11/14/16 06:40AM
Martyrs, 2008 one (not shitty remake from last year).

Holy fucking Hell, I can't think of a single person to recommend this really unpleasant film to. It was just... Brutal, uncomfortable, and really unforgiving. Which I'd argue is why it makes it out to be one of the most disturbing horror films of all time. I wouldn't call it a bad film, but seriously, I can't recommend this to anyone as far as just constant beating, torture, and eventual climax end result of the film... Ugh... ;____;
11/20/16 12:54PM
I know I'm 3 weeks late on it, but I had to wait for my dad to have time to go with me, as it's been a tradition of sorts for he and I to watch all the Marvel Movies in theaters, but, at last, I have seen the magnificent Doctor Strange! Best way to describe it: The guys at Marvel Studios watched Inception, and said to themselves, "We can do WAY better! Honestly? Only TWO cities? HOW ABOUT 20?!" Also, I rewatched the 2007 Animated Doc Strange movie a few days ago in preparation for the inevitable need to compare the two. Personally, while I think the voice lines of the Animated one were more "in-tune" with the feel of the comics, the psychedelic visuals combined with the aura of Benny Cumberbatch made for a far more exciting experience. The new, non-animated one kept the major plot points of the comics (Strange is #1 neurosurgeon in world, has car crash that ruins hands forever, goes to Himalayas to seek a way to get them back, gets magic powers, saves world, becomes Sorcerer Supreme (That's a quick recap of the basic plot of the movie, without spoiling too much, though probably at this point, everyone on the Hub who wants to see it, has.)) and, to be quite frank, managed to make far cooler looking visual representations of the magic than the animated one. Also, the time loop for making a successful bargain with Dormamu was a genius idea. Time loop="Dormamu is prisoner of infinite loop of trying to kill Ben Cumberbatch until he bargains with ol' Benny". My only complaint is this: FUCK YOU CHINA FOR THROWING A HISSYFIT ABOUT The Ancient One BEING A TIBETAN MAN! FUCK YOU, AND FUCK YOUR TOTALITARIAN GOVERNMENT THAT'S GAMIFYING THE ACT OF BEING A CITIZEN THAT DOESN'T QUESTION THE FACT THAT THEIR GOVERNMENT IS EVEN MORE CORRUPT THAN AMERICA'S! FUCK YOU, FUCK YOU, FUCK YOU!
11/20/16 06:07PM
My Philosophy professor just made us watch God's Not Dead of all things, for classwork. I seriously cannot believe we just wasted three sessions trying to finish that damned thing. There's nothing philosophical about it! All the arguments were fucking dumb, and everyone acts like a fucking alien.

I wish I can get a refund for those lost sessions, Jesus Christ.
11/20/16 09:41PM
GrandDad said:
My Philosophy professor just made us watch God's Not Dead of all things, for classwork. I seriously cannot believe we just wasted three sessions trying to finish that damned thing. There's nothing philosophical about it! All the arguments were fucking dumb, and everyone acts like a fucking alien.

I wish I can get a refund for those lost sessions, Jesus Christ.

God is now dead, and this shithole killed him.
11/20/16 11:30PM
Just watched The Shallows. Not a bad movie. Some holes in logic aside, pretty entertaining and a solid lead performance by Blake Lively. Great CG on the animal life and surprisingly gory too.
11/21/16 04:04AM
I watched Ghost in the Shell Innocence today.


This time, I was able to make sense of it.

It was still a very claustrophobic and uncomfortable film.

Its fucking genius.
11/21/16 05:11AM
gguy123 said:
I watched Ghost in the Shell Innocence today.


This time, I was able to make sense of it.

It was still a very claustrophobic and uncomfortable film.

Its fucking genius.

It's getting a <<|re-release on Blu-Ray in a couple of months>>, if you're interested.
11/21/16 10:01AM
I saw Fantastic Beasts over the weekend. It was a fairly decent movie.
11/21/16 10:09AM
Just watched The Handmaid today. It's a film by the director of Oldboy and Lady Vengeance, and it adapts a novel called Fingersmith (one of my favorites) by taking it from Victorian England to Japanese-occupied Korea in the 1930s.

It's pretty great -- it's all about con games, double bluffs, betrayals, con artists falling for the mark, nobody (including the audience) knowing as much as they think, and lots and lots of explicit lesbian sex. There's some significant changes from the novel (the whole third act is different), but it works in its own right.
11/21/16 04:11PM
Abraxis said:
Just watched The Handmaid today. It's a film by the director of Oldboy and Lady Vengeance, and it adapts a novel called Fingersmith (one of my favorites) by taking it from Victorian England to Japanese-occupied Korea in the 1930s.

It's pretty great -- it's all about con games, double bluffs, betrayals, con artists falling for the mark, nobody (including the audience) knowing as much as they think, and lots and lots of explicit lesbian sex. There's some significant changes from the novel (the whole third act is different), but it works in its own right.

I hate you so much right now.
11/21/16 05:40PM
So, not me, but a film teacher I know was taking his group to a film thing. They were going to see Suffragette.

oops they went to kubo

no idea who suggested that
11/21/16 05:58PM
Pinkanator said:
So, not me, but a film teacher I know was taking his group to a film thing. They were going to see Suffragette.

oops they went to kubo

no idea who suggested that

<<|Good man.>>
11/21/16 06:18PM
Watched Star Trek Beyond with the hubby the day before yesterday (well, sort of--he was falling asleep to it, I was catching bits and pieces while working on art). I can't say I'm a huge fan of the new Star Trek franchise, but I really like Simon Pegg's Scotty and the more humorous elements the movies seem to have. It was kind of sad seeing Anton Yelchin, though. Poor guy.

Also watched Mommie Dearest for the first time ever a couple nights ago. That was rather uncomfortable to watch, not just because of the subject matter but because the acting was pretty over the top. The classic "no wire hangers!!!!" scene was definitely the most memorable part about it for a reason.

And me and the kids watched The Book of Life a few weeks ago, for like the 47th time. Really great underrated movie, in my opinion. The visuals are really beautiful, it's funny and heartwarming, and plus it has Ron Perlman. Always love that guy.
11/21/16 08:46PM
geekgirl8 said:
...It was kind of sad seeing Anton Yelchin, though. Poor guy.

He was also great in Odd Thomas, which was a surprisingly good movie that flew under a lot of people's radars. I'm pretty sure it's still on Netflix, and suggest it rather heartily.

11/21/16 08:51PM
SlackerSavior said:
He was also great in Odd Thomas, which was a surprisingly good movie that flew under a lot of people's radars. I'm pretty sure it's still on Netflix, and suggest it rather heartily.

Green Room and the Fright Night remake were also pretty darn solid, especially the former. Seriously, that film is pretty white knuckle when it comes to its brutality.
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