11/16/13 05:36PM

I woke up in a daze, my vision filled with what seemed like static. My body hurt, likely from some rough handling by those freak machines that serve this god forsaken empire. I stood up, an- I fell. Bad idea, I have to take this slow. Getting up slower this time, I looked around to see if I could understand where I was. The room I was in was a concrete cell, no light except for a small little bulb that only illuminated the walls. The insignia of the M.O.T.H.E.R Empire was on one of the walls, and I could not help but spit.

I am Nadia Lori Gregorio, but many call me the Valkyrie. I am a solider For the Federation of sol, a human organization that, before that mother bitch came, was doing good. We had colonies in the sol sector, on the planets such as Mars, Saturn, and even a freaking plasma mine on the sun. I sighed as I recalled the war, and how the mother had taken all but earth, and how I had failed to stop them. I was a symbol of hope…and I failed. In frustration, I punched a wall. “Fuck…FUCK!” screaming, I heard something come up on the PA system. “Unit A-4-B-Sophie, Please bring prisoner V-2_A to the high Mother. Thank you.” I shivered as I heard the order. I was that prisoner. I was going to meet this mother.

A large woman came to my cell, her plasma rifle aimed at me as another woman walked in and restrained my hands. The guard had this stone cold look to her, like a machine….heh, I guess mother lied. She said that she loved us humans and just wanted us to be a part of her world…I could not help but think that it sucked given her face. The two guards had some sort of glossy metallic look to their skin, and their hair glowed a bit in the dark. Other than that they looked quite human, except for some little metallic plates for ears. The woman forced me to stand, the guard with the gun motioning for me to follow. I spit on her face, and smirked. She knocked me with the butt of her rifle, my head hitting the floor. “Sophie! Mother wants her intact.” Said the other one, her voice sounding strangely off. She sounded like… she had been auto tuned just ever so slightly. The other woman glared but said nothing, and I smirked. “What’s the matter, you too stupid to- AHHHH!” I screamed as the bitch fucking tasered me, my body screaming out as my nervous system was given a wakeup call. The guard helped me up, and I shut my mouth.
They walked me into a small room, where they started to undress me. I was about to kick them when they brought out a pair of clean clothes. I had not worn a clean shirt since the war started, when I was holed up in the small military outpost in Mexico. I eagerly put on the latex body suit, feeling a tingle as it went around my body. “What…is it doing?” I asked as I felt it vibrate a tiny bit here and there. “It is adjusting to your figure, and cleaning you.” Said the one that was called Sophie. So, she could talk. The other guard grabbed a small device, likely to clean her hair. She moved to my head and started to run the device over it, it doing what I thought it would. Soon was decontaminated and led into a giant room.

I walked in, the door closing behind me. My hands were freed but I was still trapped. There was something giant in the middle of the room, a huge mess of machinery that looked like…a giant flower? I walked closer, a small figure sitting in the flower. “Hello, child.” Said the bitch that started all of this, the alien cunt that attacked my homeland and killed so many, capturing even more. She smiled at me, her small childlike body so odd given that she was older than me by a few decades. “Welcome to my chambers…” she said. I looked at her and wanted to just tear into her, but looking up I saw that tentacle like defences were aimed at me, ready to strike if I fucked with her. “Do you know why you are here?” she asked. I shook my head, honestly I had no idea. “I’m surprised you have not publicly executed me. Would that not be in your best interests?” I say, glaring. “You are a symbol of earth…after you killed the admin of conquest, yes.” She said. The admins… military leaders that the mother empires saw as invincible, and I killed one. The admin of conquest was in charge of killing off the human race, either by capturing them and enslaving us or killing us. Ever since I killed that freak, I was seen as a sort of symbol for earth and humanity. “She was inferior to you, and you proved that. To that, I praise you. I reward skill in my army.” She said and smiled. I knew what she wanted. “Fuck you! I will not join you! Don’t even ask!” I screamed. She laughed. “I do not intend to.” With that, the tentacles on the ceiling lunged at me. I rolled to the left, the giant ropes of machinery missing me. I made a run for it, trying to find a vent or a hatch, anything I could crawl into! The air turned a slight pink, and I realized she was drugging me. I gasped as I avoided the tentacles, one of them slashing me with a whip, my cheek burning with pain as I fell. I screamed and was grabbed by my leg, dragged over to the small girl. She smiled and retrained me with her other tentacles, and kissed my lips. “So full of rage and anger…never gives up…perfect. You shall be my new admin of conquest.” She said. I screamed and tried to get free, but a tentacle slapped my cheek and I shut up. The latex I was wearing changed; it opened up where my ass and pussy were, and allowed my breasts to hang out. Mother reached out and pet my cheek, her mouth latching onto a nipple as she gently sucked it.
I gasped as the air got thick with the aphrodisiac, and I found my mind cloud up. Christ, I was so horny. I resist it, and tried not to enjoy it as best I could. Once mother had sucked my breasts a bit she stepped back, two thin tentacles going for my ears. I thrashed my head until mother grabbed it, and held it firmly in place with her hands, her grip like a vice. I was stuck. The tentacles attached to my ear, and put two metal plates down, just like the ones I saw on the girls outside. I felt tears, as my fear got to me. Oh god…something was inside my ears…it was inside my head! I felt something push on my brain, or…I… think, seeing as I had never felt anything so…oddly pleasurable. Mother watched me, smiling as she started to undress, her hands stripping away slowly her clothes. I looked at her and thought how pretty she was, but I shook my head. Whatever was going on in my head, it was…ugh…my thoughts keep trailing off, as if it’s trying to turn of my brain…

The tentacles that were holding me started to find places to tease me at. One went for my anus and started to prod it, poking in and gently moving back out. Another found my pussy and started to rub, lathering itself in my slowly building juices, the trickle growing in speed slightly. My nipples were stabbed with a needle each, a strange white fluid pumped into them by it. As soon as they started to inject me I felt so good, that I squirted all over the tentacle rubbing me. My breasts felt so good! What was better was the feeling was spreading across my body as I was forced to take that serum into my nipples, it making me feel so alive! I orgasm again as the tentacles in my ears started to pull away, leaving the metal plates and the tentacles that it had on it to work on whatever they were up to. Mother smiled and walked close again, and pets my cheek. “You’re ready.” She said and smiled. *Beginning rewrite.* said…something in my head. I felt a pinch in my head and screamed as my brain felt like it was being ripped open! *Injection complete. Begin assimilation* I felt my body orgasm again as the tentacles all buried themselves inside me, fucking me hard and relentlessly. They pounded me harder than I had ever felt in my life, a bulge on my stomach as it pounded my womb. *You are a child.* said a voice that sounded just like mother. I looked at her and glared. Like hell I was! I screamed as I was punished for disobedience with a shock, then it said it again. *You are a child.* I was scared, because I honestly thought I was for a moment. I shook my head, and the same shock hit me. I realised the pain I felt was actually coming from my brain. They were…changing me…
*You are a child.* It said again. “I am…a child…” I repeated as my mind got so foggy and confused. *you are a good, obedient child. You love mother, and wish to obey her. Her words shatter your worried and doubts, and caress you with love just by hearing her voice.* I nodded and moaned. “Yes…love…mother…. I love her….” I chanted, as it continued. *You are admin of conquest, leader of the armies of mother. You are a slave and lover to the empire.* I smiled, my tongue hanging out as I nodded. “Yes… yeah…slave…” I chanted as I was reprogramed. I came again, but did not notice. Hours passed.

Mother smiled as she looked over the now corrupted child, her body being fitted with the required machinery to make her truly dangerous. The girl was still cumming, mother rubbing her pussy as a curtsey for her obedience. The girl was perfect now. “Mother…I love…ah…yes…” mother giggled and put a finger to her lips. “Not now my little one. You can worship later. Sleep now.” She said, but the woman would not just rest. She wanted to worship her so bad…mother had to oblige. She put her foot to her lips. “Very well...enjoy.” she said, as the girl started to suck and lick her foot. “Yes…yes…long…live the…Empire!” she chanted as she feasted on the pleasure of servitude. Unit Nad-3-A was complete.
11/16/13 05:38PM
Here it is, exclusive to Hypno hub! criticism and praise accepted but please do not post, pm me them.
11/22/13 08:23AM
bump for all that is holy
11/22/13 03:08PM
deep_sea_dive said:
bump for all that is holy

Didn't she ask not to post? *not helping at all* :P

In any case I went through it and it's actually better than I expected!
11/22/13 04:31PM
Stem_Cell said:
Didn't she ask not to post? *not helping at all* :P

In any case I went through it and it's actually better than I expected!

I don't mind a bump. Also what did you expect
11/22/13 09:01PM
Nadiatheberzerker said:
Also what did you expect

Unless I can't read, I think he expected something slightly less good than this is. :P

...Okay, okay. I'll shut up and go back to my corner...
11/22/13 09:24PM
Vanndril said:
Unless I can't read, I think he expected something slightly less good than this is. :P

...Okay, okay. I'll shut up and go back to my corner...

I meant more specifically. The title is very misleading lol. Ok everyone quiet pm me if you need anything.

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