11/21/16 09:45PM
SlackerSavior said:
He was also great in Odd Thomas, which was a surprisingly good movie that flew under a lot of people's radars. I'm pretty sure it's still on Netflix, and suggest it rather heartily.

Now that you mention it, I've been meaning to see that movie. Probably should look it up on Netflix right now!
11/22/16 09:34AM
geekgirl8 said:

And me and the kids watched The Book of Life a few weeks ago, for like the 47th time. Really great underrated movie, in my opinion. The visuals are really beautiful, it's funny and heartwarming, and plus it has Ron Perlman. Always love that guy.

I enjoyed the Book of Life. The visuals were really awesome in it.
11/23/16 10:37PM
Fantastic Beasts wasn't awful.
11/24/16 01:22AM
Arrival was real good. Caught it right before it started and quite liked it. Excellent production values and acting, along with an ending I found to be quite sad. Might have to give this a rewatch or two in the future.

That Blade Runner sequel is in good hands.
11/24/16 01:35AM
Abraxis said:
Just watched The Handmaid today. It's a film by the director of Oldboy and Lady Vengeance, and it adapts a novel called Fingersmith (one of my favorites) by taking it from Victorian England to Japanese-occupied Korea in the 1930s.

It's pretty great -- it's all about con games, double bluffs, betrayals, con artists falling for the mark, nobody (including the audience) knowing as much as they think, and lots and lots of explicit lesbian sex. There's some significant changes from the novel (the whole third act is different), but it works in its own right.

I saw it too a week or two ago with friends, was fantastic!!! Awkward around the sex scenes, but still fantastic!! :D
11/24/16 01:43AM
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
I saw it too a week or two ago with friends, was fantastic!!! Awkward around the sex scenes, but still fantastic!! :D

Lucky bastard, you are.
11/24/16 02:06AM
<<|Cherry 2000 anyone?>> A much softer/lighter Mad Max kinda film, where guy goes on an adventure into the wastelands to try and get a replacement body for his android girlfriend. Crazy enough, the main bad guys of the film are a gang of country club people ._____.

If you're into some wacky action + adventure, and/or some scenes with cute mannequin/android girls, give the film a shot. I think whole things on YouTube for free :0
11/27/16 09:13AM
I'm gonna cheat a little bit, since it's not a movie (again), but I did just binge the 8 episodes that exist right now, so I feel I should probably plug it anyways. Plus I'm a huge nerd for Kouta Hirano's work. What can I say, Hellsing came out at just the right time for me to get into it.

The anime adaptation of Drifters is fun as hell, which is all I really needed it to be. Plus, it has <<|an awesome opening.>> I recommend it heavily for anyone who wants to watch Butch Cassidy and the Sundance kid shoot a Gatling gun at a supernaturally powered Gilles de Rais.

11/27/16 05:01PM
SlackerSavior said:
I'm gonna cheat a little bit, since it's not a movie (again), but I did just binge the 8 episodes that exist right now, so I feel I should probably plug it anyways. Plus I'm a huge nerd for Kouta Hirano's work. What can I say, Hellsing came out at just the right time for me to get into it.

The anime adaptation of Drifters is fun as hell, which is all I really needed it to be. Plus, it has <<|an awesome opening.>> I recommend it heavily for anyone who wants to watch Butch Cassidy and the Sundance kid shoot a Gatling gun at a supernaturally powered Gilles de Rais.

It is a top notch series. Perfectly combines dumb boob jokes with ultra violence all while keeping a genuinely good plot.
11/27/16 10:53PM
Imasuky said:
It is a top notch series. Perfectly combines dumb boob jokes with ultra violence all while keeping a genuinely good plot.

I just want to see this anime get popular and see people get triggered with the main villian
11/27/16 11:38PM
Motorata said:
I just want to see this anime get popular and see people get triggered with the main villian

You mean Jesus Christ son of the Judeo-Christian God? yeah that'll be funny.
11/28/16 12:44AM
Motorata said:
I just want to see this anime get popular and see people get triggered with the main villian

Well, to be fair, people seem alright with Yahweh in SMT having essentially the same goal, and it's not like it's even that uncommon a villain in a lot of different stuff (mostly JRPG and CRPGs, from what I know, but it's mostly just a really literal take on the antichrist as an archetype.)

I'm just happy to see Oda Nobunaga being Oda Nobunaga.
11/28/16 02:10AM
Saw Moana today. Really, really liked it. Despite its inconsistent musical numbers and a rushed first act, it's a gorgeous looking and at times exhilarating adventure. Great characters and solid pacing. Plus it's got The Rock in it, who's sheer charisma can enhance (or in some cases, save) any movie.
12/02/16 08:19PM
Contorted said:
Saw Moana today. Really, really liked it. Despite its inconsistent musical numbers and a rushed first act, it's a gorgeous looking and at times exhilarating adventure. Great characters and solid pacing. Plus it's got The Rock in it, who's sheer charisma can enhance (or in some cases, save) any movie.

Just got back, and he ended up being a bit conflicting for me. I liked him, sure, but he came off a bit too dickish, and I didn't feel like he really changed all that much.

Also, I had way too many easy Bionicle jokes.
12/03/16 03:02AM
Doctor Strange is nothing like the comics, but it's fantastic. I think it's my new fave Marvel movie, and I LOVE Spider-Man. The action was creative and inventive and the resolution was smart and satisfactory, and it looks absolutely beautiful. The humor and writing are on point, but the first villain is a touch weak. I'd still absolutely recommend it.
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