletes.
So, I've been clearing Borderlands 2 off of my backlog, and it got me thinking, as most things do. There's a skin for the vehicles labelled "Hypnosis" which is deep blue, with multi-coloured ripples across the body. It's really nice actually, and I've taken to using it. alsofuckyougearboxyoushowmeapinkandmintpalleteanditsactuallyaboutlilithinabikiniimfuckingpissedoff

It then came to mind that the Axel vehicle in the Twisted Metal reboot had a hypnotic skin, too. Classic white/black spiral, but you can change it to pink or cyan. oryknowanyothercolourbutwhywouldyoudothat

So, I'm wondering, any other cases of this? Let me know.
05/31/16 04:33PM
CS:GO has a set of hypnosis skins.

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